
"So that's why you came to me. Do you think these things have anything to do with me?" Anita finally understood why he had been so crazy these past two days.

"What the hell are you pretending for? Anita, you bitch. If it weren't for your husband, Owen, would Miranda have dared to do this? It's all your fault that I'm in this state."

"We harmed you? Eric, why don't you look at what you've done? If you hadn't been desperate to climb up the ladder and ride on someone else's coattails, you wouldn't have ended up like this," Anita said as she listened to Eric.

"Anita, don't lecture me. You always act like you're high and mighty. I've had enough of you. Why don't you look at yourself? Aren't you with Owen for his money? And you're also hooking up with your mentor and that suckup just now. Do you think you're any better than me?"