Chapter 49 Preparations...

"Well then, shall we dance?" Asked Issei as he took his battle stance.

"Just die!" Roared Attor as she shot a ball of dark green flames at Issei.

Issei blocked the fire ball with his arms.

'System analyze' Said Issei mentally.

Issei didn't have any time to read whatever the system showed so the system spoke in his mind.

*Analysis! The fire ball of poisons, it effectively burns it's target and poisons with an extremely deadly poison, but due to being the Shield hero the shield nullifies all of the poisons, and due to being a dragon the fire resistance is higher than anyone's plus using the armor gives the host an ultimate resistance from poison and fire attacks*

'Thats great, thank you system' Said Issei mentally.

"I'm impressed by how you survived that attack, normally even a powerful dragon or adventurer dies just from the first strike" Said Attor.

"Well I ain't normal" Said Issei.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Attor.

"I'm not just the Shield hero, I'm a dragon too" Said Issei as he revealed his true wings.

"Im-impossible! how is there a dragon that still hasn't turned into a demonic dragon!" Roared Attor.

"What do you mean? so all of the dragons are normal? at least were, but you turned them into demonic dragons which made them obey your every command?" Said Issei.

"That's right, once in this world lived three species of dragons, demonic, ordinary ones, and fairy ones.

Demonic dragons reside in earth depths in hell, ordinary dragons resided mostly in mountains, caves and so on, and the fairy dragons that lived on the surface too but in a sacred mountain that no one found until Dracul that is, the mountain is located in the middle of the sea.

No one is able to see much less enter the sacred mountain, but with special access that fairy dragons had was easy.

We made one of them a traitor and we gained access to the sacred mountain.

Of course only the general rank has it such as myself.

We killed all of them! only one was left the fairy dragon princess Kiyomi as a trophy for Dracul, but she didn't know that she was a fairy dragon, she thought she was a normal dragon princess.

Dracul made her his mate" Groweled Attor.

"But the more every demonic dragons made fun of her the more Dracul looked at her in disgust until he threw her away! ahahah that's why now I can have him all to myself!" Roared Attor like a maniac.

Issei was pissed off hearing about all of this.

*New skill! Skill just created by host! when host feels extreme hatred or anger the skill 'Dragon's wrath' activates automatically, by doing so it uses all of the anger and hatred to rise the players level and stats temporarily, the level rise and stat increase depends on payer's anger and hatred level*

'So now I can create skills too? that's great.

Hmm Dragon's wrath skill, when I got pissed off, I already managed to rise my levels temporarily to some extent but with system's update I can rise it beyond my expectations' Thought Issei with a crazy smirk.

"You have no idea how she looked when every demonic dragon chased her throughout hell and made her suffer until she somehow managed to dissapear!" Roared in laughter Attor.

Now issei's anger levels were beyond.

*Skill activated!" Skill Dragon's wrath has been activated, host's levels and stats are rising! Wrath level 27/100*

Suddenly his levels slowly started to rise.

At first it started to rise slowly but then it sped up and his level reached one hundred forty.

Attor watched in horror as she felt his power levels rise and surpass her by a wide gap.

"H-how are y-you doing this!?" Roared Attor out of panic.

Issei didn't say anything, he just stretched his arms towards her and one apple sized silver red balls in each of his hands formed.


Attor got so scared as his power levels just kept rising when each boost was heard.

The two orbs in his palms got to a basketball sized balls.

"You think you can defeat me! the great general Attor!?" Roared Attor as he created a large green magic circle behind her.

Out of the magic circle a large green and deep red beam shot straight at Issei but he didn't wait any longer either.

"DOUBLE TYRANT BLAST!" Roared Issei as he punched the both orbs and two beams shot straight at Attor until thei combined making the beam even bigger.

The two beams colided with a huge shockwave.

The whole dungeon began to shake.

"Demon fire!" Roared Attor and dark orange fire swirled around her beam.

"Blazing inferno scorching flames!" Roared Issei and dark red flames swirled around his beam.

Both were fighting for dominance but...Issei was just toying with her.

Issei got bored so he thought it was enough of games and let his beam hit Attor.

She screeched in agony but Issei didn't let her die just yet.

Issei cancelled out his beam and looked at Attor.

Even tho she was a dragon and had a high resistance to flames she couldn't withstand issei's blazing inferno scorching flames and Tyrant blast as her skin was all burned up and melted.

She was panting heavily as she fell down on her knee.

Issei slowly made his way towards her.

Attor was too scared to even look at Issei.

"I guess this is my victory...burn in hell for what you did to my mate" Said Issei as he after couple of boosts stabbed her with his sharp claws through her chest and after a moment he ripped her heart out.

Her body fell on the ground as blood spewed on the ground.

"I hope you are happy with this outcome" Said issei as he crushed her heart.

He then grabbed a piece of her horn and put it on the shield.

The shield absorbed the piece and issei received a new shield.

*New shield unlocked! Demonic dragon poison shield!*

"Don't think I'll need this one" Said Issei.

Suddenly her whole body lit up in flames and burned till not even ashes were left.

Issei stood there for a minute or two and then decided to leave.

As he turned around a screen popped out in front of him.

*Congratulations! You have slayed the demonic dragon general Attor of Poisons! You leveled up to level 130! and gained a new access skill!*

"Wow, from level one hundred eleven to one hundred thirty and a skill?" Said Issei out loud.

*Access skill! Skill used by fairy dragons to access the sacred mountain!*

"Do you know where the mountain is?" Asked issei.

*Sorry master but I don't have that information*

"Figured as much...hope to find that mountain then, maybe it'll have something useful, or at least I will be able to show it to Kiyomi some day" Said Issei.

Issei deactivated his balance breaker and used his wings to fly out of the dungeon.

As he got outside of the dungeon he wasn't blinded by the sun because night has fallen onto the island.

"I guess I was there for some time" Said Issei.

"After the wave you should tell the queen and the others about the information you gathered here today in the dungeon" Said Ddraig.

"Yeah you are right, we will lose if we fight the last wave with the power level we are at right now" Said Issei as he flew up the sky.

After five minutes he returned to the main island.

He landed in front of a house where they were staying.

But someone was waiting for him.

Not Raphtalia or Kiyomi but L'arc.

He stood there with a smirk and hands crossed and scythe right next to him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure to be met by the Scythe hero?" Asked Issei with a smug grin.

"Nothing I was just waiting for my buddy here.

Your girls here were worried for ya because you didn't come here for some time now.

But I reassured them that you are alright because we know you are strong enough to protect yourself and your sudden huge level rise proved it" Said L'arc with a smug grin of his own.

"Thank you for that and I was just in the dungeon trying to level up" Said Issei.

"What kind of boss monster you encountered to level up so much?" Asked dumbfounded L'arc.

"Well it was weird... because of my system upgrade I can use that dungeon to respawn the boss but as I did that I was disappointed by how weak it was, but then the system said I can spawn another boss and choose a difficulty of the dungeon boss.

I chose extreme difficulty the most difficult and you won't guess what the system forcefully teleported there to fight me" Said Issei.

"What was it?" Asked L'arc curiously.

"One of the demonic dragon generals, general Attor" Said Issei.

"Okay now I'm completely lost... what are demonic dragons? who are generals and what?" Asked L'arc.

"Okay listen up I'll explain everything it may take a while so let's take a seat" Said Issei as he and L'arc sat on the ground and explained everything about demonic dragons, Tyrant, the four now two generals, Dracul, three dragon races and so on...

"Wow... that's a lot to process...I think we should go and get some sleep as tomorrow the wave will begin so get a goodnights sleep because you are our ace, we don't need a tired dragon fighting" Said L'arc as he patted issei on the shoulder before leaving.

Issei let out a tired sigh before going inside.

As he got to the bedroom he saw Kiyomi and Raphtalia sleeping peacefully but shivered from the cold as the cover was on the ground.

Issei just chuckled before picking up the cover and joined them in the bed in the middle between them.

The girls instinctively hugged him from the sides.

Issei smiled and fell asleep.

The next morning Issei woke up alone.

He expected that happening already because he was tired last night so he slept in.

He got out of the bed, got ready for the day and went outside.

Outside he saw adventurers preparing for the wave hastily.

They were running around or discussing in groups on how they will perform on the battlefield.

"Guess I'll go look for my party" Said Issei as he went to what seemed a random direction but he can smell their scent if they aren't too far away, plus the mate mark helps him locate the girls, if none of those help him find anyone he can spread his aura throughout the area to locate the right person.

As Issei was walking he noticed Motoyasu and his party.

He was handing out the medicine and healing potions to his party.

Issei decided to chat with him for a sec before finding his own party.

"Oh Issei, hey there, ya need something?" Asked Motoyasu with a kind simile as he waved his hand.

"Nah I just wanted to see how are ya before the wave" Replied Issei with a smirk.

"Tho I must say, I'm glad that you aren't an arrogant prick anymore, you are better this way, the new you" Said Issei as he patted him on the back.

"Well yeah, I guess I was really annoying" Said Motoyasu.

"You don't even imagine" Said issei.

"Alright, enough of that, I don't need to hear how much of a jerk I was" Said Motoyasu annoyed.

"C'mon man, I was just teasing ya, don't worry ya changed and that's what matters" Said Issei.

"Yeah, you are right I guess" Said Motoyasu.

"Now don't lose that determination of yours and let's defeat the wave together" Said Issei as he fist bumped Motoyasu.

"Yes, let's deal with that" Said Motoyasu.

"And you..." Said Issei as he looked at Motoyasu's party.

"You protect him and each other no matter what, but if you are too scared now.....don't go, you will just slow not only him down but us too" Said Issei.

His party looked at him wide eyed.

"No! we are not leaving our party leader go out there alone without his party!"


Shouted Motoyasu's party with determination.

Motoyasu and issei smirked at each other before parting their ways as Issei gave enough confidence boost.

Issei walked for five more minutes and finally coached up to his party.

"Hey!" Shouted Issei as he came up to them.

"Good morning Issei" Greeted him his party.

"Yeah morning, why didn't you wake me up?" Aksed Issei.

"We wanted you to rest a bit more as you worked really hard yesterday" Said Raphtalia.

"You did level up insanely fast yesterday, I guess it was tiring so we decided to let you sleep, plus you looked cute while asleep" Said Kiyomi.

"Alright I understand and thank you, yesterday was tiring" Said Issei as he yawned.

"So what are you all doing here?" Asked issei.

"We were just talking on how we will deal with the wave" Said L'arc.

"Ah I see" Replied Issei.

"Adventurers will take the low level monsters while our and Spear hero's parties will take out the boss" Said L'arc.

"Alright I understand, now let's calm down and just wait for the wave, ah and take these" Said issei as he handed them a couple of bottles of dragon's essence and some regular medicine.

Everyone took the bottles and thanked him for them before walking off.

"Kiyomi" Said Issei.

Kiyomi turned to look at Issei.

"After the wave we will have a serious talk, don't worry it's not because something you did, I just got information that will..... surprise you" Said Issei.

Kiyomi nodded with a smile and left Issei alone but not before giving him a peck on the lips.

"How are ya feeling brother?" Asked Ddraig.

"Confident that we will come victorious after this wave, plus when Attor said that she was the strongest general gave me a great sense of relief because it was easy to beat her so if the others are this weak we will win easily even if most of my powers are sealed" Said Issei with a smile.

"Brother, I have a bad feeling about what she said" Said a concerned dragon.

"What do you mean?" Asked Issei.

"I think she might've lied and gave you false information" Said Ddraig.

"Well I think I should listen to you, when you say you have a bad feeling it always comes out true, so either you are a fortune teller or something or you just keep jinxing us" Laughed Issei as he was walking a random direction.

Suddenly a screen popped up for Issei.

*enhancement accessories are done!

Player has successfully crafted enhancement accessories from super rare materials making the accessories highest tier*

"Oh, I forgot about those....well, let's see how these look" Said Issei as he took out the accessories out of his inventory.

First he took out a ring that was in a form of a black dragon with red eyes, the wings functioned as the ring itself as they were in an oval shape.

Next he took out a black necklace in a shape of a heart with a red gem in the middle, and dragon wings on the sides.

And lastly a black bracelet that took a shape of a eastern dragon that bit its own tail with red eyes and teeth.

Issei was extremely happy with the results now he only had to give these to the girls.

"Half an hour before the wave starts, I think I have enough time to find them...again" Said issei to himself as his wings popped out from his back.

He took flight in search of the three girls.

Two minutes passed and he found Raphtalia and Theresa near the beach.

He landed in front of them with a smirk.

"Ladies I got something for ya" Said Issei as he took out a ring and a bracelet.

"Theresa, here is a ring for ya and a bracelet for you my princess" Said Issei as he bowed before giving the accessories.

"This is so beautiful Issei, thank you so much" Said Theresa as he gazed at her new ring.

Issei, this is great! I love it!" Said Raphtalia as she jumped at him and hugged the life out of him, before sucking his soul out.....I mean before kissed him like never before.

"No problem" Chuckled Issei as he stroked her hair.

Raphtalia and Theresa put on the accessories and Issei was stunned to see that their stats rose at least eight times.

"What and incredible effect" Said Issei.

"But now I have to find Kiyomi maybe you know where she went?" Aksed Issei.

"I think she is on this island's cliff where the view is incredible" Said Raphtalia.

"Alright, thanks for the info" Said Issei as he flew away.

Five more minutes and he found the cliff Raphtalia was talking about and saw a beautiful girl with beautiful white wings on her back and pink horns that came out from her beautiful white hair sitting at the edge of it and looking into the distance.

Issei consealed his presence and walked towards her silently.

Suddenly she felt two soft and strong hands wrap around her waist as someone sat behind her.

"What ya doing love?" Asked Issei as he put his chin on her shoulder.

"Just thinking about everything that has happened to me over these years.....I was always neglected be everyone, called ugly, unsightly even dumb, I was all alone there...I thought that I was at least useful for Dracul, I just wanted to survive, but he just threw me away like a garbage....but found me...and the first thing you said to me was how beautiful I heart was beating so fast the moment I met you....I'm so lucky to be your mate" Said Kiyomi.

"You're wrong....I'm the one who is lucky to be your mate, your beauty doesn't even mach a goddess of beauty herself! you are intelegent and unique, and I'm glad that you shot that fireball at me that night" Said Issei as he kissed her chin.

Tears started to gather in Kiyomi's eyes.

"I love you so much Ise" Said Kiyomi as she kissed him.

"Love you too" Replied Issei.

After a minute Kiyomi spoke again.

"You know....I hate Dracul for many reasons but there is one that makes me want him to suffer" Said Kiyomi.

Issei stayed silent.

"He.....he ways just the reson my mother died....he WAS the one who killed my mother....he was the one who made me his mate forcefully....he was the one who made me his slave!" Roared Kiyomi as she cried.

Issei just continued to hug Her and give her light kisses on her neck.

It was helping to calm her down.

"Don't worry Kiyomi...I'm here for you, Raphtalia, Theresa, and L'arc, are here for you too, and don't worry, I'll make Dracul and everyone who made you cry suffer" Said Issei as his voice darkened on the last words.

"Thank much my dearest" Said Kiyomi.

Suddenly issei noticed that only ten minutes left until the wave.

So he stood up.

"Get up Kiyomi" Said Issei as he stretched his hand out to help her.

She grabbed his hand and stood up in front of him.

"The wave will start in ten minutes so before that I want to give you something" Said issei as he grabbed a necklace from his inventory.

"I made you this, it boosts your stats unlike your ring which protects you" Said issei as he put on the necklace around her neck.

"Its beautiful....thank you" Said Kiyomi as she kissed him with passion.

'Im so happy to be with him' Thought Kiyomi as she looked at his beaming smile that made her smile too.

"Well, let's get going, we need to find our party" Said Issei as he unfolded his wings.

"Ok let's" Said Kiyomi as she stretched her own and they took flight....