Anita Is Out of the Country

"Owen, don't be angry. I was just worried you were working overtime. I'll be back in a couple of days. We'll talk when I get back, okay?" Anita said quickly while listening to Owen, who was agitated.

"No, you can't go. Change your ticket and wait for me to go over now." The more Owen thought about it in the office, the more worried he became. He couldn't let Anita go like this. He was afraid that if he did, their relationship would sour.

At the thought of this, he hurriedly picked up his clothes from the chair and walked out.

Anita looked at the time on her watch. There was no reply. The speaker in the waiting room was announcing the boarding time. It was time to board the plane.

"Owen, don't be like this. Calm down," Anita said after a moment.

Owen didn't reply. He hung up and hurried out.

"President, where are you going? There's a meeting scheduled." Bruce saw Owen rush out and hurriedly chased after him.