Evacuate properly- ah, screw it

Classes in UA has been fun, though it is tedious and the training is intense but getting to know my classmates is pretty fun. Everyone has an interesting life here, there's no shortage of surprises, including Midoriya who's one for all's successor.

I don't know the green haired freckled kid much, but I'd like to. After all, who wouldn't want to be acquainted with the future Almight?

Today's class was about choosing a class representative, I didn't care all that much so I just vote for myself, at the end Midoriya and Momo got the roles.

Midoriya looks like a wreck, is it safe to have him as the representative? My thoughts are interrupted though as a feminine voice plays through the school speakers...

"People have broken into UA, please calmly evacuate the premises. I repeat..."

An alarm went off, sounding through every classroom. People breaking into UA? That could only mean...


In a hurry, every classroom in the school rushes for the emergency exit stairs, pushing and shoving eachother. It got to the point that the whole area became crowded, and difficult to move in.

I was being squeezed alive in a crowd, the other students seemed to be in a similar situation. No one is thinking rationally since our lives are in danger, they must be stressed...

Eh? Did someone just touch my waist?

"Skill 'prey' has been activated, an event will occur"

"For every minute you are groped, skill charm will increase

For every time you orgasm, your overall charm increases

For every time the opponent orgasms, you gain a new skill"

"W- Wait, who's..." It's hard to tell who's touching what, with all the people here and...

Getting touched in a place like this is making... ugh, I have to get out of here quickly...

Suddenly, a hand squeezes your shaped ass, squeezing and fondling it making you let out a small moan.

Luckily the panic around you drowns your moans of pleasure, but your groper hears it and continues to fondle even harder.

It's hard to resist, when your hands are being restrained by the massive crowd.

Suddenly, an object touches your ass. You turn around and look, to see and unfamiliar student pressing his crotch against your ass, though he hasn't taken it out you can see from the hard on that it's massive...

Your legs tremble at the sight.

"Skill charm has increased!"

He presses his crotch against your ass, humping your rear like a rabbit in heat.

It feels good, you're hot and sweaty and feel humiliated knowing this is happening in public, in the middle of an emergency. But...

The man continues to poke his shaft against your ass, he grabs your hips with his hands and continues, going at it more violently.

Your arms are free at this point, and although you could try and stop him... your muscles don't listen, your arms don't move and you're lost in the moment.

"LISTEN TO ME!!!" Iida shouts at the top of his lungs, gathering the attention of everyone in the hallway, the only exception being my attacker who ignores what he has to say.

"Reporters have broken into the school premises, the matter will be dealt with by the school," Iida says calmly and resolutely, "please evacuate calmly...!"

You hear a grunt from behind, and realise that it came from your attacker. Was he...

"Congratulations, you learned the skill Progress!


Let's you see what people think of you"

A wet spot forms on his pants, you wish he'd stay but he makes his way to the emergency exit.

...wait, what? No, I wish he'd been gone from the beginning. Why am I being so... weird?

Well, doesn't matter. Let's take a look at the skill Progress...

Let's use it on the guy who groped me, "System, use 'progress'"

"This character thinks you're a bitch in heat"

Huh? A bitch in heat? Fuck off, why're you thinking that of someone after you groped them, asshole?