Taking a Walk by the River

Owen wasn't very happy to hear Anita's self-deprecating words. He felt that Anita was really very talented. He also believed that this tune really came from Anita, but he didn't know if Anita needed his insignificant trust.

"Anita, you've always been a very outstanding girl in my eyes. You could pass the graduate entrance examination and become your mentor's student, and he appreciated you enough to participate in the experiment, which proves that you're great," Owen finally said.

"Thank you, Owen. These things are in the past. Don't say anything about it from today onward. Don't ask," Anita said as she picked up the glass in front of her and took a sip.

"Anita, why are you drinking again? You're not allowed to drink anymore," Owen said helplessly while looking at Anita. He was really afraid she would get drunk again. Although her being drunk might be a good thing for him, it wasn't what he wanted after all.