
"But he said he would release it at your new product launch. Will it affect your new product launch?" Anita looked up at Owen again.

"Don't worry about it. Is your husband's press conference that low-class? Can anyone enter? If he wants to release it in the press conference, he has to be able to enter first." Hearing Anita's words, Owen looked down at her again.

"I didn't think of that." Hearing Owen's words, Anita finally relaxed and nodded.

"Since you're okay, I'm relieved. The company is waiting for me to go back and host the press conference. Come with me," Owen said after comforting Anita and seeing that she was really okay.

"Yes, okay," Anita said with a smile as she nodded.

Bruce, who had stayed behind at the company, was still busy with the press conference and worried. He wondered if Owen had found Anita.