A Quiet Call

Owen breathed a sigh of relief when the message was sent. He didn't know when Anita would see this message, but it didn't matter when. As long as Anita could see this message, she wouldn't be angry at him for not answering her phone.

"President, you're already up. This is the meal that was ordered for you." Bruce had also been busy until the middle of the night yesterday before going home. As soon as he woke up today, he hurried over to order food for Owen.

"Um, thanks," Owen said with a smile as he glanced at the meal Bruce had brought.

Bruce looked at Owen, who smiled as he thanked him. He wasn't used to it and had an awkward look on his face.

"By the way, CEO, regarding Eric's matter that you asked me to investigate, the private detective sent me a message. They'll send me the sorted information this afternoon." Bruce eased up the expression on his face and said to Owen.