Owen's Heartache

"Owen, you can tell me if you need any help," Joan said kindly as well.

Owen smiled and nodded at their words.

Although he didn't say anything, his heart was filled with worry. Anita really wasn't in a good state just now.

They bickered and he even let her go back to the hotel alone. He was afraid Anita would do something.

As soon as the tour bus stopped in front of the hotel, Owen came down. "Mr. Bieber, Joan, I'll go back to my room first."

"Okay, go," Bieber said quickly when he saw Owen's anxious expression.

Owen nodded, then turned and strode to his room.

When he reached the door of the room, he wanted to knock, but when he touched his pocket, he felt the room card.

It was only at this moment that he remembered that Anita hadn't brought her room card with her when she came back just now.

When she left the house in the morning, she did not have a pocket in her clothes and the room card was with him. He completely forgot.