Going Home to Eat

"I… I forgot to set the alarm," Anita said sheepishly.

Owen could guess from Anita's voice that she must be feeling embarrassed again, so he chuckled softly and said, "It's okay. Hurry up and pack. I'll go back now."

"Yes, I understand," Anita said with a smile as she listened to Owen.

After hanging up, she quickly got up from the bed to wash up and change her clothes.

She was going home to eat with Owen's parents today. Standing in the changing room, Anita thought about it and finally took out a cream-colored dress.

Her hair was a little messy, and she didn't look good with her hair loose, so Anita took a hair clip from the mirror and clipped her hair.

When she was done preparing, Owen called again. "Are you done? I'm already downstairs."

"Yes, I'll go down now," Anita said quickly as she listened to Owen.

"It's okay. There's no hurry," Owen said again, afraid that Anita would be in a hurry.