Chapter 17 Easy job done...

Morning came and Issei woke up alone...That's because he said he won't go to school today because he has important business to take care of.

"So Ddraig, did he answer?" Asked Issei.

"Yes partner, but he won't come, you have to come to him" Said Ddraig.

"Alright, where is he right now?" Asked Issei.

"He's in Romania waiting for you" Said Ddraig.

"But be careful and don't drop your guard as I told you last time.

He's an evil dragon, so he is extremely strong. Try not to pick a fight" Warned Ddraig.

"Alright buddy, shall we go now or later?" Asked Issei.

"Right now would be the best choice. You should bring some backup but since this mission is secret and Tannin is busy you have to go alone" Said Ddraig.

"Alright, that's how I planned anyway" Replied Issei as he created his magic circle and teleported in flames.

As he teleported into the place he sensed danger so he created the strongest barrier he could without combining his other dragon powers.

The smoke died down and Issei removed the barrier.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of him with a smirk spattered on his face.

"You pass" Said Crom Cruach

"Huh?" Asked Issei.

"I said you pass the test. I'll give you my soul fragment" Replied Crom Cruach.

"That was easier than I thought" Said a surprised Issei.

Crom Cruach just chuckled.

"You don't want anything for it?" Asked Issei.

"No, because I'd rather have the world intact so I can fight strong opponents.

Plus I know you will overuse dragon powers and when that happens you will become a full-blown dragon, powerful at that, if your body will handle the stress, plus the soul fragments will return to their rightful owners, yes even Ddraig will return to his body" Said Crom Cruach.

"It just gives more benefits than nothing, the world is safe with strong opponents and you will become a powerful dragon that will reach if not surpass the heavenly dragons" Explained Crom Cruach with a huge battle-hungry grin.

"Ddraig, is that true?" Asked stunned Issei.

"Unfortunately yes. Once you overuse your dragon abilities and powers you will lose all your humanity and all of the souls including me will be released from the boosted gear" Explained Ddraig.

"Well, that's great and all except for me losing my humanity. That's the only thing left that shows me as a human. But I want you free from this gear so I guess it's a small price to pay" Said Issei with determination.

Ddraig just smiled at issei's words.

"By the way, are you really building a dragon faction?" Asked Crom Cruach.

"Yup, if you wanna visit sometime then please do. Now that we got a lot of lands the dragon apples growth increased by a lot.... just don't try to fight everyone you see" Said Issei.

"Sure kid" Answered Crom Cruach.

"By the way, I was in the Chaos Brigade until now so I can give you some information, there are two other evil dragons and they are strong, one of them expects your arrival and wants to fight you so be on your guard" Warned Crom Cruach.

"And those are?" Asked Issei.

"Aži Dahāka and Grendel, they are the most twisted evil dragons so be careful as I said" Said Crom Cruach.

"I see, well see you later" Said issei.

"Yeah, good luck kid" Said the evil dragon as he flew away.

"That was strange...." Said Issei out loud as he created a magic circle and teleported in flames.

He arrived back home and saw that he was still alone. That meant that the girls were still in school. He decided to go to Murayama's house to talk with her old man.

Issei was dressed in a blue jeans red shirt and his favourite leather jacket with two dragons on its back one white and another red.

He got ready and left.

As he was walking toward her house he met Valerica, Murayama, Katase, Ingvild, and Irina.

"Oh! Issei, what are you doing here?" Asked Murayama.

"I'm going to talk with your old man" Replied Issei smirking.

"What now?" Asked Murayama with wide eyes.

"Yep! I promised you that I will talk with him later" Said Issei.

"O-ok I'll go with you then" Said Murayama as she hugged and kissed Issei out of happiness.

The girls behind giggled at the actions of their harem sister.

Murayama turned her head with a blush out of embarrassment.

"I love this" Said Issei.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Irina.

"What I mean is that I love how peaceful and pleasant your interactions are..... with the old group there would be a fight of jealousy broken out by now. I'm happy that that's not the case here because I was getting tired of those pointless fights"

The girls smiled.

"As you said these fights are pointless, we know that you love us all equally, and harem sisters have to support each other and be friendly not jealous or mad, we are family after all" Answered Valerica.

Issei came up to them and hugged them in a group hug with a happy face.

"I just don't get it...." Said Issei.

"What do you mean?" Asked confused Katase.

"How am I even worthy of having you by my side...." Said Issei.

"I love you my Princesses " Said Issei.

"We love you too our Red dragon prince" Said the girls in unison.

"What's with the nickname?" Asked amused Issei.

"Well, you keep calling us princesses so that makes you a prince" Replied Ingvild.

"So I have angelic princes, demonic princes, dragoness princes, half dragoness half demonic empress, and two cute princesses so that makes me a red dragon prince?" Asked amused Issei.

The girls only nodded blushing.

"Well alright, we'll see you at home. Let's go Mura?" Asked Issei.

"Sure" Replied Murayama.

The girls returned to the apartment while Issei and Murayama went to meet her father.

They finally reached her house.

Issei knocked on the door and soon it was opened by a man who looked like an average guy with brown hair. He was wearing a simple shirt and grey pants.

"Hello Murayama, is this him?" Asked her father.

"Y-yes father" Replied Murayama.

"I see... you don't seem much....could you even protect a puppy from a fly?" Mocked the old man.

"Of course, I can old man, if you want proof how about a spar?" Asked Issei with a battle-hungry grin.

"No, I don't want that. You can just use your aura so I can understand just how strong you are" Said Murayama's Dad.

"Sure, but not here" Said Issei as he created a magic circle underneath their feet and teleported in flames somewhere secluded.

"Well, show me" Said the man.

Issei just looked at him and started to flare his aura about fifteen per cent.

"Is that all? .....weak" Said the old man.

Issei just smirked and released eighty percent of his dominating Aura.

The old man was stunned by the power he was seconds from passing out but he wanted him to use all he had. While Murayama was worried that her father wouldn't stand the pressure.

"Still weak" He said again.

Issei now got angry. No dragon likes being mocked.

He flared his aura full power out of fury, he flared his shadow supremacy with other dragon king's auras and evil dragon's aura to five percent.

The old man couldn't withstand the pressure anymore even when he had created a powerful holy barrier.

He puked out some blood, seeing this, issei calmed down and suppressed his aura and rushed towards the old man who was on his knees and Murayama was holding him.

"S-sorry I went overboard...." Said Issei as he turned his head away in shame.

The old man chuckled and got the attention of both Issei and Murayama.

"I see you found a rare one Murayama" Said the old man.

Murayama blushed and turned her head away.

"Well, I see that you can protect her so take care of her for me" Said the old man.

"I'll protect her with my life!" Said Issei as he teleported them back. It was dark already outside.

"Murayama you go ahead he will catch up to you" Said the old man. she only nodded and left them alone.

"Just don't hurt her or I'll make you suffer" Warned her father.

"Trust me I won't... I know how it feels" Said Issei as he took off too.

He couldn't find Murayama anywhere and started to panic because she couldn't have reached home that fast.

Suddenly he heard a scream of a girl.

"Mura!" Shouted Issei as he ran towards a dark alleyway.

When he reached he saw four tall and muscular men surrounding Murayama.

"C'mon girl don't scream, we just want to show you a good time" Said one of the jerks.

Hearing this Murayama froze. She was afraid she even started to shake while whispering 'issei help' and started to cry.

Issei of course heard what she whispered.

He stepped into the alleyway.

"You better get out of here before I kill you" Said Issei with killing intent and his and Ddraig's voices mixed his eyes glowing green.

"Why should we punk, trying to be a hero?" Mocked him.

"I'm her boyfriend" Said Issei.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" Mocked him again.

"I'll.Kill.You." Replied Issei.

They shivered and got really scared when they saw his eyes glow so they just ran away.

"We will let you go this time" Said the jerks.

Issei immediately went over to Murayama and hugged her while she cried into his shoulder terrified.

"It's ok Mura, I'm here, everything is fine, I won't let you get hurt" Said Issei.

Murayama just fell asleep on him from all the stress as he picked her up bridal style and teleported home using shadows.

The girls saw Issei come out of the shadows with Murayama in his hands. The girls got worried.

"What happened?" Asked concerned Ingvild.

"She's just tired...Some guys took her to an alleyway while I talked with her father for two minutes.....I'm an idiot" Said Issei as he went to his room to rest with Murayama.

'I just promised to protect her and the promise was broken only a moment later...' Thought issei.

After an hour or two other girls joined them for a peaceful night's sleep.

When the morning came issei woke up and sat up while panicking with sweat all over him and tears streaming down his cheeks.

All the girls woke up and saw issei with a horrified face and tears while breathing unevenly.

The girls got very worried and hugged him trying to calm him down. It worked as he regained his senses.

"What happened darling?" Asked Valerica.

"I just had the worst nightmare I ever had" Said Issei still terrified.

...[DIVIDE].....Roared out Ddraig these words for the first time in a while.

"What was the nightmare about to make you this terrified?" Asked Ingvild.

"I-I...I saw all of you there...." Said Issei.

"I saw you being hurt.....ra-raped..... tortured while I was chained up on a wall and couldn't do anything...I screamed and begged them to stop but they didn't.....and you died...I activated the juggernaut drive and destroyed everything..... and I couldn't die as much as I wanted...." Said Issei as he started to cry even more remembering what he saw...

Truly a horrible sight...

"I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything...." Issei started to panic again.

The girls stared at him feeling sadness.

"I guess what happened yesterday to Mura rubbed onto me....." Said Issei.

"It's ok we are fine Issei Don't worry and you saved me yesterday anyway" Replied Murayama.

"Yeah....but what if I was too late..." Said Issei as he looked at Murayama and an image flashed of that horrible sight, he immediately hugged her. The sudden action spooked her a little.

"I'm sorry, sorry, Sorry. I'm so sorry... please don't leave me...." Said Issei crying uncontrollably.

All the girls hugged him again and they stayed in silence.

After some time Valerica spoke.

"I think we should stay here today and not go to school" Said Valerica.

All the girls nodded while Issei fell asleep again.

"Thank you for being here for my brother.....I saw the nightmare too..... I couldn't pull him out of it...It was a horrible was much worse than what he said too... he just said the short version while there it felt like days..." Said Ddraig as he was grateful and worried.

"How bad was it Ddraig?" Asked Ingvild.

"Thousand times worse than what he told you" Said Ddraig.

"He doesn't want to worry any of you....and now after this nightmare, he most likely will go and do intense training to become more powerful to protect all of you ...I suggest that you start training too.... especially two human girls...I feel they have immense magical power so you can teach them that....and please take care of him" Said Ddraig as he went back to sleep.

To keep issei from thinking about the nightmare they all went out to spend time together and relax when he woke up.

It worked because Issei relaxed a bit and didn't think about the nightmare but he did think about how to get stronger. They went to arcades, amusement park, and beach too. The summer ended not too long ago, the weather was hot enough for them to enjoy the beach day.

When they got back home, Issei went to his room to do some thinking. While the girls gathered for a small meeting.

"We need to get stronger for issei and our sake.

He worries too much..... because half of us can't protect ourselves" Said Valerica.

"And he's pushing himself so much already and after that nightmare, he will overdo it" Said worried Ingvild.

"It's my fault" Said Murayama.

"If it's someone's fault, then it's ours too not just yours because he's doing this to protect even me who's supposed to be his rival..." Said Valerica.

"So how do we get stronger?" Asked Murayama.

"I have an Idea" Said Ingvild.

"What is it?" Asked Irina.

"Issei has another mate" Said Ingvild.

Valerica's eyes widened at realisation.

"That's right! Tiamat might help us get stronger!" Said Valerica.

"Who's Tiamat?" Asked Katase.

"She's a dragon king, a very powerful dragon and a mate of Issei too" Answered Valerica,

"Oh! now I remember, Ingvild told about her once to us already in school" Said Katase.

"So we will ask her for help?" Asked Murayama.

"Yes, tomorrow we will go ask her" Said Ingvild.

After some tea, they joined Issei in bed for a peaceful sleep...