Owen's Request

"Mr. Owen, are you sure you want to enter a contractual marriage with me?" Anita finally said.

"Miss Anita, yes. I've been thinking about this for days. Don't worry, you don't have to worry about monetary compensation at all," Owen said.

Anita felt uncomfortable, but she forced herself to smile. "Yes, don't worry. I'm definitely not worried. After all, I already owe you so much."

Owen looked across at Anita and suddenly felt bad. He began to wonder if he had made the right decision.

But now that he had said it and Anita had agreed, it seemed like he could no longer backtrack. He could only try his best to make it up to Anita in the future.

"Mr. Owen, do you have any requests on my end?" Anita asked again.

"No. My parents like you a lot. We can get married as soon as possible," Owen replied quickly.