Syr a waitress at the Hostess of Fertility has silver hair and silver eyes. Syr looked like any of the other waitresses an always looked like she was having a good time. However that was not the case in her mind. Syr was a troubled girl. She was in a situation where she thought she was winning but a Goddess was truly just using her to pass the time and just maybe trying to find someone interesting.
Syr loved the Goddess Freya so much. It was not a maternal love or a love where two partners fall into. This love was dangerous and toxic. She was in love and idolized the idea of Freya. She herself wanted to be Freya. But obviously she could not just take over the Goddess body or even her soul. So she decided to try the next best thing.
She let Freya add Freya's soul to her body. Syr would be in control of her body but whenever Freya chose she would take over. That would always be when Syr is at her happiest because the Goddess she was so devoted to was being her in those moments. She felt so close to the Goddess as if she was her. She had no care that she was not the one in control of her body. She would just watch through her eyes as Freya took over.
Freya even at this moment was at the Hostess of Fertility and was in control of Syrs body waiting tables. Freya herself was finding it pretty boring no one interesting to her had come in at all today or in a long time for that matter. That was until this next moment when Freya as Syr looked at the door to see the Loki Familia walk in. She shrugged her shoulders thinking same old same old. Until she saw a young extremely handsome man walk in.
That's when Freya looked at his soul and was astonished. So much so that she tripped over herself when heading to the kitchen. Ryuu a blond elf with green eyes quickly came up. "Are you okay Syr."
Syr nodded "Im fine I just need a second."
Ryuu nodded "Okay I will cover you for a bit. Let me know if you need anything."
Syr nodded "Thanks I will Ryuu."
Ryuu gave a small smile going back to work leaving Freya who was controlling Syr alone. She stared at the young mans soul again. It was a soul of a King. The sheer presence it had was amazing. Too amazing to just be another elf. Freya needed to know more. She had to be the one to serve that table. She had only seen this kind of soul from one other person a year ago and she already had her.
Freya went up to the owner of the bar who knew about the two souled girl. The owner was Mia Grand a dwarf who stood at 5'11". She was a prior member of the Freya Familia before she retired. Freya went up to Mia "I need to serve that table."
Mia nodded "Go ahead just don't cause trouble this is still my bar."
Freya nodded "Of course."
Syrs body controlled by Freya quickly went to serve them and find out more information about the new adventurer in town.
Third Person POV a little prior
Noctis, Loki, and the advanced Loki Familia members were entering the Hostess of Fertility. When they entered a black haired cat girl an a chestnut hair cat girl both say "The special guests have arrived."
Noctis walks in next to Loki and the cat girl with black hair immediately moves up to them.
The cat girl with black hair "Oh who is this nyaa? I'm Chloe nyaa."
Noctis smiled "Hi Chloe I'm Noctis nice to meet you."
Loki smiled and leaned on Noctis's tall figure "This is the newest edition to my advance force. So we are celebrating tonight."
Loki said all this while sticking her non existent chest out. Chloe smiled "Well nice to meet you Noctis. Loki come this way we saved you a table nyaa."
Noctis was sat down right next to Loki and Riveria. Riveria on the spot to the right of him and Loki to the left. Bete was the furthest from Noctis choosing too sit across from him.
Everyone kept talking to each other and getting to know more about Noctis while they were waiting for a server. That is when Syr walked up.
Syr smiled "Hello everyone. What would you like today Loki."
Loki turned to Noctis "You drink?"
Noctis smiled "Of course."
Loki then said "Get drinks for everyone and just orange juice for Ais and Lefiya. Then get all the best food you got. I'm paying for everyone today."
However the response Loki was waiting for never came. She looked back up to Syr to see she was just staring to Loki's left. Loki turned and saw she was just staring at Noctis who was still talking with the rest of the table.
Loki then waved her hand in front of Syr "Syr."
Syr got startled a bit. She then realized what happened and blushed "I'll get all that for you right away."
Noctis then out of the side of his eye watches her leave to the kitchen. At that moment Syr paused an immediately snapped around but Noctis had already turned his head back. Noctis sighed and thought 'I wanted to confirm it but she definitely felt me look at her soul.'
Noctis then said to Loki "Hey Loki can I meet you tomorrow for a chat before I go to the dungeon."
Loki turned to see Noctis having a serious face "Yeah sure kid no problem."
Loki then watched as Noctis just went completely back to normal as if he was not just serious a minute ago. Loki then got a big smile thinking 'Maybe this kid is already paying off.'
The rest of the night was very joyous and happy. Both Noctis and Loki got a little too drunk and started to sing together on the table. A normal sight for everyone but the rest of the members were surprised Noctis joined in.
Finn sighed "Another one to watch out for I guess."
Then as everything was wrapping up they left the Hostess of Fertility. Loki was being carried by Ais and surprisingly the one carrying Noctis was Bete. Bete however was not doing it by choice.
All the while they were being watched or more specifically Noctis was being watched by Syr or Freya as they left.
Freya in her mind 'I must have him. That soul alone is worth more then most of my Familia I can already tell. I need to send Ottar on a couple tasks.'
Freya looked around 'Someone looked into my soul too but I'm not sure if it was him or not.'
Little did Noctis know as he was being tossed on his bed by Bete. That someone who he figured might make plans was already making plans for him.
The next morning Noctis groggily got up. He looked outside and it appeared to be eight am. Before he made his way to the cafeteria he decided to make his way to Loki first.
Noctis went up to the door and knocked. On the other end he heard "Noctis come in."
Noctis opened the door and closed it behind him "How did you know it was me?"
Loki sighed and felt like her head was ringing "No one else is stupid enough to wake me up when I just drank all night the night before."
Noctis kept a neutral face "Oh. Well anyways I wanted to tell you something about yesterday."
At this point Loki was sitting at her desk and gestured for Noctis to come over.
Loki kept a neutral face "What is it Noctis."
Noctis smiled "How would you feel if I could give you dirt on a Goddess."
Loki smiled "Obviously I would love to hear it. But how do you already have dirt on someone else."
Noctis's grin got wider "What if i told you a certain girl has two souls and one of them was a very powerful very important Goddess."
Loki sat up straighter in her seat "Hit me with it."
Noctis put on a neutral face "Slow down there is something I want in return for this."
Loki shrugged "What do you want."
Noctis smiled "Through this I want you to get me a favor from that Goddess."
Loki thought about it for a moment "Fine only because I believe it will benefit me in some way."
Noctis nodded "Of course."
Noctis then continued with an insane grin on his face to the point where you could see his large canines "The girl Syr is the one with two souls and one of them is Freya's."