Chapter 41 What a stunning discovery..

Night-time. Issei was still in the air with Raphtalia and Melty who were asleep.

"Brother, I think it's enough for today so land and take a good rest" Said Ddraig.

"If you say so brother" Said issei as he was about to land, but his instincts roared to get out of the way and as he did a pinkish fire ball flew past him and it exploded above him, but the shockwave sent him to the ground.

He couldn't crash with Melty and Raphtalia with him so he summoned his energy wings and his own wings and with the help of six wings he managed to land gently.

He put Melty and Raphtalia on the ground and put up an extremely powerful protective barrier around them so nothing could happen to them while he left to look for anyone responsible for the fire ball, while still wearing his balance breaker.

'Brother, you know that only dragon's could fire such enormous and potent fire blast in just a matter of seconds' Asked Ddraig.

'Yeah I know, so we might meet a dragon here that we can get to obey me or we might fight' Said Issei as he was looking around.

Suddenly his senses picked up a growl near him and before he could look at the direction he was sent flying into a couple of trees with a long scaly tail.

"Ghh, It hurts a little but this armor is incredibly strong, I like this" Said Issei as he stood up and took his battle stance ready to attack.

He looked at his attacker and everything became pitch black around him as an absolute beauty stood before him like a shining gem in a void, he saw a beautiful white western dragon at least forty meters tall, with pink eyes, sharp fangs and claws, two pink horns on its head, long beautiful tail, but what attracted issei the most was her beautiful pink eyes.

'A female?' Asked Issei in his head.

'Y-yeah, and an extremely beautiful one at that.... brother let me have her' Said Ddraig

'Normally I'd say anything for you but.... sorry but she's definitely mine' Said Issei.

"You dare to do this to your brother!" Roared Ddraig out loud.

"What?! I always have been nice to you! plus when you are out of the gear you can go and search for your mate! I found her so she won't be yours!" Roared Issei as aura manifested and swirled around him as it shook the ground.

The white dragon watched at Issei confused with a slight blush because he was speaking to himself, and about her nonetheless, and felt issei's power but it was nothing to her.

"How long are you going to ignore me?" Boomed a powerful yet beautiful feminine voice.

Issei turned towards the white dragon and saw her looking at him angry.

Issei chuckled nervously.

"I-im sorry for that, I didn't want to disrespect you in any way, it's just that my brother was speaking nonsense" Said Issei.

"What nonsense! I said she's mine!" Roared Ddraig.

The white dragon blushed a bit.

"You dare!? I told you this beauty is mine go find one yourself!" Roared Issei at his left arm and the white dragon blushed even more as she never was complemented at all, shocking I know....

"I'm sorry once again.....but can I get your name please?" Asked Issei.

"M-my name is Kiyomi, the dragon of ruin and truth" introduced herself the beauty.

"My name is-" Issei tried to introduce but Ddraig beat him to it.

"My name is Ddraig, one of the heavenly dragons and a dragon of Domination" Introduced Ddraig with enthusiasm.

Issei growled.

'Tonight I'll beat you to a bloody pulp' Said Issei mentally.

"Umm, nice to meet you?" Said Kiyomi.

"And my name is Issei Y Ddraig Goch, I'm a heavenly dragon king and a dragon of Domination and Protection" Introduced Issei.

"So why did you shoot that fire ball at me earlier?" Asked Issei.

"So you were the one I shot at, impressive that you survived" Said Kiyomi.

"I'm sorry but it will take more for you to kill me" Said Issei as he chuckled.

"Are you looking down on me? you lowly human?" Asked angered Kiyomi.

"What? no, of course I won't look down on a fellow dragon" Said Issei as his armor disappeared revealing him with his eyes turned to slits and his wings spread majestically.

Kiyomi blushed as she saw a handsome man in front of her.

"Wait, you are a dragon too?" Asked Kiyomi.

"Yes I am" Said issei proudly but suddenly a fire ball flew towards him so Issei took out his dragon's will shield and blocked off the attack otherwise he would be no more.

"Why are you attacking me!?" Roared Issei.

"Because you demonic dragons deserve death for trying to destroy this world and betraying me!" Roared Kiyomi as her eyes glowed pink.

"Wait! it's a misunderstanding! I'm not a demon dragon! didn't you hear me I said I'm a heavenly dragon not demon!" Roared Issei.

"Lies! I haven't heard of anything like a heavenly dragon!" Roared Kiyomi as she shot another fire ball but Issei blocked it off again.

"I see, you won't listen to me so I have to calm you down, good enough for me I wanted to test this new armor of mine anyways" Said Issei as he had a battle hungry grin.

"Incursio balance breaker!" Roared Issei.

[Welsh tyrant balance breaker of protection!] Roared Ddraig and Issei was in his new armor.

'This aura! there's no mistake he is definitely a demonic dragon' Thought Kiyomi as she became more angry.

Kiyomi spread her pink aura to make issei scared and to show who is superior in this battle but it didn't work as she saw the four eyes on his armor glow and his own aura manifested silver red in colour and started to push her own aura away but she didn't give up just like that so she released eighty percent of her power and her aura started to push issei's away.

Issei used full power and pushed her aura away again so she released her full power too and his aura almost instantly was overwhelmed if not for someone.


And Issei's aura was clashing with Kiyomi's aura in a tie.

'Damn it, if not for the shield's seals I would've won already' Thought Issei.

'He matches my power? is he really this powerful?" Thought Kiyomi.

Kiyomi then proceeded to shoot smaller fireballs they were weaker but still stron to injure Issei.

She shot about a hundred of not more of those small fireballs at Issei but he dodged them as he leaped to the side and turned invisible out of nowhere.

"You think you can trick me?" Asked Kiyomi as she sent Issei flying by her tail.

"Yep, I knew this will happen, dragons still can sense me if I'm invisible" Said issei as he got up.

She then started to charge a more powerful and dangerous fire blast, as it concentrated it turned darker pink instead of white and pink, and she was about to send it straight at Issei, but before that happened issei's gem on the chest glowed.

"Fire dragon's shield!" Roared Issei and as she shot her powerful pink fire ball a fire dragon blasted from issei's gem on the chest straight at Kiyomi's fire ball before exploding and forming a shield that absorbed her attack before disappearing.

"You managed to block one of my more powerful attacks, you have my respect but it's nowhere near the end" Said Kiyomi as she wanted to attack Issei again.

"Sorry, but I don't have all day, I have two people with me so I have to wrap this up quickly" Said Issei as his silver red aura gathered in his palm and created a new attack similar to his aura bullet but better.

"Tyrant blast!" Roared Issei and a silver red beam hit Kiyomi.

She let out a pained roar and before she could regain her balance Issei created yet another skill.

"Dragon's prison!" Roared Issei and a bunch of black chains wrapped around her limbs wings and head, and she fell down completely binded.

"Realise me this instant!" Roared Kiyomi in anger as she tried to break the chains but she couldn't move at all.

"Why can't I move nor brake it!" Roared Kiyomi in fury.

"That's because I used my shadow chains and enhanced them with shield's sealing powers to improve their durability and boosted them a little to improve their strength" Said Issei.

"Now that you can't fight, please just calm down, I didn't come here to cause any harm" Said Issei as he looked straight into her beautiful pink eyes.

"Alright, but first release me, it is really uncomfortable" Said Kiyomi as she didn't detect any lies.

"Done and done" Said Issei as he flicked his fingers and the chains disappeared as well as his armor.

Suddenly Kiyomi was enveloped in a bright white light and as the light died down a beautiful girl with long white hair that parted in the middle and fell to the sides, over her shoulders. The bangs came only from the larger side part of the hair, pink beautiful eyes were revealed, she wore a white dress and had pink shoes, her wings stayed out as well as her cute horns, she had a really attractive body that any man would kill to have someone like her, she was cute yet hot and extremely beautiful.

"You are even more beautiful in your human form than I imagined" Said Issei.

She blushed at his compliment.

"Now, why don't you say why you attacked me earlier?" Asked Issei.

"Because I felt a demonic dragon's presence in the sky so I shot my attack towards the presence and later you came here so I thought you are demonic dragon" Explained Kiyomi.

"I see, but why attack them?" Asked Issei.

"What? you really don't know? they were under the demonic dragon king who rule them.. His name is Tyrant who was sealed into a weapon called Incursio He had four generals which became one after one of them took over the position of the demonic dragon king.

I know only one of the generals, that is Dracul, he betrayed Tyrant and sealed him in a weapon while destroying almost his whole body.

That's because Tyrant was against causing destruction to the world while Dracul wanted the opposite.

That's how waves of catastrophe occurred because Dracul made a bunch of monsters made from Tyran's body remains, although the monsters are weak that is just the the last wave he will send an army and come himself with the remaining demonic dragon generals to destroy everything....And the other demonic dragons cannot disobey their king and generals" Explained Kiyomi.

Issei was so shocked by this discovery but he saw that she didn't tell everything.

"But there's something else to it, right?" Asked Issei.

'He saw right through me' Thought Kiyomi impressed.

"Dracul was my least he was supposed to be but as he placed his mark on me that was unfinished, as you know how to finish the mark yourself, he didn't do it with me, he just ignored me and wanted to cause destruction" Said Kiyomi.

"And I'm the only normal dragon left while everyone else are demonic dragons that cause only destruction that's why everyone called me disgusting and not normal or ugly, that's one of the reasons Dracul threw me away, I'm glad that we didn't finish the mark....I didn't love him in the first place... because... because.... Said Kiyomi as tears formed in her eyes.

Issei gave her a hug.

"He was the reason my mother died and took me with him when I was still a hachling.....I was powerless all these years and couldn't do anything but obey him.." Said Kiyomi.

"But I'm glad to finally be free....all this time I was training to get stronger and get my revenge...the only thing is that I'm ugly and not normal.....a freak.." Said Kiyomi as tears came out from here eyes finally.

Issei came up to her and hugged her much to Kiyomi's shock.

"It's alright, don't pay any attention to them, if you are ugly to them so be it, but to me you are one of the most incredibly beautiful dragons that I have ever seen, your beauty even made me and my brother fight over you for a couple of minutes, and I promise you that Dracul will pay" Said Issei.

She started to cry even harder and she hugged Issei back with all her might.

She cried into his clothes making them wet but Issei didn't care about that, what he cared about right now was to take care of her.

After half an hour the sun shone straight at them and revealed Kiyomi's beautiful face as her pink eyes sparkled.

"You are even more beautiful when I can see you in the light" Said Issei, making her blush in the process.

Suddenly she kissed him and bit his shoulder and a pink mark appeared on his shoulder.

Issei bit her shoulder too without thinking because his instincts overtook him for a moment and a red dragon mark appeared on her shoulder.

"Please, let me stay with you I want to accompany you whenever you go, you are the first dragon to tell me that I'm beautiful and not a are different and I like that" Said Kiyomi.

"Alright, I'll grant your wish milady, and if anyone calls you ugly or a freak don't pay any attention to them, just let me punish them painfully" Said Issei with a sinister smile.

These words made Kiyomi even happier that she chose to be with him.

"Darn it Issei!" Roared out an angry Ddraig.

"Sorry brother, but it's my win this time" Said Issei with the biggest smug grin ever.

"I'll tear you apart when I get out of here!" Roared Ddraig.

Kiyomi just giggled at their interaction.

"Is he sealed or something?" Asked Kiyomi after a couple of seconds.

"Well yeah, just for now, but later he will be released" Said Issei.

"Plus you remember when you said you felt the demonic dragon's presence?" Asked Issei.

Kiyomi nodded.

"So yesterday I got this weapon as you said called Incursio" Said Issei shocking Kiyomi.

"So you are his wielder?" Asked Kiyomi.

"Yes I am" Answered Issei.

"That makes sense then why I felt stronger demonic dragon's presence when you equipped your armor" Said Kiyomi.

"Yes that is the truth, hopefully I'll get to keep this when I return to my world" Said Issei confusing Kiyomi.

"What do you mean by your world?" Asked Kiyomi.

"What I mean is that I was summoned here as a Shield hero to defeat the waves of catastrophe, this shield gave me incredible defence but it sealed most of my powers and my dragon form for the time being" Said issei.

"Ah, so that's why you were flying in that armor and not in your dragon form" Said Kiyomi.

"Yeah, so what are ya gonna do now?" Asked Issei.

"I want to learn more about you and your world" Said Kiyomi as she tackled Issei to the ground before sitting in his lap.

"Alright sure" Said Issei as he chuckled.

He told her everything about his world, about sacred gears, his adventures, how he was a devil and so on.

Kiyomi listened carefully to his every word as she was amazed by his stories.

Suddenly her and his stomachs growelled.

"I guess we need to eat some breakfast" Said Issei.

"Yeah, you can bring those two people you were talking about earlier" Said Kiyomi as she got up from his lap.

Suddenly she saw his face full of horror and fear.

"What's wrong?" Asked Kiyomi.

"I just realized that when I came here they were still sleeping so I put one of the most powerful barriers around them to keep them safe" Said Issei with a shaky voice.

"That means that they were inside a barrier while we were talking all this time?" Asked Kiyomi as she held her laughter.

Issei just nodded and she couldn't hold it anymore and bursted out with laughter while Issei ran towards Raphtalia and Melty while Kiyomi followed him while still laughing.

'I'm glad to hear her laugh, but I still fear what will happen to me' Thought Issei.

They finally reached the barrier and when Issei removed it he was immediately tackled to the ground by Raphtalia while Melty was still asleep.

"Where were you for so long!" Shouted Raphtalia.

"I was....I.....ugh.." Issei didn't really know what to say in this situation.

She then looked at a snickering girl that watched the situation unfold.

"Issei, who is she?" Asked Raphtalia.

"Her name is Kiyomi, my new mate and a dragon" Said Issei shocking Raphtalia.

"And a dragon queen too" Said Kiyomi.

Now Raphtalia and Issei were both shocked.

"What do you mean by dragon queen?" Asked Issei.

"Well, I'm last of my kind and my mother always told me when I was little that I'll be a dragon queen once I grow up, before her death her last words were not to lose confidence and become the best dragon queen, plus some dragons obeyed me because of my power level when they got rid of me" Said Kiyomi.

"So it's similar to me" Said Issei.

"What do you mean?" Asked Kiyomi.

"Well, not too long ago at some mountain I made one dragon obey me with my power" Said Issei.

"That's incredible, it didn't work for me as the demonic dragons didn't listen to me even tho I was more powerful than them when they started to talk behind my back" Said Kiyomi.

"So I guess you are one of his mates? Raphtalia right?" Asked Kiyomi as she looked at Raphtalia.

"Yes, I am one of his mates" Said Raphtalia confidently.

"Great! then let's get along and become harem sisters!" Said Kiyomi with a beautiful smile.

"Yes! let's get along" Said Raphtalia with a same beautiful smile.

'I thought that there would be a fight but they got along pretty well' Thought Issei happily.

"Ugh...keep it down, will ya?" Asked a still sleeping Melty.

Everyone laughed at that before eating their breakfast.