Who Did It?

After hanging up, Miranda was also confused. Although Eric's matter had finally been resolved, she had no idea who did it.

Sitting on the sofa and hugging her phone, she started to think that apart from Anita, Owen, and the others, no one else seemed to know.

Could it be Bruce? The name suddenly came to Miranda's mind.

Although he was Owen's assistant, to be honest, she didn't remember him very well. Moreover, they hadn't even spoken much. She only remembered that every time she saw him, he was dressed appropriately and smiling.

"Would he do such a thing?" Miranda thought.

The next morning, Owen saw Bruce waiting for him at the door as soon as he reached the office.

He didn't look too good. Even his usually ironed suit looked a little wrinkled. Owen frowned and asked, "Bruce, what's wrong?"

Hearing Owen's words, Bruce came back to his senses and said to him, "President, I have something to tell you."