Chapter 35 Are they stupid on purpose!?

A nice day came as Raphtalia opened her eyes.

She felt the gust of wind against her skin.

She looked around and saw that she was still in issei's arms flying.

"Good morning Issei" Greeted Raphtalia with a warm smile but she didn't get a response.

"Issei?" Raphtalia tried to get his attention again but she got nothing in return except for a few snorts.

"Don't tell me..." Said Raphtalia to herself terrified.

Yes indeed, issei has fallen asleep while flying.

Raphtalia was about to scream or do something to wake Issei up, but before she could do anything a powerful voice spoke.

"Fret not young one, he's asleep because he was flying for almost the whole night without any breaks, so I took over control of the balance breaker armor to fly for him" Explained Ddraig.

"Oh, you can do that?" Asked impressed Raphtalia.

"Yes, but it really drains my energy" Replied Ddraig with a small yawn.

"And I thank you for your help brother" Said Issei as he woke up.

"No problem, but I'll go to sleep now, goodnight" Said Ddraig exhausted and his armor disappeared and they started to fall.

While Issei was calm and almost didn't react Raphtalia was screaming her lungs out.

But they stopped falling about ten meters from the ground.

Raphtalia looked at Issei and saw him holding his laughter and his wings spread.

She felt really embarrassed as she forgot that he has his own wings.

They landed on the ground and Raphtalia got off of Issei.

"Can I ask you something?" Asked Issei.

"S-sure" Replied Raphtalia.

"Please tell me...when aren't you cute" Said Issei with a smirk.

"W-w-what do you m-mean?" Asked Raphtalia as she became a blushing mess.

"You are always so cute, I can't have enough of it" Said Issei.

"Can I ask you something?" Asked Raphtalia.

"Sure anything for you" Said Issei.

"Why did the armor disappear?" Asked confused Raphtalia.

"That's because Ddraig has fallen asleep and without him I can't use my gear" Explained Issei.

"Although when he will once again be freed from this prison of his and my true form unsealed, we believe I will be able to fuel my gear with my own draconic powers and use it as normal gear and even create new subspecies on my own or find another power source" Said Issei.

"That's amazing, by the way, where is Zin? I haven't seen him since we helped Melty" Asked Raphtalia.

"I made him as my familiar and I sent him in a dimension made for familiars similar to my pocket dimension" Explained Issei.

"Oh, that's interesting" Said Raphtalia.

"Where are we anyways?" Asked Raphtalia.

"Now that you ask I have no idea, I just wanted to fly around but I fell asleep" Said Issei as he looked around and saw that they were in a town that became a battlefield, buildings rundown, everything damaged and if the wave were to hit this town there nothing would be left of it.

"Wait, weren't we going for the Dragon hourglass?" Asked Raphtalia.

"Nope, not yet because the wave will begin soon after a couple of days so when we are done with that we can go and upgrade our class" Explained Issei.

"Makes sense" Said Raphtalia.

"Look, I see people there" Said Issei as he pointed behind her.

"Let's go and ask them some questions as to where are we or why is this town so destroyed" Said Issei as he started to walk with Raphtalia to the group of people.

"Please do you have any food? we will give you everything we have left" Said an elderly man showing some kind of wooden statue.

"First tell us what happened, aren't you from Melromarc?" Said Issei calmly his face held no emotions, he was serious right now.

'Haven't seen him this serious' Thought Raphtalia.

"No, we are refugees, we fled from the north" Said the elderly man.

"Some say that there was an adventurer apparently sent from here to put up a resistance force and begin the revolution and now we are in this mess" Said another much younger man.

"You know who is this adventurer?" Asked interested Issei.

"We don't really know but the rumors say that he used a bow" Replied an elderly man.

"Alright, I understand, please gather in a line and we will make you some food" Said Issei as he opened his pocket dimension and took out a large pot and ingredients to make a stew or something with the help of Raphtalia.

After everyone were fed, Raphtalia and Issei left.

The next day in the royal capital Issei and Raphtalia walked towards the inn they used to eat while he talked with Ddraig mentally after he just woke up.

'Sorry bud for making you do all that work when I fell asleep' Apologized Issei a bit guilty as he forced Ddraig to use tons of his energy to control the balance breaker.

'It's fine Issei, as long as you are alright I can do this much' Replied Ddraig happily.

Issei smiled a warm smile and continued his way towards the inn.

After short while they made it to the inn and sat at their usual seats in the corner.

They of course noticed Ren and Itsuki there too near their seat.

Issei and Raphtalia ignored them and made their orders. The inn itself was pretty empty too.

Suddenly Issei and Raphtalia overheard them talking that someone took their job requests and rewards.

"After I returned from the north I came to the guild to collect my reward but you know what? they already paid someone for the job" Said irritated Itsuki.

"Yeah, same here, I was assigned to take down a Dragon in the mountains not too far from here but as I was about to leave someone already finished the job" Said Ren calmly.

"Someone is stealing our jobs by pretending to be us" Said Itsuki as he crossed his arms.

"Itsuki we just received another guild request to overthrow a town lord in the north what do you want to do with it?" Asked one of his party members holding a piece of paper.

"From the guild?" Asked Itsuki as he took the paper to check out the job.

"Yes, from what I can tell the town lord was heavily taxing the people and hiring mercenaries" Said his party member.

'So they are talking about those people we met yesterday' Though Issei as he took a bite of his food.

"Raphtalia your food can't compare to this" Said Issei.

"R-really I'm glad" Said Raphtalia as she became a blushing mess again while Issei just chuckled.

"Interesting, they need to be taught that with great power comes great responsibilities" Said Itsuki.

That statement made Issei choke on his meal as he couldn't contain his laughter.

"What's so funny, Issei Huh?" Asked Itsuki as both him and Ren came up to them.

"Oh nothing spidey" Replied chuckling Issei.

"Excuse you what?" Asked confused Itsuki.

"No nothing don't bother" Said Issei as he waved his hand dismissively.

"So it's you who has been stealing our jobs and our rewards" Said Itsuki.

"Why the hell do you think I would do that?" Asked Issei unamused.

"Well if it's not you then who?" Asked Itsuki.

"I don't know find out yourself" Said Issei as he drank some water.

"Or maybe you are trying to be some cool superhero? let me tell you that you aren't good at being one" Said Issei.

"What do you mean?" Asked Itsuki.

"You were the adventurer who helped in the north weren't you? well guess what after you took down that countries king? the resistance takes bigger taxes to run the country and the people losing their lives so you haven't done to help the people at all" Said Issei.

Itsuki was about to shout at Issei but Ren put his hand on his shoulder.

"How about my case then?" Asked Ren.

"And what is it about?" Asked Issei.

"I was asked to kill a dragon in the mountains but as I was about to travel there I got the message that it was dealt with already" Said Ren.

"Well maybe if you haven't taken your sweet time and let the dragon kill the innocent people maybe you would've completed your quest but I was traveling by and they asked me to deal with it" Explained Issei.

"You should think before you take action, do you have any idea how many people died because of you?" Asked irritated Issei as he stood up and left together with Raphtalia who didn't even bother to look at Itsuki and Ren.

Issei was about to walk out of the door but Itsuki started to Shout.

"I still don't believe you!" Shouted Itsuki.

"I don't care pissy boy" Said Issei as he left an angry Itsuki and Ren alone.

In the weaponry shop.

"So what are ya doing here?" Asked Agil.

"Oh nothing, just trying to create some sort of strategy" Said Issei.

"You know this place is not your personal base" Said Agil but Issei ignored him.

"Alright, after fifteen hours a new wave will begin so we will have to be ready" Said issei.

"Right, get your night's rest" Said Issei as he started to walk into the changing room.

"Will you come sleep with me?" Asked Raphtalia.

Issei turned his head to look at her with disbelief.

"Umm sure" Said Issei and Raphtalia's face lit up with happiness.

Issei removed his custom made armour and put it in his pocket dimension and took out his combat clothing, black cargo pants, a simple white shirt, and a black jacket, fingerless gloves and boots.

He got out of the room and found Raphtalia sleeping against the wall on the floor.

"You won't mind us crashing here for the night right Agil?" Asked Issei.

"No it's fine, you can stay" Said Agil as he left them two for the night.

Issei saw that Raphtalia was shaking a bit from the cold as it wasn't that warm so he sat beside her and hugged her tightly with his wings and arms bringing her to his chest and soon he fell asleep in comfort.

Morning came and as usual Raphtalia woke up first and six hours left for the next wave.

She found herself in issei's muscular strong arms.

She felt safe with him and very happy.

She didn't want to leave him.

Raphtalia hugged him too and let out a satisfied sigh.

But suddenly Issei started to shake a bit and Raphtalia noticed it immediately.

Issei was having a nightmare.

Not the same nightmare where his loved ones were hurt while he watched helplessly..

This time it was Raynare.

Issei shot his eyes open and the first thing he saw was Raphtalia's cute beautiful but concerned face.

"Guess you need an explanation?" Said Issei.

He got a nod from Raphtalia as confirmation and she sat on his lap.

"Haah from time to time I have nightmares where my first ever love is mocking and insulting me....she killed me once and I became a devil when I got reincarnated.....but the thing is that.....I still love her so much even tho she was the one to kill me she is the one who is mocking me in my nightmares, but I still love her that's because....when she killed me I saw so much guilt in her eyes when she pierced me in my guts she probably was forced to do that and even tho I knew her for a day she still was my first love" Said Issei.

"You know, I wasn't always a dragon, at the very start I was a simple useless and a highly perverted human that no one needed, so imagine when a girl asked me to be her boyfriend" Explained Issei as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Raphtalia cleaned off the tear and looked straight into his eyes.

"It's alright, I know you miss her and as you said she was most likely forced to do that but don't forget you have people who love and support you" Said Raphtalia with the warmest and kindest smile she ever smiled.

"Heh, what would I do without you my cutie" Said Issei as he chuckled.

Raphtalia of course started to blush and she just hugged Issei.

"So you were a pervert?" Asked Raphtalia still hugging.

"Yep, a huge one" Replied Issei with a chuckle.

"But not anymore?" Asked Raphtalia.

No, that side of me was used a lot to manipulate me, so I had to change" Said Issei a bit saddened.

"Wanna talk about it?" Asked Raphtalia.

"No, I want to forget about it" Said Issei.

Raphtalia only nodded understanding.

Suddenly they heard a cough from behind and saw Agil standing with a knowing smirk spattered across his face.

Both Raphtalia and Issei blushed but before Agil could say anything Issei beat him to it.

"Any word I hear from you and you and your shop will be just an ash pile" Warned Issei with a cold glare.

Agil only nodded as he didn't want to die nor lose his shop so he just left them alone.

Raphtalia stayed on his lap still hugging him.

"Can we stay like this for a while longer?" Asked Raphtalia.

"Anything for you my lady" Said Issei as he hugged her and stoked her hair.

Raphtalia enjoyed every second of it and even more when Issei scratched her fluffy ears.

"I love you" Whispered Raphtalia as she enjoyed the warmth.

Issei froze from her words.

Has he heard her correctly???

Raphtalia noticed what she said and immediately got up with a strong blush.

"I think we should get ready for the wave" Said Raphtalia.

Issei was still in a shocked state so he could only nod slowly in agreement.

Suddenly she kissed him on his cheek that made him more confused.

"That's a thank you for your warmth" Said Raphtalia as she left to get her sword and get ready to leave.

"What just happened?" Asked Issei out loud.

"Now you will definitely return with a new girl" Laughed Ddraig out loud.

"I wasn't expecting this to happen, especially now of all times" Said Issei.

"I was expecting tho, I knew she liked you for some time now" Said Ddraig.

"R-really?" Asked Issei in disbelief.

"Of course,I'm not as dense as you" Said Ddraig.

"Whatever you say you lazy dragon" Said Issei as he stood up to get ready.

He decided not to use his custom made armour for a while because the balance breaker was way better anyways.

And his combat clothing is more comfortable to walk in around.

After he and Raphtalia ate a quick breakfast they left the weaponry shop and were silent the whole time as they didn't know what to talk about anymore after this morning.

"After the wave, may we talk about this morning?" Asked Issei.

Raphtalia nodded in agreement with a slight blush.

"Alright, so let's forget about it for now until then and let's focus on dealing with the wave" Said Issei.

"Alright!" Replied Raphtalia firmly.

Issei smiled and they walked around the village and saw a bunch of people getting ready for the wave.

"An hour left until the wave" Said Issei as he looked at the clock in his vision.

"Hope it won't be a pain in my ass" Said Issei.

Of course it won't be....

[To be continued]