Chapter 3 The horrible truth.....


Issei and Valerica were standing in front of a huge mansion, a bit smaller than Gremory Mansion but still, a mansion is a mansion.

"Here we are! my house, now yours too" Said Valerica.

"House? You mean castle right?" Deadpanned Issei.

"Well maybe it's a little bigger than a house, but whatever, now let's go inside and meet with my team" Said Valerica with a giggle.

"Sure, let's" Said Issei.

Upon entering the house Valerica went to the training room below the mansion.

There she met up with her team who were training in pairs together.

Le Fay with Kuroka training and learning some useful magic. While Arthur and Bikou were sparing together, both drenched in sweat. Arthur was fighting with the 'Excalibur ruler' while Bikou with his staff.

Then White Empress noticed Valerica enter the training grounds.

"Oh, so you returned already? What exactly was the problem nya~" Upon noticing Valerica, Kuroka asked with her cute voice.

"You'll see in a couple of minutes" Answered Valerica.

With curiosity shining in team White Empress eyes, they nodded and went to clean up.


"I'll gather my team in the living room, while you go take a shower, and I'll bring you fresh clothes, alright?" Ordered Valerica.

"Sure, just show me where the shower is" Answered Issei.

"Alright, just follow me" Replied Valerica.


Issei was standing, letting the water wash away all the dirt, sweat and blood, painting the floor dark red.

"Partner, are you alright?" Asked Ddraig his partner.

"Dunno, just thinking what happened to me, just because I left for four hours, I mean, it's crazy. I got betrayed and cheated, I almost died a painful death, I activated the juggernaut drive for the second time and survived it, almost destroyed the town, I have turned into a full-fledged dragon and a free on eat that, Valerica confessed to me and became my mate... What's happening to me?" Answered Issei.

"Yeah... I'm surprised that you didn't slaughter them there and then" Said Ddraig.

"If I hadn't run out of the mansion I would've slaughtered them and many more" Replied Issei.

"Luckily, the town is safe and only the forest and that cave were destroyed, I was holding the past hosts at bay, but your fury and sorrow were too powerful and you triggered the drive for the second time partner" Said Ddraig with a serious voice.

"That close to killing a bunch of innocent huh, I'm a ticking bomb now" replied issei with a blank look.

"Partner you need help, you aren't stable mentally, you still can trigger 'Juggernaut drive' any moment for the third time and if that happens no one can save you anymore" Advised Ddraig.

"Ddraig..... Can I use 'divine dividing' without any side effects?" Asked Issei his partner.

After a moment of silence, Ddraig replied.

"Now that your body is that of a dragon's turned after being exposed to mine and Albion's auras there shouldn't be any side effects, tho I must ask, what are you planning?" Asked Ddraig curiously his partner.

"Well.... sacred gears work by adapting to the host's emotions, so I thought maybe you can divide my negative emotions, so I won't trigger the drive for the third time....." Answered Issei.

Ddraig was flabbergasted, is that even possible? Ddraig didn't want to risk it tho.

"Partner, I suggest you better go seek help, there might be severe side effects" Said the mighty dragon with utmost seriousness in his voice.

"I fear you will have to, I don't want to go berserk, I don't trust myself, my negative emotions can resurface any moment, and I don't think I'm ready to talk with someone about my problems..." Answered Issei trembling with negative emotions resurfacing remembering what the girls did to him. Ddraig noticed that and went into action.

... [DIVIDE]... With a powerful voice booming throughout the shower, Issei's negative emotions disappeared.

"Thank you, Pal" Thanked Issei his best friend.

"Sure..... but please, seek help when you are ready" Said Ddraig.

"Alright partner... I'll do it in time, promise" Replied Issei.

Then only the running water was only heard for a couple of minutes before issei spoke again.

"Ddraig, I'm sorry" Apologised Issei out of nowhere.

"What are you apologizing for?" Asked the mighty dragon with a confused tone of voice.

"I did ruin your reputation as the fearsome dragon of Domination with my pervert tendencies after all" Replied Issei.

Ddraig didn't say anything for a moment as what Issei said was the truth.

"It's fine partner, what matters is that you regret that and now you can change for the better, everyone learns from their mistakes just like me, we are family now, we are brothers!" Said Ddraig honestly.

"I see.... then I won't be a pervert anymore so we can regain our reputation as the Heavenly Dragon of Domination and the mighty Red Dragon Emperor" Said issei.

"The enemies will fear us once again and won't look down on us!" Roared Ddraig with pride.

"By the way Ddraig, what changes happened after my transformation?" Asked curious Issei.

"Well besides getting physically stronger your skin is like armour because of the dragon skin, balance breaker is still better but the dragon's skin is better than devil's, dragon-slaying weapons are more deadly for you, and your appearance changed, for example your right eye is emerald green like mine and your left eye is blue like Albion's" Replied Ddraig.

"Huh, so we are even more like brothers, now that I have your and Albion's eyes" Said amused Issei

"More than ever I guess" Replied Ddraig chuckling proudly.

"Anything more?" Asked Issei.

"Actually yes, you have more muscle growth, you have grown taller a few inches your hair is white with red highlights, and you gained dragon wings, plus you can hold your balance breaker longer" Replied proud Dragon.

"Cool, I wanna see my wings" Said excited Issei.

He spread two red like Ddraig's in the landscape but had white outlines.

"Wow, they look good" Said proudly Issei.

"Dam straight" Said Ddraig.

"But you still have a.... slight problem" Said Ddraig.

"And that is?" Asked Issei.

"You almost drained all of your life force so you have left only..... two years at most to live" Informed Ddraig.

"Oh... I see" Replied Issei.

"The way that Neko restored half of your life force was slow and not efficient but it worked non the less but now it won't be enough and you'll have to either finish the mark by doing the deed with Valerica so you'll share your life force together or let the other nekoshu or youkai do bedroom arts" Explained Ddraig.

"Alright, well it's too early for any of that so I'll wait for a little at least" Said issei.

"Sure but don't use any of your life force again" Warned Ddraig.

"Sure pal" Replied Issei.

With that, he finished showering and wrapped a towel around his waist and perfectly on time, Valerica came behind the door with fresh clothes.

"Issei, are you done?" Asked Valerica behind the door after a knock.

"Yeah Val, I'm finished" Answered Issei.

"Great, I have fresh clothes with me for you" Said Valerica.

Issei opened the door halfway and saw Valerica handing the clothes.

Valerica looked at him with her eyes widened.

When Valerica saw his upper body, because of his transformation he is bulkier and has more muscle but not too much, perfect for speed, strength, and durability, she started to blush badly as she didn't expect him to be this packed, but Issei didn't notice.

After two minutes he exited the bathroom.

"Well, let's go?" Asked Valerica.

"Sure, let's" Said Issei.


Upon entering the living room, Valerica gathered everyone's attention.

"I'd like you to meet someone who will be joining us, and start living here" Announced Valerica her team.

They immediately perked up to meet the person.

"And who is this person? Asked Le Fay curiously.

"Well, from today on forward, with us will be living none other than the Red Dragon Emperor, Issei Hyoudou and my mate" Replied Valerica with a blush.

Everyone's eyes widened from the shock. The Red Dragon Emperor will be living with them and he's also a mate of his rival????? This must be some prank ... right?

Out of the corner of the entrance to the living room, Issei came out blushing a bit, because she introduced him as her mate to everyone.

"Hello guys" Issei said while waving his hand.

"EEEEEEEEHHHHH!?!?" Team White Empress shouted.

"What do you mean your mate!?" Asked Kuroka shocked and a bit jealous.

"Yea, I thought you were with that harem of yours" Said Bikou.

That made him remember, what happened, and Ddraig had to use 'divide dividing'.

[DIVIDE] Ddraig roared.

Everyone became confused, why is he using 'divine dividing'?.

"Issei, why are you using 'divine dividing'?" Asked Valerica concerned.

"Well... I am like a ticking bomb right now, with negative emotions resurfacing I can trigger the drive any moment again, but I asked Ddraig to divide those negative emotions so I won't go berserk" Replied Issei while looking at the ground.

Everyone was shocked to hear that. Just what happened to the boy? they all thought.

Valerica immediately hugged Issei and he reciprocated the hug tightly. After a minute or two they parted.

Still not used to that kind of interaction they become embarrassed.

"What happened to you Issei?" Asked Le Fay concerned for her idol.

"It's nothing Le Fay, you don't need to worry about it" Reassured her Issei with the best smile he could muster.

"If you say so.....C...c-can I get your autograph for the oppai dragon?" Asked Le Fay with hope in her eyes.

Issei flinched at the mention of the oppai dragon. He hated it, he saw how stupid he was, and he's ashamed of himself because he influenced children of the underworld and more of the supernatural and ruined Ddraig's reputation with his stupid antics.

"I...sure, but maybe you want an autograph from the Red Dragon Emperor? oh, wait you already have that...' Answered Issei.

Le Fay looked at him confused and saddened.

"What do you mean?" Asked Le Fay.

"Well... I see now how immature I was, how I ruined Ddraig's reputation, and how, how I... Influenced all the children of the underworld and supernatural world with my stupid antics, it's all my fault! only mine, and I'm ashamed of myself....."Replied Issei and started to panic and breathe unevenly.

...[DIVIDE].....Roared Ddraig once more.

"Issei calm down, breathe, everything is alright" Reassured Valerica her mate.

Issei calmed down a bit.

"You should go take a nap and rest alright Issei?" Said Valerica concerned.

"Alright sure, it's near the shower I was in, right?" Asked Issei.

"Yeah..... goodnight Issei.

"Yeah... night" Replied Issei.

When he left, Arthur was the first one to speak.

"What happened to him? he's so..... different" Said Arthur with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah! even his looks changed! he's so... so... SO DAMN HOT" shouted Kuroka.

"Well, let's prepare some tea, and sit down, I'll tell you everything I know" Said Valerica.

With a nod, Le Fay and Kuroka made tea for everyone, and they went to the living room to listen to Valerica's explanation.

.....ONE HOUR LATER.....

"Wow, I have never thought that the Gremory girl and the rest would do something so horrible to him, and after all, he has done a lot for them....."Said Le Fay.

"Yeah ...." Replied Valerica.

"I can't believe that Shirone did this to him... I'm so disappointed" Said Kuroka with disappointment in her voice.

"I wonder how he didn't slaughter them or go berserk right then and there....." Said surprised Arthur.

"He did go berserk but he was far from the girls to hurt them, right now he needs our support, he's hurting from the inside..... you saw his mask too, he's trying to hide it..." Said Valerica.

"I will help him however I can, you can count me in!" Said Le Fay with determination shining in her eyes.

"I'll help too, my sister hurt him, plus maybe he will give me kittens nya~" Said Kuroka.

Valerica glared daggers at her, but she didn't even flinch.

"Kuroka didn't you hear me! he is my mate!" Shouted Valerica at Kuroka.

"So what? did you forget his dream is to be a harem king? nya~" Said Kuroka.

Valerica didn't know what to say after that, so she just crossed her arms and turned away.

"hmph" Valerica pouted.

"Alright, we should go to sleep now, and Valerica, go check up on him" Said Arthur.

With a nod, everyone parted to their rooms except for Valerica, she went to check on Issei.

Upon entering the room she saw Ophis hugging Issei and Issei's face was filled with horror.


Issei entered his new bedroom and went straight to bed. When he sat down on the bed he saw a portal with an infinity mark on it, out of it came Ophis.

"Ddraig?" Addressed Ophis to Issei.

"My name is Issei, not Ddraig, Ddraig is my partner" Said Issei.

"Alright" Replied Ophis.

After a minute of silence, Issei decided to talk.

"So why are you here Ophis?" Asked Issei curiously.

"I want you to help me defeat Great red, I want my silence back" Said Ophis.

"Why can't you just find another place other than the dimensional gap?" Asked issei.

"Because I was born there, it's my home and Baka red stole it from me" Said Ophis.

"What about you start living a normal life like with friends, do you have any friends?" Said Issei.

"No I don't, what are friends?" Asked Ophis.

"Friends are your support, happiness, hugs, and fun times" Answered Issei.

"What are hugs?" Asked Ophis.

Issei stood up and hugged Ophis. She stood there for a second and reciprocated the hug.

"I like it, I want lots of hugs" Said Ophis.

"If you like it that much I can be your friend and give you hugs anytime" Said Issei happily.

"Okay" Said Ophis.

After five more minutes Issei released Ophis from the hug and sat back on the bed.

"We can hang out at times, I'll show you how to live a normal life with friends, well as normal as it can get in the supernatural" Said Issei.

Ophis only nodded and sat beside him and hugged again.

"By the way, thank you for helping Valerica get me out of the Juggernaut Drive" Thanked Issei.

Issei expected her to say no problem or something like that but instead of that, he got a question.

"Why is my friend hurting?" The dragon god asked Issei as she looked at him sit her shining black eyes. The question shocked issei for a second but decided to reply.

"Well I've been through a lot lately" said Issei.

He then proceeded to tell her a short version of what happened to him before he activated the juggernaut drive. Ophis listened carefully.

"Now I understand why you feel like a dragon and not a devil. Do you want me to kill them?" Asked Ophis.

"No, no need, it's not worth it" Said Issei as he shook his head.

"But that's not all, what aren't you telling me?" Said Ophis.

"It's nothing Ophis, I'm alright....."Said Issei.

"Don't lie to me, you are my friend, right?" Asked Ophis.

Issei hesitated for a moment but decided to tell her.

"Well... When I was just a human, I was killed by my first girlfriend Yuma or rather Raynare, and I'm kinda traumatized by that, I'm still kinda scared of girls, and after what Rias and the others did to me, I can't really trust anyone blindly, that increased my fright of women too...But Rias saved my life by reincarnating me into a devil" Said Issei.

"Rias didn't save you" Said Ophis. Issei's eyes widened at her remark.

"What do you mean she didn't save me?" Asked shocked Issei.

"I've been watching you since you were born, because I knew you had Ddraig and I could feel your potential, and I saw everything, she schemed your death, she knew fallen angels were targeting you, that's why the white-haired nekoshu have been following you, to make sure the plan went perfectly, she wanted you to become her pawn, to use you" Replied Ophis calmly.

"Wha...This can't be true..... can it?" Issei couldn't believe that was the truth.

"Partner I think she's telling the truth, she just has no reason to lie. I always suspected the Gremory girl. Remember when you got that summoning circle before the date? That was her familiar that gave you, she knew all along" Said Ddraig with fury.

Issei started to panic, breath faster, and tears started to come out of his eyes.

"So she, she ....SHE JUST USED ME ALL ALONG FROM THE VERY SART?!??" Issei shouted with fury but before anything could happen Ddraig used 'divine dividing'.

.....[DIVIDE]...[DIVIDE]...[DIVIDE]..... Roared Ddraig.

Issei immediately calmed down tears stopped streaming down his cheeks, but still had a face full of horror.

Later Valerica walked in and saw Issei asleep with Ophis hugging each other.

Valerica wanted to lay down too but was not sure, maybe it's too early for that.

"Just go and sleep with him already" Voiced Albion his opinion.

Valerica gulped before she walked over to the bed.

She could see that he was crying. She went to him and hugged him from the other side as she laid down and he fell asleep like Ophis after five minutes.

This was the first night in a while that Issei got to sleep peacefully without any nightmares about Yuma (Not Raynare) killing and insulting him over and over again.....