Meeting a Scumbag

"No… No, Mr. Cole. It's just that my friend called me over for something. I'll handle it." Anita moved her body and tried to stay away from Cole.

"What friend? Is it Brownie, who you just came in with, or Owen, who just left? You're quite something." Cole leaned closer to Anita.

"Your figure is amazing," Cole said with a sigh as he looked at Anita.

When they had a meeting a few days ago, Cole knew that Anita had a great figure.

When Anita appeared with Brownie today, Cole could not take his eyes off her.

"Mr. Cole, don't talk nonsense. I'm friends with them. Please show some respect." Seeing that Cole was getting more and more out of line, Anita replied angrily.

"Really? It doesn't matter. Just sit down and let's have a drink or two." Cole reached out and pressed Anita into her seat.