Chapter 1

Loki cracked her knuckles, inspecting the girl in front of her's back with interest. It was layered with scars, including a lot of little puckered puncture wounds. Crossbows that had gone through, maybe? Her finger trailed gingerly across one, and the girl in question just remained completely still and inert, not reacting at all to the touch.

The girl - Cassandra Cain, her falna proudly declared - wasn't the strongest of this batch of strange new recruits, but she was still definitely strong. Loki pushed her tongue up against her cheek as she saw the blank falna. As part of her recruitment process, the man with her - her "husband," he claimed, but she knew it was a lie so it was free game for her (not that being married would have stopped her) - had claimed she could beat anybody at Janken, and she had done exactly that, every single time. Loki had gotten frustrated at her endless winning streak, to the point they started playing rapid fire but after a hundred rounds she'd still lost every time!

It was bullshit. Completely unfair. She could already think of plenty of ways to use it to get a leg up on the other familias.

Otherwise, though, there was one other thing to do in a situation like this. A pretty mixed girl with all these lovely muscles plus a nice pair of tits up front? Obviously she was going to grope her. Cassandra had no idea, just stoically staring forward. A couple probing pokes of other scars also got no reaction, and Loki felt her mouth grow into a grin - then she slid her hand forward to grab her tits, and-

In a flash, Cassandra's had her fingers in a hold, far faster than any Level 1 should have been able to react. And Loki knew how quickly a fresh Level 1 could react to a groping attempt, as she had done it many, many times. She was twisted and rolled on the bed behind Cassandra, gasping as she was dragged into a tight hold, forced onto her belly with Cass's knee at the base of her spine, fast enough to knock the wind out of her.

"Don't... grope people... without... their permission..." Cassandra said, in that quiet, slow way of speaking she had. The hold wasn't actually painful, but she couldn't move.

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry. I'll never do it again." Cassandra just kept holding her there. "Aren't you going to let me go?"

"No... because... you're lying," Cassandra explained quietly. Damn her people reading skills! It was completely ridiculous! Only gods were supposed to be able to tell when people were lying!

"Bete! Bete, help, I'm being assaulted!"

Bete immediately burst the room, the werewolf's grey ears twitching at the scene, but his eyes narrowed as he saw that Cassandra was topless and a cute little flush appeared on his cheeks at the sight. "Tch. I'm not here to watch you fuck."

"No, she grabbed me!" Loki complained. Why did he make such terrible assumptions about her? Hadn't she always treated him well? In her view, anybody should be thankful to have the attention of a goddess on them. It wasn't as if she wasn't discerning! "She won't let me go!"

"She was trying... to grope me..." Cassandra said.

Bete snorted at that. So unsympathetic! "Welcome to the Familia." He grabbed Cassandra's shirt and tossed it at her. "Here, put this on. She does it all the time. Don't worry, this is the appropriate response."

"Why are my children so cruel to me?!" Loki demanded of the heavens.

"You know why," Bete said with a shake of his head.

* * *

The next girl was the least interesting of the batch. She was warm to the touch, like she had a fever, and her skin was completely without blemish or even body hair. As if she was a pretty porcelain doll with shaggy grey hair that made her look unkempt. Unfortunately, despite that almost ethereal perfection of her features, like she was a painting made without any attention being given to reproducing the tiny imperfections and asymmetries, she was flat as a board and had an ass to match.

"Ahh..." she sighed, as she saw the name of this latest child appear on her back as the falna took effect. Noriko Iwakari. "It's a hard life, for girls like us," she said, giving her a brisk pat on the shoulder to the other girl.

"I do not understand what you mean by that."

"I don't want to say it." She honestly didn't, but the girl showed no sign of comprehension. "Come on. What do we both have in common?"

"The presence of eyes and hair."

"No! Different from other girls." Sheesh. This girl was dense. She was lucky she was part of a package deal with the other four, or she'd never be joining her familia.

"I do not know which other girls you refer to."

"You know. What's Tione got that Tiona doesn't?"

"Ah, I understand. Breasts of significant size. You are saying we are both flat-chested."

"Ack!" The girl's forthright statement practically sent Loki tumbling off the bed. "You don't have to say it like that." Even if it was true. "Don't worry. Some guys even like girls on the more petite side of things."

"I see. However, I am fine. My mother was also flat-chested at my age, but once she became pregnant with me, she acquired voluminous breasts, far larger than any girl I have seen in your familia. I have it on very reliable authority that, once I become pregnant, I too will become a 'titty monster'."

"So unfair..." Loki grumbled. Gods couldn't get pregnant, so she was reliant on the obviously-ineffective strategy of boob massages. She'd been at it for twenty-something years and it hadn't worked yet. She couldn't bring herself to give up on it, though. Maybe it just took thirty-odd years to work. "You'll let me grope them when you get that big, right? Just between us smaller gals, since you know what it's like."

"I do not feel any impulse to grope women, so I do not know what it's like." The kid was smart. She'd expertly parried the request. "Is my falna complete?"

"Yeah, yeah," Loki sighed.

* * *

The next girl was a truly exotic beaut. Coffee skin like you only saw in the Far South. In all Orario, she didn't know of a single person as dark as her. Those vivid blue eyes just added to the effect, lovely pools that felt like you could fall directly into them. Loki's tongue flicked out across her lips as she admired that perfect, idealized body of hers. If she'd had that aura of divinity, then Loki would have had no trouble at all believing she was a Goddess of Beauty, like Freya or Ishtar. Her skin was perfectly smooth, not a single blemish in sight as she looked it over.

There was a quiet ripping noise, and it immediately drew Loki's attention. She had a painting of herself in the room, so her children could look at her whenever they wanted, even when she wasn't around - and it had a big fat rip in it, starting to stretch right up the middle. She grit her teeth in irritation at the stupid painting. She definitely wanted to make a good impression on this lovely girl, but now her painting looked like cheap crap. She was going to teach that artist a lesson he'd never forget.

And of course, the girl in question turned her attention to the tearing up painting. "Ah, just some bad luck, ignore it princess," Loki said. The girl had said that she didn't have a name, and to just call her The Prettiest Princess. Loki would do that for exactly as long as it took for her to complete her falna and see her actual name. She may have deluded herself into believing she didn't have a name, but of course the reality was that she did. That was just the nature of a human being.

Reading the falna, once it formed on her back, was difficult. It was inky black against already dark skin. She had to really squint to try to read the name, and- and-

She squinted. Where the hell was the name? It was probably just hard to see on the dark skin. She grabbed a candle, bringing it up close to the girl's skin. "Wax play already? If you despoil me, I'll have to hurt you... only goshujinsama is allowed to do those kinds of things with me," the girl in question said, a hot pant escaping her throat. "No, that's not true. If goshujinsama decided to whore me out to you, or to Bete, or to anyone in the whole world, as his loyal bitch onahole, I'd have no choice but to do whatever they said." She seemed to always talk like this, but Loki was used to people trying to distract her by acting like idiots. She had her rivalry with Hestia, after all. Well, rivalry was being generous to the tiny goddess.

"What's your name?" Loki finally demanded, as she found only a murky black smear where a name should have been. The falna had failed to affix there, the tattoo not just illegible, but obviously never having been writing at all. It made her uneasy just looking at it.

"I told you, I don't have a name." Truth. "But you can call me the Prettiest Princess." Truth.

Loki just sighed. She frowned as she saw that there was already a Development Ability listed on her falna. "Essence: I". What the hell was Essence? No, there were even two Skills already! Glorious Carnage Typhoon, and Relic Weapon Enchantment. "What the hell is Essence?"

"I don't know." Truth.

"Ever heard of Glorious Carnage Typhoon or Relic Weapon Enchantment?"

"No." Truth.

This girl's freaky falna was pissing her off. A Development Ability right off the bat, two Skills, and a fucked up name? What the hell was this crap? Was one of the other gods fucking with her? No, her stats were all I0. There was no way she'd been part of somebody's familia already. Doing great deeds, or acquiring great talents, before you got a falna, wouldn't mean you started with a Skill or Development Ability. Those were the products of Excelia, the blessing of the gods still in heaven. You couldn't get them without a falna.

"Did one of the other gods already give you a falna or something?"

"I have never had a falna before." Truth. Ridiculous. Ridiculous! But, if this wasn't a trick...

"Have you been sent here by one of the other gods?"

"No." Truth.

Fine. She could have her stupid, messed up falna, probably from her stupid, messed up soul. Loki would reap the benefits. Free Skills and a free Development Ability? Great!

The painting loudly ripped just a little further from one corner, and Loki hissed in annoyance. Who made that crappy canvas?! "Leave, leave," she said, not wanting to look any worse.

As the girl left the room, Loki realized two things: firstly, she hadn't put back on her top, earning a few sputters and sharp words from those outside, while she innocently defended herself with, "She told me to leave while I was topless." Truth. Goddammit! Fuck!

"I told you to leave, comma, while you were topless!" Loki shouted out after her. She got enough of a bad reputation without it being for things she hadn't even done. "I didn't tell you to leave while topless! I thought you would put your top back on!"

"Oh, but I wanted the excuse to go about topless and be completely humiliated in front of everyone." Truth. Oh this child was going to be all kinds of fun. Or 'fun.' Loki knew it was one of the two. Probably the latter.

The second thing she had realized was that she'd completely missed the opportunity to grope those gloriously shaped chocolate orbs; now, to her horror, the girl slid back on a snug white bra that highlighted every curve and really made her skin color pop.

Loki swore to herself that she would remember to do it next time. Next time for sure.

* * *

Now here was the real prize. Right at the top of the falna it declared Erza Scarlet, a nice, normal name that was made up of letters instead of inky black splotches. She had some Magic: Requip and Telekinesis, but that was perfectly normal for a mage, which is what Erza claimed to be, despite the fact that she was clad in full plate armor and capable of lifting some truly ridiculous weights for a girl without a falna. She was probably part-giant or something. Which was great. Strong-ass magic user with some nice, synergetic magic like this was a top-tier Level 1 adventurer. She'd be reaching Level 2 in no time. Maybe even break Ais's record.

The other reason Erza was the real prize was, well... her breasts. Cassandra's were probably a C cup, maybe a D, she hadn't really had the chance to confirm the exact size with her hands or eyes. Noriko was an AA, no doubt. The nameless girl was a D, definitely. But Erza? H-cup. Or, as Loki liked to think of it, Huge cup. More than three times the size of the biggest of the other three, the big round things were an irresistible lure for the perverted goddess. There was no way she would forget to grope these puppies.

"Now, my fingers might slip a little as I put this paper on," Loki lied through her teeth, and Erza simply nodded. "Pay no attention to it," she said, before just grabbing the funbags from behind without any hesitation whatsoever. Ohhh these were the delightful fruits of human femininity. The sorts of things one only got to enjoy if one came down to Gekai. Up in Tenkai, there was no molesting beautiful mortals with big tits. Her fingers could just freely sink into these breasts as she waited for the clobbering that was no doubt about to come...

"Loki, you missed the mark, and are applying the force to my breasts instead of my back." Erza's voice was stern but gentle. She didn't even realize what Loki had been doing? Oh, this was going to be her favorite child in a long time, for sure!

She pulled her hands back, though. She wasn't going to kill the hen to get the eggs. If she kept herself under control, why, she could molest Erza every time she came in for a status update! Maybe even find more excuses to do it! "Sorry. Fingers slipped," she lied.

"It is alright. I am not judging you." Truth.

Oh this one was worth the four other new familia members all on her own! Just get her up to level 3 or 4 and this beaut would be her favorite even if she couldn't measure up to Finn or Ais in the raw power category. Maybe she could by that level, actually, with her already monstrous strength and durability. The falna listed all her stats as I0, but that was because the falna was measuring itself. Not her. Her reaching the level of a 5 or 6 was years off, though, even with a head start. "Thanks." Should she lay it on thick and get her story out in front of Erza before she heard from her familia members what she got up to? Ah, Cassandra was also going to be aware... crap. How was she supposed to get around that? "I'm just a touchy-feely person, a real cuddler, you know. So if I ever get a little handsy, know that it's just because I think of you as a friend and I want to give you-"r breasts "-a big hug."

"There's no need for you to restrain yourself on my account," Erza said, suddenly turning around, those big bountiful titties bouncing in a way that immediately attracted Loki's attention, stealing her breath away. She could feel a nosebleed coming on, and there was a burning in her cheeks at the lovely pink nipples, and-

Erza wrapped her in a powerful hug. Loki let out a choking noise as Erza's hands wrapped around her, holding her tight up against the half-naked woman. She had a monstrous strength, and right now that strength was being fully dedicated to crushing Loki to death in this woman's grasp. It had all been a trick! She had only been pretending not to notice! Oh, what a way to go... the breasts were nice, though... well, it wasn't all bad.

Erza suddenly released her, giving her a sharp clap on the back as Loki desperately sucked in breaths. "As a friend, I of course would not hesitate from skinship such as hugging! You have no need to be the only one doing the hugging." All true. Was this a trick still, Loki wondered? Was the large-breasted, seemingly oblivious woman, actually fully aware of what she was doing and making a subtle warning?

She knew she couldn't ask. After all, if it was earnest, then that meant plenty of tit-mashing fun later on! If it was fake, then she'd still get in at least one good grope before Erza gave up the pretense. "Thanks," Loki managed, forcing her eyes up to Erza's face. The tittymonster wore a warm smile. Was it a warm smile that held a hidden threat, or one that was completely oblivious both to her monstrous strength and to Loki's molestations?

Loki didn't know. But she wanted to find out. By groping the woman's breasts next time she got a status update.

"You should get dressed, and then leave," she said, still a bit traumatized from earlier.

"Worry not. The Prettiest Princess-" she called her that in all seriousness, like it really was her name, "-may have no sense of modesty, but I do." She simply glowed golden for a second - that Requip magic, it was truly ridiculous, a silent cast weapon and armor swap - and bam, she was back in that thick metal armor. "I shall see you again, Loki-sama," she said, bringing a hand to her chest and bowing.

* * *

Loki would be the first to admit that she tended to prefer the female form to the male - well, if she ever admitted to anything, but as a rule she didn't. Just bad practice. Let them believe what they can prove without your testimony, and no more.

Still, her familia leaned towards the female, even if some of the best members like Finn and Gareth were men. This was a simple consequence of her personal favoritism, or her skills at seducing the ladies - if you could make yourself believe that, she'd really appreciate it. But it wasn't as if she was some pure lily who only wanted the womenfolk. A good enough looking guy would receive exactly the same kind of wonderful(ly lascivious) treatment that she lavished on her female familia members.

This guy, Drake Holt had the Development Ability of Essence and a few Skills: Duck Fate, Favorable Inflection Procedure, and Avoiding the Truth Technique. Just like the nameless girl (she wasn't really going to have to call her Prettiest Princess, was she?). Well, the last one said he was a man after her own heart, and thus going to be a devil to work with, but the rest was strange.

"Do you know what Essence is?"

"Yes." True.

Oh, that's nice. He knew, even if the girl didn't. She was worried she'd have to wait for months or years to find out what the hell it was. "What is it?"

"It's like Magic. Technically it's a kind of magic, I guess, but very different from what mages use."

"What's it do?"

He shrugged at that. "All sorts of things. Just like magic. Bitch mentioned that she had Skills?"

"Bitch?" Who the hell was he calling bitch?

"Oh. The Prettiest Princess. She prefers to be called Bitch, or That Bitch, or That Psycho Bitch." True. Oh, how the hell could you say something like that with a straight face! To your goddess, no less! Not even a little shame as he admitted his 'wife' wanted him to call her names in public?! She got no respect even from her baby familia members!

"What are these Skills, then?" She recited their names.

"They're ways of channeling Essence. Duck Fate allows me to avoid a single deleterious effect. Favorable Inflection Procedure allows me to calm down anyone if I know and speak their name. Really useful against supernatural rages." True. They sounded like pretty useful abilities to have. Especially for a starting adventurer. "I know what Avoiding the Truth Technique does, but I don't want to tell you." Lie. So, he didn't know what it did, and was trying to cover it up.

"Tch. You think you can lie to a goddess, kid?" She shook her head. Mortals were so outrageous, sometimes. "I guess even a hotshot with three starting Skills and four 'wives' can't know everything. But that's fine. I'm sure we'll figure it out sooner or later." She clapped him on the shoulder... then let her fingers slide down to his pecs, just groping them freely.

The major upside of men was that they responded differently to this than women. If he'd been a woman, he'd probably be shrieking and smacking her by now. (Unless he was a real bashful one like Lefiya. Ah... when that girl finally learned to defend herself would be a sad day for Loki.) As a man, though, he had to hesitate. You have to protect women! You can't hit a woman! These are the rules that men live by, and rules she was happy to take full advantage of.

His hands went to her wrists pretty much instantly, though, peeling them off his chest. She let out a sigh. A sadly short experience. "I'm afraid I really have to see to my wives before I can get to you," he told her. Truth. Well, not the wives part. They weren't actually his wives, he just kept calling them that. Probably because they were his concubines or sex slaves. Or maybe he just thought being unchaste outside of marriage was worse than being in a plural marriage. Who knew? But he really did plan to go see them before he would deign to fuck her.

Ridiculous. She was, first of all, his goddess, so if there was going to be an order, she was in first place. Second of all, she didn't want the grapes anyway, they were sour. She just liked groping people. Sex was totally different. "Bah. I just like to touch. You'd need more than just a nice chest to earn a night with the great Loki." She snaked her hands out from his grasp, crossing her arms as he rose. He turned around to face her as he collected his shirt from the bed. He had a very nice chest, she had to admit. As he started to pull the shirt over his head, she took advantage of the opportunity the temporary blindness afforded, just lunging for his chest with both hands outstretched-

And somehow crashed directly into the floor with a heavy thump. It was like one second he was there, and the next he wasn't. Gah! She wanted to grope him! She wanted to molest him! Why was he making it so hard? Didn't he understand that she was his goddess, so she should be allowed to grope him whenever she wanted? Why were her children always so difficult?

"You alright down there?" He asked, and she hopped back up to her feet in a swift movement, dusting herself off.

"I'm fine. Nothing much to talk about. Just got up too fast." He had his shirt back on now, and she sighed that the vision of a muscular torso was now hidden from her. She'd get him later. That was a solemn oath she swore to herself. Him, and Cassandra, and "Prettiest Princess", and Noriko too if she really did become a tittymonster! No member of the Loki familia could claim themselves untouched, unless she didn't find them attractive!

"Understood." He headed to the door, and she flopped back down on the bed, letting out a long sigh. What an exhausting day. Five new children, all in one day.

* * *

Since we were part of the Loki familia, we were able to spend the night in the Twilight Manor. They had a spare room set aside for fresh members of the familia, though given that we'd come as a sudden burst of five, we all wound up in the same one. It had a pair of bunkbeds, but that wasn't quite enough for five people to sleep. Luckily, Erza made rearranging them trivial, and soon the top bunks were on ground level, and they were all pushed up against one another, creating what was effectively a single massive bed.

These four were the girls who, out of every work of fiction I'd ever read or written, I liked the most. Cassandra Cain, Noriko Iwakari, Julia Jacoby (though, if Loki asked, she didn't have a name), and Erza Scarlet. Fortunately, each of them had their own foibles that made them fine with being part of a harem: Cass had incredible body reading skills and empathy, and thus enjoyed seeing other people making love for the happiness it brought them; Noriko was technically an alien where the females didn't experience sexual jealousy; Julia was a completely perverted masochistic submissive sex freak who told people to call her the Prettiest Princess in the hopes that they'd call her mean names instead; and Erza enjoyed denial play and seeing other people happy.

I could only fuck one of them first. I didn't pick based on favorites - that would have been Cass, I'm not ashamed to admit - but instead based on how the others would feel. Only Noriko didn't really derive any enjoyment from watching, and she could also be a bit of a brat when she felt neglected. So I gently took hold of Noriko under the arms, laying her cute body down on the bed. My fingers gently started to press up her top, pushing away at the thin fabric, feeling her warm skin. Females of Noriko's species - Hentalians, I suppose is as good a name as any - were hot to the touch because of a different metabolism from the males. She shivered softly as the top came away, as it was tossed off to one side. She was wearing a simple pink bra that was pretty much pointless, given what it was hiding, and I quickly undid that as well, enjoying the ephemeral pink flush to her cheeks.

She had a diminished affect, no matter what you did to her. She could be coming buckets and the most you'd get was a sleepy smile, lidded eyes, and pink cheeks. As I reached down for her skirt and panties, hooking my fingers into them and pulling them down, it revealed her pink sex, slick with juices already, her cherry-strawberry scent filling the room. I could hear a hot pant from Julia, and glanced over her way - she had, at some point, tossed her panties and skirt down far enough they'd gathered around her ankles. Her hand was in between her thighs, dark fingers vanishing inside her pink sex as she panted with desire.

It wasn't exactly my instinct for dealing with a woman, but I knew what Julia liked, so I said what she wanted to hear. "Bitch? Did I tell you that you could touch yourself?"

"No, goshujinsama," she said, pulling her hand away from her groin.

It was Erza who spoke then. "You should not speak that way to one of your... wives," she said, her cheeks pink as the words left her mouth.

"She likes it, don't worry," I said, taking a deep breath as I mentally guessed that Julia wasn't going to let it be that easy.

"Ahhh, goshujinsama is so cruel to this lowly bitch, mistreating her to his heart's content..."

"Oh," I said, turning my gaze back to Julia. "Well, I'm sorry. Why don't you get yourself dressed? I'll take you out after I'm done with the other three, give you a nice date, and then kiss you on the threshold before we part ways, like a proper woman should be treated."

Instantly she was collapsing dramatically forward, kowtowing before me. "I'm so sorry, goshujinsama! Please! I promise to be a good bitch and let you fuck me however you want!" Erza seemed less than certain about the situation now, and Cass just watched as Julia wiggled about on the ground obscenely, her cheeks pink as she understood exactly what sorts of thoughts were going through Julia's head at the moment.

I was already planning on it just because she was the most masochistic of the four, but, "For touching yourself without permission, and for misleading Erza about your masochistic side, you're going to be the last woman that I deflower today."

"Yes, goshujinsama," Julia said. "Does that mean that I have to wait for fourth in the order, or do you already have a plan to make one of the Loki familia bitches yours?"

I just ignored her, turning my attention down to Noriko, who stared up at me with her large owl eyes, staring curiously up at me. "She's just like that, don't worry about it." Noriko just nodded by way of reply.

I unbuttoned my pants and exposed my hard length to the open air. Noriko stared at it, one hand gingerly reaching up to touch and caress it with curiosity. I let her, enjoying the gentle feeling of her warm, smooth fingers sliding along my length, up and down as she gingerly jerked me off. Her head tilted softly from side to side. She was just so cute, this adorable expression on her nearly flat affect, her lips parted ever so slightly as she stared at my cock.

Still, though. Noriko had one advantage to starting with her, over the others: I knew that she had a hair trigger for orgasms. With Julia and Erza, I had a pretty good idea of how to make them feel good, but I hadn't gotten any enhanced sex skills, so I was flying mostly blind with Cass and only knew their kinks with Julia and Erza (everything; and masochism and denial play, respectively). Noriko, however, would pretty much come her brains out as long as I gave the tiniest bit of attention to her. Hentalian women were just like that.

"I'm going to fuck you now, Noriko," I said, gently grasping her wrist and pulling it away from my cock. She nodded silently, her eyes watching as I teased my cock at her pussy. I felt a certain tension, and a certain annoyance. Why did Japanese hentai have to portray girls as if their hymen was some kind of magic cap put over the pussy? This was going to hurt for her no matter what I did. I gently slipped my cock inside her pussy, and let out a gasp of breath. She felt truly fantastic, like she was literally made for sex: tight and very pleasantly warm, and oh-so-inviting. My hands gripped the bed sheets on either side of her, and I just rammed my cock inside her to the base.

She let out this little squeak of pain, wincing faintly as I tore past her hymen and filled her up in a single stroke. I held myself down inside her, letting out soft, heaving breaths, my chest rising and falling as I stared down at her cute little body. She felt unbelievably good, her pussy wet and hot as a good warm bath, clinging closely to my dick. I shuddered softly as I restrained the urge to be a one-pump chump. No matter how good she felt around me, I needed to make sure she came at least once. That was the least I owed her, for bringing her to this world.

I started to thrust, then, a slow, methodical movement at first, then faster and faster, my breathing becoming ragged the longer it went on. She felt genuinely amazing, her sex just so hot. My hand shifted from the bed sheets up to her thigh, then managing to slide its way up to her clit, making her bite her lower lip and shiver softly beneath me. It only took a few seconds of fumbling movements to make Noriko come from that, her back arching, a hot pant escaping her throat as her eyes briefly lidded, her cheeks a lewd pink.

"That's my girl," I panted out, resisting the urge to come right away in her tight pussy, my fingers clenching up on the bed next to her. I really didn't want to just come so quickly. She was a Hentalian girl - she deserved a few orgasms for every one of mine, girls from her world were on a hair trigger. I glanced over at the other three in the hopes of finding something to distract me.

Cass was watching quietly and intently, starting to lean subtly forward as she just stared at the scene before her. Her eyes flicked up to meet mine, and a faint flush appeared on her cheeks as we made eye contact. Her lips nervously wiggled on her mouth for a moment - then she turned her attention back down to Noriko. There was a smile on her lips as she did so. Not an aroused thing, really - just happy to see Noriko so happy. If you could call coming a second time and intensely distracting me as her cherry-strawberry scented juices splashed onto my pelvis to be a form of happiness.

Julia, on the other hand... remained in her kowtowing position. She hadn't started masturbating again. She hadn't shifted her head to look up at the two of us. She actually just wiggled her ass in the air, as if inviting me to turn my attention down to her. Believe me, it was tempting, but I resisted the urge. She was last.

Erza had flushed cheeks, and her hands were clasped tightly together in front of her. What she got out of watching her man with other women was harder to put my finger on. Cass liked to watch because she liked seeing people be happy. Julia was a masochistic sex freak who wanted you to stomp on her face, so she just liked everything. But Erza, it was sort of like... watching really good porn, but not letting yourself masturbate. This sort of weird self-discipline thing, the denial play of having to watch in silence building her up for an eruption when she finally did get fucked. Or, something close to that.

Noriko was panting on the bed beneath me, her lidded eyes looking up at me. "Thank you for having sex with me, despite the fact that I am not the most conventionally attractive of your wives, which is Bitch." Noriko had adopted my nickname for Julia pretty much the moment she had been told that it was what Julia preferred.

"Don't sell yourself short," I told her, my fingers trailing along her inhumanly smooth and perfect skin. "You are... incredible," I breathed out, as her wet sex squeezed down on my dick again, that hot pussy of hers just engulfing me in pleasure. My fingers dug into her hips for a moment, and she came, and I lost all self control in the moment, just closing my eyes and jerking, coming deep inside her, my semen spilling out in copious quantities, wet splatter after wet splatter as I jerked. When I was spent, I breathed out, looking down at the imminently satisfied-looking Noriko, the faint curl of her lips just the sexiest thing.

I pulled out, then, taking a deep breath and sighing. Luckily, the next girl in the order was one willing to do the work, because I wasn't sure I'd have the energy to keep going right away otherwise. "Cass," I said. "Can you?" I didn't even need to finish my thought, because she knew what I meant. She peeled off her clothes, a cute pink note to her cheeks as she stared at my naked body, then soon clambered up onto the bed, gently teasing her sex at my cock, her body slightly shifting and shivering in place as she did so.

There was this momentary lick of the lips, her eyes staring down into mine - and then she started to descend. Her whole body trembled faintly as she enveloped me, but it was a smooth, full movement, as she took me inside her. She let out a soft breath, fingers trailing along my bare chest - and then she started to move.

It's difficult to describe exactly how good she felt, other than to use the word 'perfect.' Every fluid movement of her insides, every twist of her hips, every arching of her back, every slither of her fingertips - and the kisses and licks she soon began to give my mouth and neck - were carefully calculated to maximize my pleasure. Despite the fact that I'd just been fucking a tighter pussy belonging to a warm body that constantly flooded my dick in juices flavored like a fruit drink, Cass could just drive me insane with a few carefully chosen movements.

I knew that, inside of a minute, my balls would be churning and ready to explode. I didn't have the heart to tell Cass not to do what her heart wanted, so instead my hands slid up her thighs, reaching towards her groin, trying to find and stimulate her clit as she moved. The first little brush I managed earned a tiny, curious noise from Cass - but that was about all it got, even as I did my best to stimulate her while she rode me. Maybe a pant or two here of pleasure was my responsibility, but the rest was not.

I could feel my body desperately ready to explode, to let loose, to fire off every last drop of cum I had in me - and Cass squeezed her pussy with just the tip of my cock inside her, giving it an intense milking. My brain fried as my hips bucked, and I just started to come, spraying out my load inside of her waiting sex. She shivered softly, hot breaths escaping her throat, and then I collapsed, spent.

"That was... nice..." Cass said, with a warm, friendly smile, that made it impossible to feel guilty that she hadn't come yet. She leaned down over me, softly kissing my lips, as if in mimicry of something she'd seen elsewhere. It was nice, and I let myself relax beneath her, losing my thoughts in a moment of bliss.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Julia. She was still kowtowing, but now she was naked. My cock twitched inside of Cass, and she let out a quiet, soft noise before breaking off the kiss, getting ready to ride me again. My concern that she was going to drain me dry must have shown on my face, because she frowned and paused. "Is it... not good?"

"Erza and Bitch deserve turns too," I said. The cute pink flush to her cheeks, the rapid little nod, the way she clambered up off the bed in a heartbeat to give up my cock - she was just the sweetest.

"I can continue to wait, Drake," Erza said, holding her hand near to her chest, clasped close like she was ready to take a knightly vow, though the faint tremble of her legs and the furious flush of her cheeks gave lie to that. "It is my duty as your wife, to ensure that your other wives enjoy themselves," she explained. "The Prettiest Princess has yet to enjoy coitus with you, and I will eagerly await you finishing her."

Julia wiggled her butt in the air invitingly, but didn't say anything otherwise, just showing off that nearly flawless chocolate skin. She was damn pretty, but... "Erza, she's being punished, remember?"

Erza instantly straightened up, nodding sharply. "You speak truly, Drake. It is my mistake." There was a long silence, her cheeks flush with color. "Does that mean that it is time for the two of us to make love?" She fidgeted subtly in place, obviously dearly looking forward to it.

"Yes, it does," I told her, halfway rising from the bed, ready to get on top. She didn't give me the chance to do so, instead simply Requiping into the nude and immediately tackling me against the bed. Her voluminous breasts smushed and pressed against my bare chest, while her hungry lips sought out my own. There was no tongue action, though, simply a heart-filled press of lip against lip as she shifted her naked body atop mine, trying desperately to angle her pussy to my sex, her inexperience lewdly contrasting with the precision and perfection that Cass had brougght to the whole affair. Once, my cock slid up past her pussy, rubbing at her stomach; the second round, it instead was clasped in between her ass cheeks, a little whine escaping her mouth as she clearly considered breaking off our kiss, her red hair pooling around my features.

On the third go, though, a hand clasped my cock, angling it just so, and Erza slid me inside her in a heartbeat, letting out a hot pant into my mouth as she did so, her eyelashes fluttering rapidly, a lewd noise escaping her throat. When she finally gathered herself, she started to bounce up and down on my dick with an astounding rapidity, her sheer energy overpowering. I reached for the back of her head, holding her against me with one hand, taking a hold on her hair to force her head to angle at precisely the right angle. The lewd pant that escaped her lips, the opportunity to drive my tongue inside her, told me that she was loving it as much as the slickening and tightening of her pussy around my cock did.

With my free hand, I reached up for one of her breasts. It was soft. Enormous. Easily enough for my fingers to sink into. Part of me resisted the urge to simply maul her tits, some natural dislike for hurting girls - but I knew that Erza was a masochist, and I knew that Julia was an even bigger masochist. My fingers dug into the soft flesh there roughly, and she let out a lewd gasp into my mouth, her back arching, her breast mashing against my bare hand as her eyes went wild with lust. The more I grabbed her tit, the more rough I was in manhandling her hair, the more wild the movements of her hips, the more spasms of pleasure rushed through her pussy.

It was no surprise at all when she came very quickly, mewling happily into my mouth as she did so. Her whole body shivered in place, her lips wetly smacking against my own, her fingers clamping down on my side as she simply came and came atop me. The muscular work of her pussy was intense, as her body tried to wring an orgasm out of me - it didn't quite succeed, though. I'd already come with Cass and Noriko, after all.

As she panted atop me, taking just a moment to catch her breath, I took hold of her hips and spun her around so that she rested on her back beneath me. It gave me a gorgeous view of her voluptuous, curvy body, those full tits, her wondrous hips, smooth pale skin and ruby red hair and warm brown eyes sending my eyes roving across her bare flesh hungrily. I started to jackhammer inside her, and I decided to be as rough as I liked, since I knew she was a physical masochist.

My hands went to her tits after watching them bounce for only a couple thrusts. The soft flesh just parted beneath my fingers, which seemed to sink into the pillowy delights without the slightest resistance. My cock surged and raged inside of Erza, as I furiously thrust away inside her, her whole body trembling in pleasure beneath me before another orgasm hit her. The feeling of it was too much for me, I'm afraid - I buried myself to the base inside her and groaned as I simply found sweet release in her waiting pussy. The moment I was done coming, I collapsed atop her, letting my face come to rest atop those pillowy breasts of hers.

It didn't take her long to speak up and ruin the moment. "Drake. As wondrous as it is to be united with you, The Prettiest Princess has served her sentence for her misbehavior. I cannot ask you to simply fall asleep in my arms now, no matter how wonderful it might be. That would be an act of cruelty to my comrade-in-arms," she explained, with such intensity and sincerity I would have felt bad if I'd stayed in her lovely bosom any longer.

I hefted my body up, then, turning my attention to the still-kowtowing naked body of Julia, her head firmly pressed against the ground. She was always going to be the toughest of the four to satisfy. Cass, sure, I hadn't made her come, but her ideal sex was making sure her partner felt good. It didn't matter to her so much that she hadn't orgasmed, and I could learn to better pleasure her with time and experience. But Julia...

Julia was a freak.

I licked my lips as I considered that lovely, chocolate-colored body of hers, the beauty of it irresistible. My cock throbbed in the air as I considered exactly what to do with her. Should I simply fuck her on the floor like this? Step on her face? Drag her over to bed and choke her as I fucked her? There were a lot of sexy options here, and none of them were just being plain vanilla.

Call me a romantic, but I wanted our first time together to be special. I didn't really have anything particularly special I could think to do right then... so I decided not to have our first time together just yet. "Get up, Bitch," I said, and she started to rise from her kowtowing position, then started to stand - I put a firm hand on her shoulder and kept her from doing that, her blue eyes staring up at me, lewd anticipation carved into her features.

"Yes, goshujinsam-mmf!" Was as far as she got before I shoved my cock past her lips, slamming as deep into her mouth as I could get it. I hit her gag reflex pretty much instantly, a large portion of my cock winding up outside her mouth as she sputtered around my cock. Her eyes widened as I held her down, not with fear, but with surprise - and then her expression shifted into raw lust, a lewd grin creasing her eyes.

"I'm not going to fuck your pussy today," I decided, and she whimpered softly around my dick, vibrating it wonderfully. "I'm going to use your throat. But I can be nice, even to a black bitch like you. So I'll allow you to touch yourself now." Instantly, her hands were in her pussy, fingers vanishing deep inside her, wet shlicking noises accompanying it, as I choked her on my cock, trying to grind my dick that extra few inches down her throat. "Aren't you thankful?" She nodded rapidly, and I pulled out of her mouth, my white cock lewdly contrasting her dark skin. "Tell me how thankful you are."

"I'm so thankful, goshujinsama," she breathed out, drool running out over her lower lip in what was quite possibly the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my life. "I'm so thankful that my onahole mouth can get used by your cock, when you have three other beautiful women who will happily bob on your dick in my place," she said, tongue almost lolling out of her mouth. "Who do you want to fuck after me, goshujinsama? I'll help you seduce whoever you want in this world, Loki, Tione, Ryu, Freya-mmf!"

"I don't even know who half those people are, Bitch," I told her as I stuffed my dick back in her mouth, starting to just pound away at her face. More saliva spewed out of her mouth in intermittent speckles, as I simply used and enjoyed her face, my fingers tightening their grip on the back of her head as I went at it. "Right now, I'll just content myself with the four women I love the most in the world: you, Cass, Noriko, and Erza. Not in that order, obviously," I said, with a cruel smirk down at her, and she twitched and smiled with her eyes as I finally managed to force my entire dick down her throat, my balls slapping at her chin. "You're nowhere near the top."

She was number three, but I wasn't going to say it aloud. She spasmed, jerked, bucked, and came as she was choked on my cock. The way her throat gagged around my dick, trying desperately to expel me - it pushed me over the edge, and I came right down her throat with a long, low groan. When I was completely spent, I pulled out, letting her hack and cough and recover.

"Alright. We got the bed set up for this. Bitch, you can sleep at the foot of the bed," I said, as I hopped into it, lying down on my back. Julia may have been able to be satisfied sleeping at the foot of the bed, but the other three? I only had two arms, and three beautiful women... "Erza, how about I sleep on top of you, so you can hug me from below?" I suggested.

Pretty much instantly, she was hefting me into the air, smiling with this bright, innocent, dorky smile as she came to lie down beneath me, lowering me down atop her, putting me in a position so I could use her gorgeous tits as a set of pillows. "Noriko, Cass," I said, gesturing with my hands, and soon I had them pressed against me, my hands running along their bare skin. I let out a long, soft breath, closing my eyes, and Julia quietly curled up around my feet. Erza swept the covers over us, and we all went to sleep like that.