Chapter 2: Orario

(A/N Just a heads up so everyone knows his backstory and the reason his personality is like this will be explained later. As well as why he wanted to die and what exactly happened to him in the 2,000 years he has been alive. I plan on doing a novel at one point about his early years.)

Noctis found himself on top of the wall of Orario after he found out the God who helped him was named Steve. Noctis looked towards the city with a smile.

Noctis smiled "Way cooler seeing it in person."

Noctis then kept looking around to get a bearing on his surroundings. He currently saw the Hostess of Fertility was on the same street that he could jump down to as well as a straight shot to the dungeon and guild.

Noctis smiled even wider it was almost euphoric in a sense as he thought of all the possibilities to do here. The idea of challenging the King Ottar at level 7 had him super thrilled. But the second thing he thought of was his need for Falna too see what abilities he still had as well as what his stats would be.

Noctis smiled "Well I definitely want to do things my own way. I rather not be held by this worlds rules."

Noctis shrugged "I just need to get strong enough to do whatever I want. Maybe I can go to another world once I clear this place."

Noctis jumps on the ledge and sits down looking over the city. He then started to talk out loud to himself. "First I need to figure out what God or Goddess to go to. I have to think of the top ones first Loki, Freya, Hephaestus, Apollo, Hermès, Ishtar, and Ganesha. I guess Hestias as well but Bell won't even be here for 6 months. Not a big fan of her anyways."

Noctis sighed "I really want to eliminate Ishtar so she is a definite no. What they do is truly horrid. That's one thing I never let happen every since I became strong. Apollo is a no that guys time is coming to an end soon anyways. Hermès is a bit too manipulative even more so then Loki and Freya. His reason for doing so might be good but I rather not deal with that. Ganesha cares too much about parties and capturing creatures. I much rather kill them. Hestia is probably still living with Hephaestus and Hephaestus is meant for smiths but even then I could probably join as someone who could get strong and get rare items for them."

Noctis sighed again "I suppose that leaves Loki and Freya. No doubt Freya would want me once she pears into my soul but…."

Noctis blinks and focuses his eyes as he sees the souls of everyone walking around on the streets. He blinks again and he no longer sees people's souls.

Noctis frowned "I don't think she would want the abyss to stare back. Loki is a viable option it would provide security not as much as Hephaestus would but enough to make me safe even from Freya. Unless they owe Freya favors for some reason. No matter what Familia I go to I'm sure Freya will take notice."

Noctis smiled "I do like the Loki Familia members as well as even Bete because of his past. Ottar could be fun to hang with though definitely won't be annoying he doesn't talk much from what I remember plus a great sparring partner."

Noctis frowned again "The real problem is I would need to trust my Goddess to not reveal my race."

Noctis's long silver hair was flowing in the wind as he looked back down at the city. Noctis sighed "I guess there is not really much of an option."

Noctis jumped down and started to walk through the city of Orario heading for the dungeon and guild.

Many people would stop and stare at Noctis as he would walk by. Both for his looks many girls blushed just looking at him. Also for his attire as well though. It was very regal in a sense but that was because his blood crown was still not on his head. Mainly because his blood magic was still sealed. Noctis would smile and just keep walking he would not spare many people a glance.

Then he finally got to the guild. It was the first floor of the Tower of Babel. Noctis was in awe of the sheer size. He knew it went a hundred floors up but the fact the floors were so big that it broke the cloud line was amazing to him.

Noctis walked through the front door. He looked around and was surprised with how organized it was. There was a center for selling items and crystals. A center to help adventurers. A center to sign up as well.

Noctis started to head towards the sign up area and was happy that there was no one in line. He went up to the teller and looked at the girl working the front. It was an orange fox girl. She had fox like ears and what looked like a fluffy tail. She was wearing a standard and modest guild uniform but you could tell it was tight around her chest. She had multiple gold rings in her fox ears as well.

Noctis smiled "Hello miss I'm here to sign up to be an adventurer."

She looked Noctis up and down she did slightly blush but then she refocused "Do you have a Familia?"

Noctis shook his head "No not yet."

She nodded "Okay fill this paper work out and look through this current pamphlet of Familias that are looking for new members."

Noctis nodded "I'm guessing I can not go down in the dungeon without a Familia."

The girl sighed "We use to let people do that but there was just too many deaths so it was ruled unsafe."

Noctis smiled "Got it. What was your name by the way."

The girl smiled "Merigold."

Noctis smiled "Nice to meet your Merigold. I'll be right back once I fill this out and look through the pamphlet thanks for the help."

Merigold nodded "No problem."

Noctis started to fill out the necessary paper work. Once he was done he looked through the pamphlet. He then started to internally get upset 'Of course Loki and Freya are not looking for anyone. What to do. What to do.'

Noctis sat for a moment just staring at the pamphlet. Until an idea sparked inside his head 'I'll just make her come to me.'

Noctis went back up to Merigold and submitted his paperwork as well as returned the pamphlet. Merigold smiled "So did you decide on a Familia."

Noctis smiled "Yes I did" he then internally thought and started praying to Steve 'I really hope I can still do this.'

Noctis stared directly into her eyes hoping he was activating his hypnotic eyes correctly he was also hoping he was stronger then her mentally as of right now. He noticed her eyes start to lull and that she seemed to hunch a bit as if to relax. Noctis had a wide smile "I want you to got tell this Goddess whatever it takes to meet in a meeting room at guild hall today." He pointed to her picture on the pamphlet.

Merigold nodded "Of course no problem I will send someone to her residence right away. Please wait in that room over there."

Noctis headed over to the room to wait. Time didn't really mean much to him so he was ready to wait all day at least. Merigold then went on to do what Noctis asked of him. Merigold after completing her task went back behind the counter. She then refocused and looked around.

Merigold frowned "Where did Noctis go."

She looked down and saw his paper work turned in. She shrugged "Maybe he will be back tomorrow."
