"HEY! Sandy, don't ever just set me up with an abnormal girl like you."

I laughed at him. My cousin is very negative, that is why he had no girlfriend at all, "Relax, Daniel! She's not abnormal she's very smart. You'll love her, I promise."


I can't believe it! Is he her alleged cousin? It's only now that I realized that Ara is my best friend but I don't know her full name yet because every time we take an exam, she only the name Ara everywhere.

"Kath! You made it!" she still hugged me but I could hardly move because I need to know something, "Come on and let me introduce you to my cousin with his friends!"

I could see the joy on Ara's face and she would have pulled me when I stopped her. Her foreheads frowned at what I did, "Kath? D-do you have a problem? What happened?"