
"Can I go in now? I want to go in and see Miss Miranda." After hearing Miranda's manager's words, the anxiety on Bruce's face couldn't be hidden at all. He looked at Miranda's manager and asked.

"Sure, but Miranda isn't in a good mood right now. Why don't you go in later, Special Assistant?" The manager knew Miranda's temper the best and was afraid that she would say something nasty to Bruce, so he advised him.

"It's okay, I'll just go in and see her." Without waiting for the manager to say anything, Bruce took two steps forward, pushed open the door, and walked into the ward.

"Didn't I tell you? No one is to come in. Don't disturb me. I don't need anyone to see me." Miranda lay on her side on the bed with the blanket covering her face. When she heard the door open, she threw the pillow on the bed to the ground without turning around.

"Miranda, it's me, Bruce," Bruce said softly as he picked up the pillow on the ground.