The Truth

"These should be able to clearly prove that Eric deliberately released the news to get the paparazzi to take pictures. You're in the entertainment industry, so I think you should understand what Eric wants. He just wants to use your fame to become famous himself," Owen said softly as he looked at Miranda.

Hearing Owen's words, Miranda was stunned for a moment before she stopped hesitating. She picked up the information in her hand and started to flip through it. The information was very thorough, and the chat records of Eric and the various media outlets were clearly displayed on it.

These could be faked, but the clear location messages on it made Miranda believe that Eric was really using her.

He used every date they had together to achieve his goal.

Putting down the information in her hand, Miranda smiled sadly. She admitted that she didn't like Eric that much at first, but when he brought the song to her…