Chapter 37 So this happened...

Issei and Raphtalia returned to the village that they helped to protect at the beginning of the wave, to rest up for a bit.

While Raphtalia was playing with the village children Issei was talking with Ddraig mentally.

'It felt amazing using juggernaut drive, I would love to test it out more, I barely got a chance to use any of it's abilities' Said Issei.

'That's because that monster was really weak so you couldn't possibly test it out it's limits' Said Ddraig.

'Yeah, but when the monster shot that beam at Raphtalia I felt so much rage for some reason' Said Issei.

'That's because juggernaut drive always was triggered by rage and controlled by it, so now you can feel rage at least twenty times more than usually while using the drive, so it still has influence to some extent" Explained Ddraig.

'Alright, I'll have to keep that in mind' Said Issei.

'By the way, it didn't consume my life force this time, right?' Asked Issei.

'Rest assured, the drive isn't using your life force anymore rather it uses your magic reserves like veliana, but you have tons of magic reserves so you could fuel the drive for a month alone!" Said Ddraig.

'Yeah, sounds great, I'm glad my life force is safe for once' Said Issei as he let out a happy sigh.

'I think we should upgrade Raphtalia's class before the wave' Said Issei.

'I think that would be wise brother' Said Ddraig in agreement.

'So..... when ya gonna mark her as your mate?' Asked Ddraig.

'What's up with that question?' Asked Issei with a blush.

'C'mon, when will ya do it hmm?' Asked Ddraig.

'I don't know yet, I didn't think of that' Answered Issei.

'I think you should hurry with that' Said Ddraig.

'What? why?' Asked confused Issei.

'Because if she finds out about it like Ingvild she won't be too happy either' Answered Ddraig.

'Yeah, you are right buddy' Said Issei as he was about to leave to search for Raphtalia but got stopped by two royal knights.

"Sir Shield hero, you are to report to the king immediately" Said the knight.

"Huh?" Issei let out a confused sound.

"Alright whatever" Said Issei as he went to look for Raphtalia.

As he walked around he finally spotted her with some children.

"Having fun Raph?" Asked Issei as he walked towards her.

"Hm? ah yes we are" Said Raphtalia with a smile.

"You'd be a great mother" Said Issei as he noticed how the children were having fun with their bright smiles.

"Y-you think so?" Asked a blushing Raphtalia.

"I know so" Answered Issei.

"By the way, we have to go, the old fart wants to meet" Said Issei.

"You mean the king? what does he want?" Asked curious Raphtalia as she tilted her head slightly.

"I don't know,  probably will talk about my juggernaut drive or something or we might get our rewards, but if it's about the drive then I might reveal that I'm a dragon" Said Issei.

"Oh, alright when are we leaving?" Asked Raphtalia.

"I'd like to leave now because the sooner we get there the sooner we will end" Said Issei.

"Oh, alright then give me five minutes" Said Raphtalia as she said her goodbyes to the children and later Issei using his balance breaker flew towards the castle.

....In the throne room....

"I just watched your performance on this crystal ball and you did well on clearing the wave as much as I hate to admit it" Said the king.

"But I have a question on how you managed to obtain this kind of power?" Asked the king.

"Those powers aren't that of a shield hero and it's your duty to reveal the secret on how you obtained such power " Said the king.

"So spit it out and if you lie you'll face your own actions" Ordered the king harshly.

"Wanna know? come and bow to me only the real king can order around" Said Issei.

Everyone in the room had shocked faces.

'Good thing Raphtalia is outside or I would've heard an earful' thought Issei.

"Don't forget to beg for your king's kindness" Said Issei with a smirk.

"You are an insolent fool!" Shouted the king and the guards surrounded him.

"If any of you value your life I suggest you to back away, yes even you so called king" Said Issei.

At first the guards didn't budge but the more they stood there the more they got scared until they walked away from Issei.

"You are just bluffing!" Shouted the king.

"Oh am I now" Said issei as he released his dragon wings and his eyes turned to that of a Dragon's too, shocking the people even more.

"You see, I'm a dragon king, so you won't order me around, you have no control nor authority over me" Said Issei as his smirk grew wider.

"W-w-what did you say!? a dragon!? impossible!" Shouted the king.

"Want me to prove myself? I think my performance with the wave's boss is enough" Said Issei.

"From now on I'm not the Shield hero but I'm The Red dragon emperor of Domination and Protection!" Roared Issei with a pride filled voice.

"I'll only clear off the waves then go home, until then, don't even think of calling me back here" Said Issei as he started to walk towards the exit.

"W-wait! I won't let you disrespect me! I'm the king!" Shouted again but Issei didn't even stop nor react as he continued to walk away.

"Oh! I know what I'll do!" Said the king as his smile got creepy.

"That slave of yours will pay for your crimes! you won't get out of this easily!" Shouted the king.

Issei stopped.

'Overprotective mate mode enabled' Said Ddraig mentally to himself.

He turned his head towards the king to meet his gaze and glared at him his eyes started to glow and the people saw two dragons standing beside Issei, and both dragons together with Issei, glared at the king with their eyes filled with rage.

One was Ddraig of course but the other...was issei's true form.

The king and everyone in the room froze in horror.

"If any of you dare to hurt Raphtalia I won't hesitate to kill you all! I DARE you to lay a single finger on her! I DARE you to touch a single strand of her beautiful hair! I'll definitely hunt you down and sink you in the crimson purgatory myself!" Said Issei coldly as he continued to leave the room.

As he left the room everyone were silent, it looked like it lasted for hours.

"T-that is a real monster" Said the king.

"A dragon to be more precise" Said one of the subordinates.

As Issei was walking down the stairs some woman stopped him.

"What a performance Shield hero I dare say, but don't let your guard down as some people are conspiring behind the scenes I dare say" Said the lady as she showed a cross looking necklace before leaving.

'Dare say?' Thought Issei confused.

.....Hour later in the throne room...

"Ah! Melty what can I do for you!" Said king with his voice foil full of joy.

"I've heard that you and the Shield hero had a conversation not too long ago is that right father?" Asked Melty.

"And I also was told that the conversation ended in a very hostile manner" Said Melty a bit angry.

"Ughh....that brat keeps disrespecting me till the end and he isn't listening to any order I give him" Said the king frustrated as he sank down to his throne.

"Father, please reconcile with him or we might lose our only power house to fight off the waves" Said Melty.

"Reconcile with that monster!?" Shouted the king as he hit his armrest.

Melty yelped in surprise and got scared a bit.

"Ah! sorry Melty, it's just that it's impossible to do that, he won't listen to reason" Said the king as he saw Melty get scared.

"I don't understand why you hate him so much" Siad Melty.

"It's that if....he and his demi-humas do as they please I might lose my family again" Said the king sadly.

"Father I uh.." Melty tried to reason but got interrupted by the world's mistake.

"While the queen is away the king's word is final and even the princesses can't go against it" Said Myne as she walked towards them.

"Our father is the king whether you understand his decisions or not you can't do anything about it" Said Myne as she stood next to the king.

"You see sister, this is none of your business anyways, so get lost" Said Melty cheerfully with a smile.

Myne flinched and had a tick mark on her forehead.

"Just like our father and mother, I want the best for our country, you understand? so you see it's my duty to take care of everything as the crowned princess" Said Melty as the red head got more irritated.

"I'll take my leave now father" Said Melty as she walked out of the room.

.....In Agil's shop....

"Can't believe that you really took a fight against the king" Said amazed Agil.

"Well I am a dragon of Domination so I had to show him who's superior" Said Issei.

Whatever you say dragon boy" Said Agil as he chuckled and Raphtalia giggled.

"Call me that again I dare you" Said Issei as he glared at Agil with a pain promising smirk.

"What's wrong with dragon boy don't like it?" Asked Raphtalia from behind as she hugged him.

Issei started to blush.

"Wait! so you will kill me if I call you that while she can do whatever she wants?" Asked Agil.

"I mean who are you to call me that? plus she's one of my mates" Said Issei as he kissed her cheek making her blush now.

"Wait she's your mate? hold on MATES!?" Shouted Agil.

"Yeah mates, that were left behind in my original world" Said Issei a bit saddened because he missed them greatly.

"Oh, sorry to bring that up.." Apologized Agil.

"Nah it's fine, once this mess will end I'll return back" Said Issei.

"By the way, what about the class upgrades? they surely won't let you use it here" Said Agil.

"I was planning on going to Siltvelt or Shieldfreeden" Said Issei.

Agil took out a map and put it on the counter.

"I suggest you go to Shieldfreeden" Said Agil


"Interesting the slave merchant suggested the same thing" Said Issei.

"Well there demi-humas welcome humans with open arms so it is the best place for you" Said Agil.

"Normally you would get in four weeks there but with that new armour of yours you'll get in a week I believe" Said Agil.

"Ah! by the way, can you get a new sword for Raphtalia?" Asked Issei.

"Yeah sure" Said Agil as he left.

"But Issei this one is good enough already, plus we need money for the trip" Said Raphtalia.

"It will be fine don't worry" Said Issei as he kissed her.

Raphtalia got a new sword and they had lunch at the inn before leaving for the Shieldfreeden.

They decided to walk for a bit before taking a flight.

They enjoyed the walk as the weather was calm and warm the light breeze let them enjoy the evening.

They were walking side by side untill Raphtalia wrapped her arms around issei's arm.

"I'm so glad I met you" Said Raphtalia.

"Yeah, same here.... Raphtalia do you really love me?" Asked Issei.

Raphtalia stopped.

"Of course I love you with all my heart! I will never leave your side even if the world will be against you" Said Raphtalia confidently.

"Alright then" Said Issei as he kissed Raphtalia passionately before biting her shoulder lightly.

She let out a cute moan in surprise.

"W-why did you bite me?" Asked Raphtalia.

"I just marked you as my mate, from now on you are mine and only mine" Said Issei as he kissed her again until they heard someone from behind.

"Found you!" Said someone from behind.

As they turned around they saw Melty and some knights with her.

"What is she doing here?" Asked Issei.

"I don't know, but she ruined my moment" Whined Raphtalia.

"Don't worry you'll get more kisses" Said Issei as he patted her.

"Sir Shield hero, please return to the castle and speak with the king" Said Melty.

"Not a chance" Said Issei coldly.

Melty flinched at his answer and his coldness.

"I just want you to apologize and reconcile" Said Melty.

"Forget it, did you already forget that I'm a dragon? you know what dragons love? and what do dragon kings hate?" Asked Issei.

"N-no I don't" Answered Melty.

"They love their eternal freedom and kings hate to be ordered around" Answered Issei with a growl.

Raphtalia put her hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek to calm him down.

"Sigh' either way, I don't want anything to do with that old fart" Said Issei as he crossed his arms.

"Please help me out here, we can't fight off the waves without you, and without the king's financial help you wouldn't be where you are now" Said Melty irritated.

"What financial help? plus I'll fight off the waves and return to my home" Said Issei.

As he said that she lowered her head in defeat.

"Please.....just apologize to him otherwise my mother will yell at him!" Shouted Melty.

"You know- wait, you said she will yell at him?" Asked Issei.

"Yes!" Answers Melty but before Issei could say anything else he saw knights behind her, one holding a crystal ball with a sickening smirk and Issei got a very familiar feeling.

'This is the same feeling like those times... betrayal ' Thought Issei as his eyes widened.

Raphtalia noticed his expression so she put up her guard.

Suddenly one of the guards started to run towards them with his sword drawn about to slash Melty's head off.

"Fuck this shit" Said Issei as he grabbed Melty by the hand and pulled her closer to him while he used his shield to block off the attack.

"W-wha?" Melty didn't understand what or why it happened as she was too scared to even think.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Shouted Issei.

"You! how dare you kidnap the royal Princess!?" Shouted the same knight that attacked them.

"Kidnap? hell are you talking about!? I didn't kidnap her!" Roared Issei.

"Liar! with the justice on our side let's destroy this tratorous Red dragon of evil!" Shouted the knight as the rest of the knights drew their swords and started to attack them.

"Raphtalia defend Melty" Said Issei as he gave Melty to Raphtalia as he himself started to defend.

"Balance breaker" Said Issei.

[Welsh dragon protective balance breaker!] Roared Ddraig.

Soon enough Issei stood in his armour ready for battle.

The knights were weak as hell, he didn't even need to boost once.

He only used his fists to knock them down if they didn't go down from the first strike he just divided their strength.

While Issei defended no one noticed one of the knights holding the crystal ball recording everything.

Soon enough more than half of them were knocked down while the rest retreated.

"What was that all about?" Asked Raphtalia.

Melty fell to her knees, she couldn't handle the shock.

The next day in every village and town people saw the edited version of yesterday's fight.

It showed Raphtalia forcefully holding Melty while Issei killed the guards with his armor cold-heartedly.

They had to travel hidden.

When they were flying there was no problem but when they needed food or to find a place to sleep they needed a coat or something to hide their faces.

And they slept in the wilderness not that it bothered Issei nor Raphtalia but what bothered them is that they had to always be on guard and watch out for anything.

[To be continued]