Guests at Breakfast

Cameron noticed the expression on her face and said, " Don't keep that face. I will make you enjoy it…"

She turned her face aside from him.

" You can be angry at me later. But for now, We need to have breakfast with everyone…." He informed her.


By the time they reached the dining hall, everyone was already waiting for them. They also find Lewis's family along with them. Slowly they reached for the chairs and sat next to each other.

" How are you, Ava? " Lewis asked her.

" Fine…" she replied.

" So….you are the special girlfriend of Cameron…". Ava heard a female voice all of a sudden.

Ava and Cameron turned their heads

and looked in that direction.

" Aunt Susan… She is not my girlfriend…" he replied, making everyone shocked for a few seconds. Ava's heart started beating fast with his announcement. Just then he continued, " She is my soon-to-be wife and younger daughter-in-law to Richard's family"