Go Eat?

Anita watched Ethan's lonely back figure finally disappear from her vision before looking back at Owen.

"Anita, what's wrong? Are you too tired?" Owen asked when he saw that Anita had been silent.

"I'm fine. Let's go," Anita finally said.

"Miss Anita, the CEO put in a lot of effort to book the restaurant for you. He instructed me to prepare it early on. The restaurant has been booked a few days in advance. We've been waiting for you to come back," Bruce saw that the atmosphere was not right and hurriedly said with a smile.

"Restaurant? Is it Xiyue Restaurant?" Anita suddenly asked Bruce.

"Yes… yes. You and the CEO have even been to this restaurant. Didn't you say that the food there is delicious? So the CEO booked that place again," Bruce said nervously as he listened to Anita.