New Partner

"Well, I hope so," Jack said with a smile while shaking Anita's hand.

Next, the two of them started their experiment. Both of them were very focused. Once they started, they were unwilling to be interrupted.

Jack had encountered some bottlenecks in his experiment and wanted to stop and think about it, so he looked at Anita and said, "Do you want to go eat?"

Anita said to Jack, "You can go first. I haven't finished this experiment. I'll go later," Jack didn't force her. He tidied the experiment table and went out.

Anita had a good idea today, so she didn't want to interrupt her experiment progress, so she rejected Jack. But she didn't expect Jack to bring her a sandwich and yogurt when he returned from his trip.

"I don't know what you like to eat, and I've never bought anything for a girl, so I brought you a sandwich. You should eat something first," Jack whispered as he handed the food to Anita.