Alone In The Same Space

Anita felt bad when she heard Owen's slightly aggrieved words. She had indeed been too anxious. On the one hand, she heard an answer she didn't want to hear from Owen, and on the other hand, she wanted to escape this matter.

"Owen, I'm sorry. It won't happen again," Anita said to Owen after a moment.

Owen nodded at Anita. It hadn't been easy for the two of them to get to where they were today, so when he saw the photos on Anita's phone yesterday, he restrained his emotions.

At that time, the first emotion he felt was anger. He was angry that Anita didn't believe him and didn't pick up the phone or reply to messages because of a few photos, making him worry for so long.

But later, he controlled himself. He didn't want to be too impulsive, and he didn't want there to be a misunderstanding between the two of them like before Anita went overseas.

So yesterday, he thought about it and confessed everything to Anita.