Everything Tastes Good With You Around

"I know how to eat it. Don't worry," Anita said with a smile as she listened to him.

It was obvious that this was not Anita's first time here, so he smiled and didn't continue.

"Owen, try it." Anita tore a small piece of bread first, dipped it in onion butter, and handed it to Owen with a smile.

Owen was a little resistant to onions, but Anita had already handed it over. He felt bad about not eating it, so he took it and put it in his mouth before quickly swallowing.

"How is it? It's delicious, right?" Anita asked Owen.

Owen listened to Anita and thought about the taste. The onions had been fried beforehand and mixed with the butter. The taste wasn't as strong.

Since the aftertaste seemed to be quite delicious and not as bad as he thought, he smiled and nodded.