Bruce's Actions

"Why? Didn't I say I could handle this?" Miranda turned to her manager as she listened to him.

"I just mentioned it. I didn't ask President Owen for help. What are you anxious about? Besides, do you think you're still the famous singer who was praised by everyone?" Miranda's manager said anxiously.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of them was not right, Bruce coughed and said, "Miss Miranda, don't be angry. This matter really started because of us. If the CEO hadn't reported the investigation to you, maybe you wouldn't have encountered such a thing, so if you need help, just let me know."

"Bruce, what are you talking about? I'm very grateful to President Owen for telling me the investigation report, so I don't want to trouble you guys anymore," Miranda said to Bruce.

"Miranda, what are you talking about? Can you solve it yourself? He wants three million. Do you have that much money?" The manager couldn't help but say.