Photos from 20 Years Ago

"Yeah, why?" Owen, confused by Anita's eagerness, asked.

"Wait for me for a while." Anita jumped off the sofa and hurried into the room.

Owen, not knowing where she was going, froze on the edge of the sofa.

Anita didn't care what Owen was thinking. She ran to her room and found the computer first to turn on the Internet disk that had been keeping the photos.

She suddenly remembered that when she went to Disneyland with her parents, she had brought a camera with her. That camera had cost her father almost two months' worth of salary.

At that time, her father bought it secretly. After her mother found out, she even quarreled with her father for a few days.

However, it was also this camera that accompanied their family to Disneyland. She even took many photos in Disneyland. When the camera couldn't be used anymore, she took the photos out and placed them on the Internet.