Chapter 56

I was on top of Rei, just pounding at her pussy as she gladly came her brains out underneath me, when she suddenly reached up to stop me with desperate energy, smacking at my chest. Since it was Rei, not Julia, I was pretty sure she wanted me to stop, so I let go of the tangle of her Fate that made her come so hard, pulling out of her a moment later, as she gasped for air underneath me. "Ali got captured," she explained to me, her mouth opening and closing.

I knew who Ali was - Alipheese, Rei's intelligent monster friend from the Dungeon. "Captured? Like, by Ikelos?" I asked. I'd been under the impression that they had pretty much been very clearly instructed not to keep capturing Xenos.

"Don't know, um, Amazon, with a stick, Donner saw it," she explained, panting for breath as she continued to recover. (Rei was an insanely orgasm-greedy lover, and combined the two of us had about ten different ways to make her come lots, so she'd probably come close to a hundred times in the past ten minutes we'd been making love.)

"I'll get people back home to work this out," I said - my body that was in the Dungeon with Setsuko, and my body that was in the Dungeon with the lower-leveled team, both started turning back. "Don't worry, Rei, we'll save your friend."

"Thanks," she panted out, more on automatic than anything else. She was super cute like that, totally fucked-silly and unresisting. I leaned down over her and kissed her on the lips - and she pushed me back. "My mouth's still super sensitive," she said, licking her lips and letting out a hiss of pleasure. A moment later, "Okay, kiss me again," she said. I smirked and did exactly that.

* * *

Freya thought about the circumstances regarding her Cassandra as she looked out the window onto the city below. Her eyes flicked across the various souls wandering about, the quiet din of every person living their own life for their own ends adding together into something more concordant, a grand symphony of all men's souls. The filthy maggot-soul was in the Dungeon, so there was nothing to ruin her view at the moment, no ugly little black splotch to hold one hand over.

She had to reconsider her thoughts about how things would go with Cassandra in the future, though. After the little threesome - well, she had gotten to have her first lip-to-lip kiss with Cassandra, and even now, her lips tingled with the intimate moment shared between the two of them, her pussy throbbing at the memory. More importantly - no, not more importantly, certainly the most important thing that had happened was the kiss... but more relevant to future strategy, she had also learned that her Cassandra truly loved Drake and was completely unbothered by him sleeping with another woman right in front of her.

For anyone else, that sort of unjealousy would have bothered Freya. Is not love meant to be jealous? Is that not natural? Correct? Shouldn't you feel jealous when your beloved in the arms of another, shouldn't that drive you to do more, to be better, to rid yourself of your competition by proving your superiority? But for Cassandra it was different. It was so easy to see it from her perspective, the kind of giving, open love she felt... it sent a frisson of strange delight down Freya's spine. She didn't see love that way, and it was an entrancing, fascinating new element to the woman she loved so dearly.

It also meant that Drake was more of a problem than she had anticipated. In Cassandra's mind, there was no contradiction between loving Drake and loving Syr. She could do both, only one, or neither, just as easily as one could love to dance and to fight both or neither. Even if Freya could manage to steal her heart, she would not see it as freeing her to abandon Drake. Distasteful as it was, if she wanted Cassandra, she would likely need to accept Drake too.

The fact that he was supernally talented at sex did soothe that wound just a mite.

Still, just that first little threeway more than sufficed to assure her that she had made the right choice, in choosing to entwine herself with Drake. She had learned so much, and... her eyes were naturally drawn to a particular soul, being dragged along by members of the Ganesha familia, the body bound up. One of those strange ensouled monsters she would occasionally spot. Her eyes naturally followed the creature as it was bound up and dragged off to the colosseum, presumably meant for that grotesque little deed. A lamia of some type, gagged at the moment, presumably to keep it from biting its captors. It - or, rather, she, certainly was thrashing about more than enough to make it clear she was no happy captive.

It was an interesting tidbit, and her mind naturally toyed with how it might interface with her present problems. Like two puzzles clicking together. Ah, of course. Her Cassandra loved to play the hero, and so far as she was concerned, Syr was just the ingenue; Syr could tell her what she had seen, and her Cassandra would no doubt burst in to try to save the poor thing.

Given she was just Level Four, it would be quite a struggle. But that was what heroes were made of: struggle.

* * *

"Ah... well, there are more members of the Ikelos familia than just Dix and Gran, obviously. Maybe they did it?" Julia was suggesting as she tried to think it through.

"If they did it, they're fucking dumb," one of the Reis said. "Erza decapitated the ever-loving fuck out of Dix right in front of a bunch of them, and he was the strongest of them."

"I had thought my intimidation would suffice to strike fear into them, that they would never engage in such unvirtuous acts again..." Erza brought one trembling hand up near her chest. "It appears I have failed! I deserve to be punished for my failure!"

Koriand'r spoke up then, looking troubled by the whole affair more than the rest. "I don't understand how these people can treat others with such contempt. They're enslaving this 'Xenos,' merely because she's a different race? That's truly vile."

"Slavery's a good trade in this universe," Rei said, making Koriand'r's hand ball into a fist. "Xenos are exotic specimens."

Koriand'r's expression turned particularly sharp. "I see. Then where are these Ikelos familia members located? I assume we will be dealing with them, permanently."

"Ah! Koriand'r, you can't just say that out loud!" The Black Agony proclaimed, placing her hands on her cheeks in mock horror.

"I don't think anybody in this room is a fan of slavery," Drake said. "They enslave their children's children, who make compromise with sin."

"Oh! I know that poem, goshujinsama!" The Black Agony said, her smile bright. "I think it could use a bit more bite, though. So light on what should be done about slavery!"

"Anyway, Erza already killed one of them, and Rei killed another, so I'm not opposed to killing the rest if they're responsible. Is anyone?"

Cass raised a hand, seemingly the lone one to do so. "Killing... is bad..."

"Right. Right. Obviously." One of Drake's bodies just wrapped her in a hug. "Sorry, Cass," he said, gently kissing the top of her head. "Killing's off the table, then." Cass's expression was a small smile. "Unless there's no other option."

Haruhime just watched the entire scene in silence, not knowing how much she could really offer. She could scarcely even accept the idea of a "good monster," but she trusted Drake to do the right thing, and he thought that it was the right thing to save this creature.

Their conversation paused as Loki stuck her head in. "Yo, Cass, we got incoming Freya, plus her precious baby Allen," she said, voice dripping with contempt. "She wants to talk to you, come on, giddyup," she said, jerking her head.

"Is not Freya a danger to Cass?" Haruhime asked, feeling foolish the moment the words left her lips - of course Loki knew that already. She ducked her head.

"Great question, answer's yes, and thank you for reminding me of your existence, you cute little foxy lady," Loki declared, making Haruhime feel a crimson flush spread across her cheeks. She was being flirted with, right in front of her co-wives, her shameful behavior with someone other than Drake now made public. "So come on down! Finn's coming with anywhoodle, and that spell of yours'll come in real handy!"

"A-ah, ahm, yes, of course, Loki-sama, is that alright, Drake?" She asked, turning to her husband for his permission. She knew that she had all these improper thoughts about Loki, and of course Drake was bizarrely kind regarding them, but-

"Go ahead, Haruhime," he told her, reaching out to scratch her ear, her tail involuntarily flashing at the affectionate contact. "Actually, I'll bring a body along," he declared. He had two bodies present for this meeting (the third was elsewhere, just-in-case), and one of them stepped out of the room, joining Loki, Finn, Cass, and Haruhime as they headed down towards the front gates.

"Right," Loki said as they arrived, Freya standing and looking pristine and beautiful, a beautiful marble statue that made Haruhime's heart involuntarily curve towards matters more carnal, another tiny betrayal of her husband who had done so much for her. "So, what do you want, bitch?"

Freya merely snorted at that. "Isn't that the name you use for the Black Agony?"

"I seem to remember you promising to leave Cass alone," Loki said, glowering.

Freya let out a breath. "I am not touching her, nor sending armies after her, or anything of the sort. I merely wish to impart a simple message: the Ganesha familia has taken hold of a monster with a soul, and gagged her as well."

"Oh, and I'm supposed to believe that's not some secret code or passphrase, huh?" Loki said. "A likely story!"

"...she means... what she said..." Cass said, making Loki pause, looking at Cass. "Not... anything more..."

Loki squinted. "Well, I guess likely stories gotta be true sometimes," she said. "Is this a message you care about?"

Cass nodded rapidly. Haruhime understood enough to comprehend the meaning of Freya's words herself: it was not the Ikelos familia that had captured 'Alipheese' to sell her as an exotic plaything (and merely thinking of what was happening in those terms made her feel a frisson of sympathy, her uncertainty about the morality of the task suddenly vanishing), but instead the Ganesha familia planning to use her in the upcoming Monsterphilia.

"Well, message received," Loki declared, looking at Freya. "So you can fuck on off," she said, making an exaggerated wave, shooing off Freya. Allen bristled at the movement, clearly spoiling for a fight, but Freya gave him the tiniest touch on the shoulder.

"I am happy to have been able to offer my sincere aid, Cassandra," Freya said, with the subtlest bow of her head. "I hope you will find success on your mission," she said, before leaving without saying anything more.

"Whew," Loki declared. "Ugh. Yanderes, am I right?" Only Drake laughed, presumably because he actually got the joke. For Haruhime, she thought the term sounded like something in her home language, but the sense of it was beyond her. "So, Cass? What's it mean, huh?"

Cass's mouth opened, but Drake put a hand on her shoulder, his gaze going to Finn. "No offense, Finn, but it's a bit private."

Finn just smiled pleasantly. "It seems that there's a lot of private things going on between you and my goddess, but I shall trust her judgment."

"My beautiful baby, why do you appreciate me more than anybody else?" Loki asked, turning to Finn. Finn simply let out a sigh, shaking his head as he left; the rest of them were soon gathered in a private room. "Tell me, tell me!" Loki demanded, bouncing in place and meeting Drake's gaze as she said.

Drake explained the situation with Alipheese to Loki; by extension, he explained about the existence of the Xenos. She listened closely, abandoning her normally playful demeanor to simply hum and nod along to everything he said. Once he was finished, she spoke up. "Right. Right. Seems like a sticky situation, I can see why you're concerned. So, here's my proposal: you just go talk to Ganesha about this, on account of he's in the know - which, by the way, why am I not? - and he's on the Xenos' side."

"Oh. That's a really good idea, actually. Thanks, Loki."

"I asked a question."

"I didn't know how you'd react, and your reaction could have put the Xenos in danger. It wasn't my secret to tell."

Loki took in a deep breath, then sighed. "Fine. As you kept a secret for somebody else's sake, I will accept it, just this once, however, am I a wicked woman who delights in others' suffering?"

"No, I'm sorry for doubting you, Loki," Drake said. "I know that you're a good person, and I should have known that you would act with grace and kindness."

Loki's cheeks turned pink in response. "Ha, well, since I'm such a good person-"

The door opened at that point, Black Agony popping in. "Loki-sama, you're so smart and kind, and Drake said I could offer my pliant body to you as a reward!" Loki's mouth opened and closed, her red eyes sliding over to Haruhime, as if for approval - Haruhime, of course, was in no position to judge Loki for straying, whether from Drake or her or anyone else. She merely quietly nodded in acquiescence.

"I'll take it, but first, I know Rei can make other girls' titties huge, so go get some huge tits!" Loki declared with gusto.

"Ah! That's a good idea, Loki-sama, you're so smart!" Black Agony declared, leaving them alone in the room.

"Why is it that she sounds sarcastic when she says I'm smart?"

"No idea," Drake said, making both Cass and Loki look at him in a manner that made it quite clear to even Haruhime that he was lying.

* * *

Ais noticed that Drake was leaving the Twilight Manor, along with some of his 'harem.' Specifically, Erza, two Reis, Cass, and Coriander. She had been thinking about how to fall in love with Drake, and had listened to Rei's advice and tried 'imagining' Drake being attractive. She had also tried 'watching' Drake some. She had noticed some 'charm points,' and focused on them. But perhaps she would find more 'charm points' if she followed Drake. Given the arrangement of girls, it was not for a Dungeon dive - he did not dive with Erza and Rei, and if he did, it would presumably not be with Cass and Coriander present as well.

So, as they left, Ais did as well, hopping onto a roof so as not to be spotted. She was not very good at stealth, but she kept her distance, relying on her superior senses, speed, and strength to avoid being spotted, landing as soft as she could after each leap and quietly listening to the sounds of Drake's group. They were chatting about something serious, but they avoided anything that made it obvious what that thing was. She leapt and bound after them, until at last they came to a stop at the Ganesha familia headquarters. Her lips thinned at that - she didn't think that Drake was going on a 'date' with them to Ganesha's. That didn't make sense. So she had come along for nothing...

Well... maybe they had business here anyway, and would go on some type of date later. She just quietly watched outside, waiting for Drake to return from inside - and he did so only a few minutes later, coming with Shakti, heading towards the colosseum. She seemed apologetic towards the group about something, though she also avoided exactly what the subject was.

They left the colosseum through an unusual exit, so she almost lost track of them, but she heard an animalistic hiss from a far side, and leapt rapidly after it, assuming that it was related to them. She had been proven right as she came to a stop atop a building, squatting on the edge as she peered down. It was Drake, two Reis, Erza, Cass, and Coriander again. One of the Reis was guiding them through back alleys towards Daedalus Street, but there was a very big thing hidden under a tarp that was slithering after them.

It was definitely slithering. She couldn't see it, but she could hear the distinctive sounds of its movements. It was the sound of a snake's scales grinding against the hard stone of Orario's pathways. Her heart caught in her throat as she listened. They were leading a monster towards Daedalus Street! She was ready to leap out of the sky to stop them, but she remembered after just a moment... Rei could adopt the form of a snake, or a snake-monster, or a regular monster. That had to be it. But why would they have stopped by the colosseum? And why would there be a new Rei? And why wouldn't she just take on human form, rather than hiding under a really big tarp?

Her lips were curled down in a frown. She didn't like this. Not at all. Something was wrong here.

She waited for the group to arrive in a quiet alley, and then simply landed in front of them. They arrested their movement immediately, and she caught sight of what was under the tarp, now that she was at eye level with it: a lamia. Dark hair, long and scraggly and messy, and fine golden scales running along the whole body. The beast appeared appropriately afraid, pulling the tarp down over itself as if that could hide it from her.

"What are you doing?" Ais asked. She didn't know which of them she was asking. Drake? Erza? Rei? She simply said the words.

It was Drake who spoke up. "We're taking a friend to the Dungeon," he said, as if that succinct answer explained anything at all.

"You're friends... with a monster?" Ais asked. The tarp wiggled as if the creature beneath was backing away. "Don't run," she said, her voice ice cold, and the monster stopped its movements entirely, freezing up.

"Hey!" Both Reis spoke simultaneously, some instinctive response to her words. When her gaze went to them, though, they took a step back. "Alipheese is really cool and nice, so don't bully her," one said, her voice trailing off towards the end. "Also please don't make me disincorporate myself because it's like dying."

"Nn." Ais could see what was happening. They were afraid of her. There was a monster under the tarp. They were taking it to Daedalus Street. They were doing something bad with the monster, and she had caught them. "Give me the monster."

"No," Drake said, his response instant. Her gaze went to him as he stepped forward, surprising her. He was the weakest out of any of them, except perhaps Coriander - she hadn't seen the new arrival fight. "Alipheese is a person. She has feelings. She's not a thing to be handed over."

"Y-yeah!" Came a female voice from beneath the tarp, trembling with fear. "You tell her!"

"Kori," came a whisper from Rei, quiet enough that Drake or Erza probably couldn't hear it, but Ais was of a higher level, her senses finely honed. "Take Ali up in the air in the tarp, as high as you can-"

"Don't," Ais interrupted, and Rei fell silent. "Drake. You can't lie to me. Monsters are monsters."

"It literally just talked!" Rei complained.

"That is very easy to fake," Ais dismissed. Four warbled words from under a tarp didn't make someone a person. "Monsters are monsters."

"Not... this one..." Cass said, making Ais's eyes narrow on her. They had practiced together quite a bit, so she knew that Cass was getting strong quickly - but she also knew that she could utterly defeat Cass in a fight. She could defeat all of them, together, in a fight.

"Alipheese Fateburn the Sixteenth is our friend!" Erza declared. "She's not some mindless monster, Ais! I will not let you hurt my friend!"

"I can beat... all of you," Ais said. She knew that with absolute certainty. She was Level Five, and even if she had not broken through to Level Six, her stats were very high.

"And so I should abandon my friend?" Erza asked, which made Ais hesitate. She didn't understand what was happening, and also didn't like it.

"Monsters are dangerous. You shouldn't be friends with them." She realized as she spoke that she was already losing. They were lying. Arguing was stupid. The monster was there. She should just kill it.

"Ali's not dangerous!" Rei started, and Ais simply leapt into the air over the group, her sword in hand, ready to bisect the monster under the tarp. Erza leapt up as well, wearing new armor, and for a moment their swords clashed - and Ais simply used her momentum to spin over Erza, bringing her sword down towards the monster, only to be interrupted by Drake walking through the air to place himself in the way, arms stretched wide so she couldn't attack it without hurting him.

So she let herself simply collide with Drake, sending him tumbling down to the ground from her weight and the force of her movement. She wound up pinning him to the ground, staring him dead in the eyes. He let out a noise of pain from getting slammed into the stone - there was a modest indentation from the force of their bodies - and reached for her hands, gently clasping her wrist in her sword hand, her hand in the other. "Alipheese really is a person," he told her, staring her dead in the eyes. She didn't believe him. Her lips remained a thin line, and before she could just get up - "Alipheese would hurt a fly."

That was a lie. She would not hurt a fly? He must have misspoken and meant to say that she would not hurt a fly, as that was the cliche. Or it was sarcasm. She was not good at recognizing sarcasm. He absolutely believed that Alipheese would not hurt a fly.

But that didn't make it true.

But then why would he be transporting Alipheese through the city, if he did not think she was his friend?

But then why would he be transporting Alipheese to Daedalus Street, if he wanted to return her to the Dungeon?

"Why aren't you taking her to the Dungeon, then?" Ais asked. The monster - 'Alipheese' - started to wriggle away. "Stop. Running." It froze again.

"We are taking her to the Dungeon."

"The Dungeon's entrance is under Babel," she said. "You are going the wrong direction."

"No. There are secret entrances to the Dungeon in Daedalus Street. Rei was taking us to one, Ais. We'll show you to it, okay?" His voice was soft and gentle. Coaxing. She let herself be coaxed. She wasn't sure about what he had said, but she could kill the monster if it was some kind of trick and it ran off.

"Okay," she said, standing up from his supine body. He took a deep breath and then rose to his feet himself. "If you are tricking me I will be very mad."

"I'm not tricking you," he told her. She thought he was telling the truth... but she wasn't sure.

"C-can I move now?" The voice beneath the tarp said.

Ais looked across the group. Cass, Erza, and Coriander all looked ready to fight her if she said no. Drake's own expression was plaintive, and the Reis had stepped back, but that may just have been so they had space to transform. "Yes."

The tarp started to move again, slowly and laboriously, and Rei led the group, while Erza repositioned herself between Ais and the monster. Coriander floated alongside it, whispering plans to the creature that if she said, then it should hold on tight. Erza explained about how the monster was her friend, and they had been adventuring with it in the Dungeon, and helping it become stronger, and Ais's fingers tightened on her sword. If the story was true then they were helping a friend... who was a monster. Had the monster tricked them?

They soon arrived at an abandoned building, which Rei led them into, and which apparently had a trap door leading to a cellar. There were not very many of those in Orario, since it risked contacting the Dungeon the wrong way - and inside was a door made of adamantite. Behind her, she heard the trapdoor swing shut, blanketing them in darkness for a moment, until both Reis and Drake all started to glow a soft blue tone, lighting up the cold walls as Rei held something up to the door. It swung open quietly and smoothly, allowing them all passage inside, and closed behind them.

"See?" Rei said, glancing over her shoulder at Ais. "We're taking her back to the Dungeon."

"This isn't the Dungeon," Ais said. The walls were adamantite. Where had someone gotten so much of it? It was a truly absurd amount, as the passage slowly slid downwards in a corkscrew shape.

"Can I stop hiding under the tarp?" The monster asked. Everyone looked at Ais for permission.

"Yes," Ais said, after a moment. The tarp fell away, and she could see the lamia fully bare to the world. She wasn't even wearing clothes, looking half-naked as she tossed her hair over her shoulder, fingers running through it to try to make herself look better. She stared quietly at it.

"Like what you see?" It asked her, twisting and preening.

"Um." Rei was the one who spoke up. "I do, but, um, I don't think that Ais does."

"Hnn." Ais kept walking down the hall with the lot of them, halfway dragging them with her through sheer force of will. She didn't understand what was going on at the moment, so she decided to just barrel through.

* * *

Alipheese kept herself on the far side of Erza from the scary blonde chick with the sword. She'd just gotten to meet Rei's husband, and he seemed cool (thus protecting her, which was a cool thing to do, since it kept her alive), but she couldn't really talk to him, because the scary blonde chick was there.

It seemed like she probably wasn't going to get killed by the blonde chick. She did want to show her thanks to Drake, and Rei, and Erza, for protecting and saving her. Heck, Coriander and Cass could join in too if they wanted! She wasn't 100% sure what she meant by "show her thanks," but she was pretty sure it was the same kind of thing as taking, which she also wanted Rei to do to her. She started humming a tune to herself, making Ais's eyes narrow, her gaze coming her way.

"Oh, is she not allowed to hum, either?" Rei asked, which Ais responded to with a scoff and breaking off eye contact. "Look, we're almost to the door back into the Dungeon," she said, and Alipheese had never wanted to be guided back into a hostile environment full of monsters that would try to kill her on sight more than she did at that very moment. "Here, see, Ais?"

Ais just let out a faint noise, and Rei raised up the little sphere, the door slowly opening in front of them. Alipheese went through it first, and Erza, Drake, and one of the Reis followed her through - and the Rei with the stone closed it back up again, separating them from Ais. Alipheese let out a huge sigh of relief as the door finished closing behind her. "Ah! Thank you, all three of you, for saving me from that brute!" She said, her tail lashing around them, pulling them together into a big hug, pressing her naked upper body up against Rei in particular, making sure to push her breasts into Rei's back in the way that Rei really liked. "How can I ever repay you?"

"There's no need to repay us, Alipheese!" Erza said, just as Rei said, "I got an idea on how..." in a tone of voice that made goosebumps run across Alipheese's skin.

"Mmm, but I deeply wish to repay you," she explained, leaning forward to lick Rei's ear, her tongue flashing along the cartilage in a sort of instinctual delight that she wasn't entirely sure about where it would even go. She felt some part of Drake's body suddenly change its texture and size, located around his pelvis, and there was another fresh pleasant feeling of desire she didn't quite understand. "Please, tell me your idea, Rei?"

"Ah, well," Rei said, glancing around. "Yeah, this spot's pretty private..." she said to herself. "Yeah, we won't be interrupted here," she declared, more confidently the second time around. "Right, so first, you gotta un-hug us so we can talk," she said.

Alipheese gently released the trio, hearing Drake let out an exhalation of breath. "Are you trying to seduce us, Alipheese?" He asked. She just tilted her head curiously at that, not knowing quite what he meant.

"What he means is, are you cool with him just grabbing your tits and squeezing them?" Rei declared, with much more confidence than Drake had shown.

"Oh! If that will make him happy, then naturally! Thank you once more for saving me, Drake," she said. "Erza, you can play with my bosom too!" She added, looking at the redhead with quiet glee. There was a faint pink tone to Erza's cheeks.

"No- I failed to protect you, Alipheese," Erza said, raising one hand up to her chest as she bowed her head. "When Ais attacked you, she simply leapt over me. Despite my desire to keep you safe, I failed utterly, and for that, I apologize."

"Also she's straight so she doesn't want to grope your boobs," Rei added.

"I see!" Alipheese didn't quite know what 'straight' meant, but she understood what Rei meant - the breast fondling would be done by Rei and Drake at most. Her tail idly flashed around behind her. "So, Drake? Do you want to play with my bosom?" She leaned forward towards him, practically pushing her tits right into his face, and there was certainly a strong response, his sapphire glow letting her see clearly his expression as his eyes widened from the closeness.

"That's certainly very tempting," he told her, and by the look on his face he was definitely tempted. She couldn't help but grin with no small amount of pride. "But - do you know what sex is?" He asked.

Rei was gesticulating wildly and desperately, trying to stop him from asking that sort of question, or her from answering it. "No?" She replied. "What is sex?"

He took a deep breath and sighed. "Rei, have you been groping the boobs of a girl who has no idea what sex is?"

"She sticks 'em in my face and pretty much asks me to grope them!" Rei argued.

"That's true!" Alipheese agreed. She liked it when Rei groped her boobs. It was... fun. "I really like showing them to her and seeing her reactions to them!"

Drake looked at her for a second. "Well, I'll tell you what sex is, and then you can decide on your own if you want to keep getting groped -" Rei let out a groan, kicking the floor, "- or do more stuff."

"Oh shoot! Yeah!" Rei declared. "You gotta do more stuff once he explains it, alright, Ali?"

"I prefer Alipheese," Alipheese said. "I owe you my life and freedom, so obviously I'd be happy to do 'more stuff'!" Whatever that meant!

* * *

Ais sat down on the edge of the bed in Loki's office. Her sword rested against her calf. She had to keep it at hand, in case Loki got handsy. As she, indeed, tried to, her hands seeming to move in slow motion to Ais's eyes. Ais simply drew up the sword and pointedly placed its tip down directly next to Loki's thigh, the goddess freezing up, her hands stopping their movements. "I saw Drake with a monster," Ais explained.

"He is an adventurer," Loki replied, her answer laconic and dismissive.

"He was... saving the monster. I... tried to kill it, and he stopped me."

"Oh, that monster," Loki replied, letting out a long sigh a moment later. "You know, he's got a body around here, figure he coulda told me about the Sword Princess tryin' ta hack his head off." Ais's lips pursed at Loki's words. "Yeah, he had my approval, heck, I'm the one who gave him the idea! That monster's capable of talking, you know?"

"I know."

"Then what's the problem?"

"It's a monster," Ais said, her brow knitting.

"Well..." Loki let out a sigh, coming to rest her chin on Ais's shoulder. Curiously, she wasn't trying to take advantage of the opportunity to gr- Ais snapped the sword up and Loki resumed not trying to take advantage of the opportunity to grope her. "It's got a soul. Talks, has feelings, cries like a little baby when it's kidnapped, you know. It's Rei's friend, apparently." Loki sighed at that point. "According to Rei, it's a sexy lamia that lets her grope her. Why does she get an eager groping bunny and I'm stuck with you, Ais? You never let me just grope you!"

Ais didn't respond verbally, simply contemplating what she'd seen.

"Ugh!" Loki clonked her on the side of the head, knuckles rapping against it ineffectually. "Hello! Ais! Can you hear me?!"


"What makes life worth living?" Ais simply frowned at that. "Ugh. Why do you get to kill cows for food, but not people?"

" aren't allowed to kill people for food."

"Yeah, and why's that?" Ais didn't know. It was a question she'd never thought about. "Because people are people. And what makes 'em people? That's right! Larynxes!" Loki declared, poking Ais's throat. "A human being can say, 'nooo, please don't kill meeee, I've been a good person, I don't deserve to get eeeeeaten, Ais!' And what did the monster do?"

"Talk," Ais said. Loki's whole story still sounded very stupid though.

"Exactly," Loki said, oblivious to Ais's thoughts. "See, people, the reason they have moral weight is the same reason they've got moral reasoning! Talking!"

"That sounds very stupid."

"No, no, no. I'm a goddess. I'm very smart, I'm telling you a secret of the world, you're supposed to say, 'Aaah, I don't understand, Loki-sama, please explain it to this lowly mortal!'" Ais did not say that. After a couple seconds of fruitlessly waiting, Loki sighed loudly. "Fine, fine. See, think about it. You're a monkey or a bunny rabbit or a cow or something. You see another monkey do something bad, but nobody else sees it. What do you do?"

"I attack the monkey."

"Right! But it's one on one! You ain't got a falna! That monkey could beat you up! Heck, he might be so much bigger than you, that it's certain he can beat you up!" Loki leaned in close to Ais's ear, so close that her breath started to tickle her. "So maybe you want to get some other monkeys to help you beat up the bad monkey, right?" Ais nodded. "But all you can do is hoot and point! All you can say is you're angry! You can't say, That monkey's a murderer! It's just not possible! So monkeys can't judge one another's morality. There can't be any higher principle to their social organization than affiliation. But you and me, Ais, we can talk, so if you do something wrong, I can go yell at Finn to beat you up."

"I see..." Ais said, though she didn't.

Loki clonked her in the back of the head. "No you don't! I have a lie detector, remember?" Loki sighed. "Imagine that there were some monkeys that could talk. They'd start acting like people soon enough, because when one of the monkeys did something bad, all the other monkeys would talk about the bad monkey, because who wants to hang out with a bad monkey, right? Nobody wants a murderer monkey. So they'd beat it up and kick it out, or even kill it themselves. People are like that. When somebody does something bad, everybody else gangs up on them." There was a pause. "Sometimes. Often enough," she declared. "So a monster that can speak, the same applies to it. It can think of things as being 'right' or 'wrong,' not just 'good for me' and 'bad for me.' Get it?" Loki asked.

Ais thought about it. She shook her head.

"Well, look, you came here to tell me about Drake doing the horizontal cha-cha-cha with the monster-"

"I did not," Ais interrupted, but Loki kept going.

"-which shows the function of language: gossiping about other people and forming alliances against bad people. The monster can do the same thing, on account of being able to talk."

Ais really thought about what Loki was saying. Her brow knit in concentration, and she almost missed Loki's attempt to grope her, but she responded in time, grabbing the goddess's pinky and dragging her off the bed by it, the redhead squeaking and thrashing in pain as Ais continued to think it over, simply hefting her arm into the air to keep Loki desperately balanced, shrieking for mercy as she tried to keep her balance.

Shrieking for mercy. Mercy was asking somebody to stop because it was 'wrong'. She understood now. She let go of Loki's hand, and the goddess promptly fell to the ground in a heap. "Woof, haha, you really went all out!" Loki declared, panting as she caught her breath and clambered back up to her feet. "That's my Ais!"

"...don't you have large breasts now?" Ais asked, her gaze going to Loki's chest.


"So. You can grope yourself."

"You can't tickle yourself," Loki declared. "It's not as fun. Anyway, you get it?"

"Yes," Ais said. The monster... Alipheese... had wanted to live. Just like anyone else. Drake had stood up for it, because it would be 'wrong' to kill her. Erza too... the others had tried to respond, but Ais was very fast. Only Drake's ability to walk on air had let him intercept Ais before she hit Alipheese. So Drake... was doing something because it was right... even at risk to himself... she understood now. Her heart beat a little faster for some reason as she realized it.

"Great!" Loki declared. "Whew! Worried I was gonna have to spend fifty more minutes talkin' to you about this stuff, now getcha on outta here, I got a fat-titted ebony girl to grope! BITCH!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Ais left her alone with the Black Agony, her thoughts still wandering. She did catch one more shout of surprise from Loki, presumably as she updated the Black Agony's falna, her keen hearing picking out the sound from everything else. "New skill! New skill! What the heck's Water Spider Bite, huh? Huh?"

She paused for a moment, but apparently the Black Agony didn't know any better than Loki what it was, so she went to the field to train some more, and to think.

* * *

"I believe I understand," Alipheese said. "In other words, 'sex' is when two people entwine their bodies together for their mutual physical delight? And in the case of men with women, it can cause the birth of a child. But you have the power to make it not do so, or do so, at your whim... I understand," she repeated, nodding to herself. "But, wait - there are four of us here!"

"Erza can just watch, she likes watching, right, Erza?"

"I-I can wait my turn until my love Drake is done!" Erza said, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"She likes waiting," Drake said to Rei, his voice gently correcting.

"Still, that means there are three of us here! From what you've said, this is a moment of intimacy between two people!"

"At least two people," Rei corrected. "Drake here's such a stud, he can get a whole bunch of girls all simultaneously bouncing on his cock, don't worry about it," she explained. "Plus, eating my pussy's fucking awesome, just ask Noriko!"

"Noriko's tongue is an erogenous zone."

"Okay, so? So? I can make Ali's tongue an erogenous zone! Alipheese, give me your tongue, I'll make it feel fuckin' awesome!"

"I can just use Celestial Bliss Trick," Drake said. The dizzying array of jargon the two were dropping truly spoke to their far greater experience with sex! Alipheese struggled to keep up! "So you do want to have a threesome with me and Rei?" He asked Alipheese.

"Yes! It sounds like an exquisite way to pay you both back for all the kindness you've shown me!" She bounced in place, her tail undulating in the process, and Drake stepped towards her, his lips mushing against hers. A soft noise escaped her mouth at the contact. His tongue licked her lips. Was this sex? It did feel nice. One of his hands was down, running along her scales, rubbing them up and down slowly, following the line of her navel - he eventually found something, a few feet from where flesh turned to scale, and gently unfolded it with both hands, working together.

"So that's what her pussy looks like," Rei said. "Huh. Anyway, Drake, want me to get you out and in there?" Drake let out a soft noise into Alipheese's mouth. She was definitely enjoying the way his short, stubby tongue rubbed against her lips. Maybe she should reciprocate? She let her mouth fall open, and her own tongue started to flash across his lips - his tongue responded by pushing deeper into her mouth, making her let out a soft breath of surprise. She felt something hard and warm slap against her. Was this the 'penis' that Drake had spoken of? She twisted her head subtly, to see it - it was something truly strange looking, like some very tall mushroom, with a thick stalk and a head only so thick as the stalk. It pushed up against the new folds of skin that his fingers had discovered, and she let out a moan into his mouth as it did so, her eyes widening.

His hard penis pushed ever deeper inside her, and even knowing what was happening, she struggled to imagine that it was entirely natural, that this was not some fiendish secret attack. The only thing that let her know otherwise was the fact that it felt so, so good. It felt like it took no time at all for his entire length to be pressed inside her, his pelvis rubbing against her scales as she shivered softly in place. Her nipples were as hard as they'd ever been, and she felt some little sensitive nub of flesh in between the folds of flesh, stimulated by the touch of his pelvis, her own sex throbbing around his length. Was that her clitoris?

"Alright," Rei declared. "Enough kissing! I saved her too! I want that tongue eating my pussy!" Drake broke off the press of lip-to-lip properly, and Alipheese's eyes naturally went to Rei. She had peeled away layers of clothing, leaving only her bare flesh, her large bosom outdoing Alipheese's by such a margin that she worried she might be inadequate by Drake's standards. Drake just gently guided Alipheese to get on her back, shifting his hips in the process - he was soon straddling her, as if she were a wild animal he was riding, his penis pointed downward and filling her up at an unusual angle. Rei clambered up over Alipheese's face. "Ready, Ali?"

"Alipheese, please."

"Ready, Alipheese? Use that tongue! Lick anything that looks good! Kiss it! Make me feel great, don't worry if you suck, I've already been eaten out by a god-tier cunnilinguist and it's still fucking awesome to have a new chick making out with my pussy!"

"Ah... very well," Alipheese said, nodding, and Rei promptly just sat her pussy right atop Alipheese's face. Her pussy mashed into Alipheese's face, grinding down against it, panting heavily as she did so. Alipheese's tongue snaked up, tasting the salty flavor of Rei's sex, and she did her best to pleasure her littlest savior, the shapeshifting girl who had even given her her name. Alipheese's tongue snaked along a little nub on Rei's pussy, and instantly, the girl moaned in place, bouncing around, her hands going for Alipheese's breasts and just squeezing them senselessly.

Drake, for his part, was running his finger along her sternum, a slow and steady movement, as his hips gently pushed back and forth atop her. She had no idea what to do with his penis down there. She tried to focus on the region, and she squeezed, making him groan in pleasure - so, naturally, to reward her hero, she squeezed again. And again, and again, her sex rapidly working his cock over, making him grunt and intensify his pace inside her. "Ah, ah, fuck, I'm so, so fucking glad, I saved you," Rei panted out, her hands on Alipheese's breasts, being as rough as she'd ever been before, while Alipheese's tongue slithered here and there. "It's, I'm great, right, Drake?"

"You're great," he told Rei, and Rei promptly came at that point, moaning and thrashing atop Alipheese's face. "So are you, Alipheese. Rei talks about you a lot, and you're clearly a very nice person," he told her, intensifying his pace still further. He leaned down over her, kissing his way along her stomach, up towards her breasts, lips pressing against the soft flesh of them where it was squeezed through Rei's fingers.

And then it hit. It was intense and sudden and overpowering - something inside her body grew to an incredible proportion, and her tail thrashed around wildly, slamming into the Dungeon walls as her pleasure spiked. The feeling of Drake's penis inside her, his lips against her bosom, his fingertips trailing across skin or scale alike, even his thighs against her flanks - and of course, the wondrous sensations of Rei's thighs and even her own tongue, of the hands groping her breasts, it all added together into a white-hot bliss she had never experienced before. She wanted to simply moan out her pleasure, and she promptly did so, her eyes rolling up.

It was so good. So, so good. She loved it. Her tail slammed into one wall, then the other, noisily ramming into them, smashing out bits of rubble in the process, but the Dungeon didn't seem to respond, and Alipheese was too busy coming her brains out to complain. Rei and Drake were similarly preoccupied, while they rutted atop her, her whole mind being lost in white fog. After a minute or so, the bliss subsided to the point that sense overtook her, and she coiled her tail up. She'd smashed into the walls a few times, but she couldn't reach that far in any case, and it seemed like the Dungeon did not care right now, letting her do as she pleased, leaving her this moment of delicious intimacy and delight.

"Ah, ah, fucking, kiss me, Drake, kiss your fuckin' wife while you rail this hot lamia b-mmmm!" Rei was cut off, presumably by Drake kissing her, and it was clearly fierce by the noisy macking noises the pair shared, as their lips locked with one another. Alipheese trembled underneath them both, shuddering in pleasure, and it took seemingly no time at all for her to come again, her pussy squeezing down on his cock.

She came anew, over and over again. She did her best to bring Rei to a similar bliss. And of course, she worked to coax more pleasure out of Drake, though she understood that his pleasure wasn't as easy as her own, so it was natural for him to take longer. Still, she wrapped her tail around him, winding it round and round his warm, muscular body, feeling him up in the process as she all but smothered him with an affectionate, scaly hug. At that point, he groaned and came inside her, his semen spearing deep within her, fruitlessly trying to spread his seed in a barren field.

When he was utterly spent, he took a moment, panting and pulling out of her, and whatever was keeping her in mindless bliss evaporated. She loosened her hold on him with her tail, and he stepped up and off her, clearly moving around, looking around, as he did.

Rei didn't remove her pussy from Alipheese's face, so Alipheese didn't stop licking.

"Do you want a turn here, Erza?" Drake asked.

Ah! Of course! Erza had been waiting for her turn. Alipheese mumbled into Rei's pussy, trying to communicate her desire. "Alipheese wants to see!" Rei declared, somehow successfully deciphering her.

"I would be glad to make love with you, but this is Alipheese's first time," Erza said, earnest as ever. "Perhaps she would be better focused on?"

"I almost made her collapse the Dungeon around us. Come on, darling," he said, dragging Erza along with him over to be above Alipheese. Erza used her Requip power to make herself naked, and Drake promptly bent her over and started fucking her, careful to position her so Alipheese got a wonderful view of her swinging breasts and the point of contact, his hard penis diving into her slick sex over and over.

So that's what it looked like from outside.

"I'mma turn around, grope you backwards," Rei said, her breathing heavy as she shifted her body around, rotating one hundred and eighty degrees, reaching backwards towards Alipheese's bosom to half-balance on, half-grope, her tits. Not that Alipheese could blame her - she certainly understood the appeal of the show.