Loki smiled as Noctis did one last check at his stats. "You ready for Finn to come back in."
Noctis nodded "Yes but do you think he will be able to handle this."
Loki kept a neutral face "He should be fine. It is a lot to take in but he has been my captain for a long time. I'm sure he can handle."
Noctis gulped "Okay."
Noctis started to think about what happened the first time someone found out he was a vampire.
Noctis Flashback
Noctis was in a long fight on a battlefield with his comrades at his side. He was in a group of ten. His team of ten was facing a group of a thousand but it was nothing they had not done before.
They were already knee deep in bodies and the amount of blood was causing Noctis to become feral a bit. He had just escaped from the research facility he was born in. He still had not tasted blood in his life. The nine others in his group being the ones who actually helped free him. They didn't know what he was however. If they did they never would have let him leave the facility alive. Only being alive for a hundred years relatively young for a vampire he had a lack of control of his blood thirst.
He had been with this group of ten for a year now. He was technically the strongest but he never showed it as his strength was all of there's combined. He thought if they knew how strong he was that they would want them to leave.
After they finished killing the thousand Noctis could no longer ignore the pile. He started to gravitate towards it as the amount of blood was too much. Sure they had fought this amount before but Noctis was able to keep himself in control but now he was at the breaking point.
Noctis couldn't control it anymore he went down towards a dead solider and drained him of his blood with magic and sent it straight into his mouth. Once he was done he realized what he had done. He turned around and looked at the horror on his former friends faces. They started to charge an attack Noctis there more then year of friendship seemed to mean nothing to them as they had the intent to kill and Noctis could see it.
Noctis used his magic and locked them all into place. He had tears of blood in his eyes as he looked at his former friends. He then ran into the forest behind him to escape from them. This would later prove to be a big mistake. As they would all go their separate ways. Each one deciding to make an army to kill Noctis one day.
Flashback ends
Loki was snapping her fingers "You alive?"
Noctis snapped his head to her "Yeah sorry I was thinking about something. Although not technically I suppose. I mean I do have a heart beat but if my heart was destroyed I would be fine."
Not noticing a red tear going down his face. Loki got a handkerchief out of her pocket. "Here."
Noctis quickly grabbed it and wiped his face "Thank you."
Noctis didn't really know what to say. Loki sighed "Don't worry I won't ask. You are apart of my Familia now though meaning you are one of my children. My children mean everything to me so I hope you will tell me your stories one time in the future."
Noctis nodded "Of course."
Loki smiled "Finn come in."
Finn quickly came in and sat on the other side of Loki. Loki kept a neutral face "I want you to read his Falna with an open mind. I don't want you to move or say a word until you have read everything. Got it."
Finn nodded preparing himself knowing that something on here would clearly shock him. Not knowing that a lot on there would clearly shock him. "Of course Loki."
Finn began to read and when he got to the second line he stopped and simply looked up at Noctis and back down at the paper. Finn audibly sighed as he kept reading. He started to think about how much of a hassle Noctis is going to be. However once he finished the page and he put it down. He was extremely happy to see all the benefits.
Finn then looked at Noctis in the eyes "Are you a danger to my comrades."
Noctis looked him back in the eyes feeling it was better to tell the truth "Yes there is a possibility."
Finn nodded "At least your honest."
Finn then looked at Loki "His potential is definitely worth the risk and no matter what he at least is still weaker then Lefiya right now. He will definitely be an asset on future expedition especially when he reaches level five."
Loki nodded "Agreed I want him to be part of the main force as well. He will be with you, Riveria, Gareth, Tiona, Tione, Bete, Ais, and Lefiya. His storage alone could be the reason. But his strength potential as well I want him with my best children plus he will be safer around all you."
Noctis then coughed "Can I go in the dungeon solo for awhile."
Loki narrowed her eyes "Why would you want to do that."
Noctis turned to Finn "What is the lowest level of that group she just named?"
Finn immediately said "Lefiya is level three."
Noctis nodded "Just let me go solo. Until I get to level three that way people don't question why I'm part of the main group when I came out of nowhere and I'm still level one."
Loki sighed "Fine but don't push yourself I just got you and I don't need you dying before you pay me back for tricking me into going to the guild."
Noctis "Okay so that's it?"
Loki shook her head "No."
Loki got up and surprisingly hugged Noctis "Welcome to the Familia."
Noctis was surprised but then tried to move but she would not let go.
Finn sighed as he pulled the Goddess off of Noctis. Finn then looked at Noctis "Welcome to the Familia don't worry she did the same thing to Ais when she first got her amazing abilities. Plus I'm sure Loki thinks your just as how do I put this. Attractive as Ais I suppose."
Finn sighed again "Just watch out she likes to try and grab Ais's butt so yours might be next."
Noctis looked over to Loki who was pouting and shouting at Finn to let her go Noctis grabbed his butt and nodded "Noted."
Noctis smiled "So what now?"
Loki straightened up "Now Finn show him to an open room on the same floor as the main group. Then later tonight we celebrate are new member at the Hostess of Fertility."
Loki then yawned "I'm going to take a nap. Finn make sure to show him around."
Finn nodded "Right away Loki."
Loki left the room just leaving Finn and Noctis. Finn turned to Noctis "So what do you want to tell people?"
Noctis was confused "What do you mean?"
Finn kept a neutral face "Do you want to tell people your a vampire or?"
Noctis shook his head "No probably not the best idea. Could you just tell people I'm a blood elf."
Finn nodded "That works no one has seen a blood elf in a long time as they are usually secluded. Even Riveria will believe it. A blood elf has not been seen in a couple centuries. Come on I will show you around."
Finn started to walk Noctis around the mansion. Many heads would turn as it was a rare sight to see Finn showing someone around. This alone got people to wonder who Noctis was. Many people were looking at Noctis and many women as well had a slight blush. The elves would start to ignore him but then they would notice his ears and start to hold him in a higher esteem. Even some female elves blushed at his looks. He was truly on another level when it came to it.
Once Finn was done showing Noctis around he lead him towards his new room. Finn smiled "So you will be staying here. The room next to yours is Bete's. I'm down at the end of the hall and across from you is Lefiya's room. You can meet them all later."
Finn then looked up and down at Noctis's outfit "Is that outfit good to go into the dungeon with."
Noctis nodded "It should last for a bit but I'm sure not long."
Finn nodded "Okay good. Once you start making money you can get armor and weapons that suit you. Or if you want to you can take a loan from Loki and she can help pay for your stuff."
Noctis shook his head "I want to see how far I can go as is first."
Finn nodded "Well your welcome to do what you want. I will be back to your room by five for when we leave to the Hostess fo Fertility."
Noctis nodded "Thanks for the help."
Noctis then entered his room as they both said their goodbyes. Noctis looked around his room it was spacious with a nice bed. However besides that it was pretty bland. There was a desk and chair. Then finally he also got his own bathroom.
Noctis sighed "I need to fill this place up at some point and get some clothes as well. Not as nice as my castle but it has its own charm."
Noctis sighed again "Well might as well just take a bath and rest before I got to the Hostess of Fertility."
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