With my goal decided I got up, brushing the dirt and dust from the back of my pants as much as I could. First I needed to repair my System. That meant I needed Experience. That meant I needed to kill stuff. Sadly crafting stuff has never really ever given me experience points. Sigh.

If it did then I could just go to a scrapyard and just bang out a few million scrap sculptures or lasguns or something to quickly amass enough experience to restore my System in full. However, it seems like Experience Points only come from killing things, my guess is that it converts souls or life force or hell even Death Energy, into Experience Points. Only a guess but its all I got even after all these years despite some on and off testing with various actions.

'So what can I kill without attracting too much attention in this city?' I thought to myself as I wandered the streets of Night City, the sun slowly beginning to rise in between the towering skyscrapers. The amount of people starting to walk the streets increased exponentially. So many with cybernetics of all kinds of all quality. The cars that roamed the streets also reflected that, everything from beat up old junkers to sleek ass ferrari looking things. Hell there was even a car with 6 wheels, 4 in front and two in the back. Style is weird.

Seriously, despite my initial rage at the corporations for their part in my family's death, I was not just going to just charge in without a plan guns blazing. I was going to get at least a quarter of my strength back before doing anything crazy. Well may a fifth? A sixth? Gotta figure out how much experience I need to fix myself and get rid of this stupid curse on me. If I even could, how do I even get rid of a perk? Damn it. A magnitude reduction to my stats is pretty damn bad, if I was a normal human I would probably have been literally crippled.

As I was lost in thought I suddenly stopped in surprise as a familiar blue screen popped in front of me at the same time I heard and felt a crunch beneath my shoe.



What? I looked down at bottom of my shoe to see the splattered remains of a cockroach splattered all over the bottom. The rest of its brethren swiftly disappearing under the various layers of trash strewn on the street.

I slowly panned my head around, really taking in my surroundings, the endless urban hive of skyscrapers filled with debris, dirt, and disrepair.

Trash littered the streets with wild abandon.

Trash which bred bugs like the one I just killed.

Bugs that bred really really quickly and in massive amounts.

Bugs that no one wanted to deal with most likely.

The people around me began to give me a wide berth as I felt my grin grow wide once more as the beginning of a plan formed in my mind.

Well then, not exactly how I thought I would start, but beggars can't exactly be choosers.

Time to put my cleaning skill to good use and be a janitor.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.