Embarrassment at the Table

Hearing Sylvia's words, Joan was stunned for a moment before looking at her and smiling. "Madam Sylvia, I think we have different thoughts. How do you know that this dish isn't worth my effort? Moreover, this dish might be more suitable for me to eat."

These words were very straightforward, and Sylvia immediately understood. No wonder Joan came to the house today. In all these years, she had never come to the house that many times. Why did she happen to pass by here today?

"Joan, that's all I have to say. You can think carefully about whether you can eat an unsuitable dish."

"Madam Sylvia, let's wait and see." Joan smiled and turned to walk out.

Anita and Owen didn't know what had happened in the kitchen. The two of them were still standing at the door, waiting for Mr. Jacob to return from fishing. "Dad, you're back." Anita saw Mr. Jacob, who had just returned with a fish bucket, and hurried forward with a smile.