Chapter 13: A Couple of Weeks

Loki and Noctis were in the meeting room right now talking.

Loki smiled "So I was able to get your nickname Blood Mage. Also in your room I was able to discreetly put a ton of blood packets into it with Finns help."

Noctis smiled "Thank you my throat has been rather dry."

Loki nodded "Also I want you to always have a blood pack or two in your storage just in case something goes wrong. I also told Finn when you guys all go on the next expedition to always have a blood pack on his person in case something happens. Now on to a more pressing matter."

Loki sighed and continued "You are going to need to work on your public image. It spread like wild fire how you treated that mage once you got back up from the dungeon. The only thing saving you from being totally hated by the public is that you still saved his life."

Noctis shrugged "I don't care about my public image though."

Loki shook her head "I understand that. However it does no good to paint a target on your back. Plus from what I understand with your King Aura ability you can directly disobey Gods and Goddesses and are not effected by their charms or divinity. This is both good and bad. Good because I don't have to worry about you getting effected by it and bad because you could disobey and if this were to get out people would want your head to roll."

Noctis sighed "I wouldn't want to disobey you or lie to you though. You took me in and that means something to me. It's not everyday I get a place to stay I like. Plus with how much I will probably owe you in the future to help me out with stuff."

Loki nodded "We can leave that until later. After all your one of my children now so I need to trust you. So is there anything you want?"

Noctis smiled "Well yes. I need armor and two great swords. Also does Hephaestus owe you any favors?"

Loki shook her head "No, not currently. Also why two greatswords."

Noctis kept a neutral face "Because I have the strength to wield two with the help of my magic. But the weapons I want would probably cost a fortune."

Loki narrowed her eyes "Whys that?"

Noctis sighed "I want to be able to channel my magic through the swords."

Loki sighed "I will ask Hephaestus and see what I can find out. What are you going to do today?"

Noctis nodded "Well I have to sell all my crystals and then probably go into the dungeon a bit."

Loki narrowed her eyes "Just don't go on the 17th Goliath floor."

Noctis got up from his seat and started to walk out "I won't at least not until I'm close to leveling up again."

Noctis left the room and Loki shook her head "He is a trouble maker for sure."

Noctis sold all the crystals he had and started to make his way in the dungeon 80,000 valis richer. Noctis then spent the next couple weeks around floor 12 as he still did not have armor and planned on making enough money to use the black scales he has from the Black Wyvern as part of his armor.

After the couple weeks he was able to save up to 500,000 Valis total as he still would spend money on food and potions so it took him awhile. He then entered Babel with the intent to find a smith that would work with him. He went through many floors trying to find something he would like.

He figured if he liked the armor in the stores he could go to the smith that made them to make his armor. However after looking all day he could not find someone that was worth it. He started giving up and decided to buy the best armor he could for the money he had.

The armor ended up costing him 450,000 Valis cutting his money severely. However he was really happy with it he decided to enter the dungeon the next day.

This whole time Noctis has been by himself in both the dungeon and around Orario. Only having the occasionally conversation with Riveria. Lefiya avoided him now because of the events that transpired a couple weeks ago. Finn was busy managing the Familia. Tione and Tiona have been training in the Dungeon. Ais has been training nonstop. Gareth was no where to be seen. Then finally Bete wouldn't speak to him.

Noctis was fine being by himself but he felt like the same thing was happening as had happened in his past life.

Noctis sighed "Isolated again."

He was also worried about his new found group betraying him as did his old comrades.

Noctis decided to go to Loki's room as he has not updated his Falna in two weeks. He was hoping to see some improvements as he has killed many Wyverns and Infant Dragons.


Race: Vampire

Level 2

STR(strength) A 860

END(endurance) A 850

AGI(agility) A 830

DEX(dexterity) A 810

MAG(magic) S 1050

Magic Storage, Blood Magic, Hypnotic Eyes, Soul Search.

Storage 10/10 Max level

Description Inventory that stays frozen in time. Holds the size of a medium sized house.

Blood Magic 10/10

Description Can use the users blood as well as the blood of fallen enemies or allies. While using this magic it heals the user. Possibility that blood lust reaches max while using this could cause frenzy.

Hypnotic Eyes 5/10

Description Is able to make a person who's strength or level is lower or equal to the user obey his every command. Depends on the persons will as well.

Soul Search 10/10 Max

Description Can see the souls of any mortal or God being able to see their personality as well as how they feel in the moment.

Skills Kings Aura, Predictive Killing Intent, Swordsmanship, Unarmed Combat, Extreme Regeneration, Unending Resistance.

Kings Aura 7/10

Description Can not be willed to do anything. Follows his own heart. Can also inflict users own will as an attack.

Predictive Killing Intent 8/10

Description Can have future glances of moves with Killing intent towards the user.

Swordsmanship 1/10

Description A better understanding of the sword. Uses a sword more naturally then any other weapon. Allows for extra damage to be dealt.

Unarmed Combat 8/10

Description Gives a higher understanding of close quarters combat. Does increased damage with fists and kicks.

Extreme Regeneration 4/10

Description Able to regenerate wounds faster. With Blood added regeneration happens faster. At higher levels the possibility to regenerate limbs is also possible.

Unending Resistance 4/10

Description Somewhat resistant to all elements. Somewhat resistant to all types of damage. Immune to disease. Somewhat resistant to all poisons.

Noctis nodded "Not bad for a couple weeks of work."

Loki shook her head "Kid this kind of progress is unheard of. It should take you way longer. Not that I'm complaining. The faster you get stronger the better. Especially since the expedition is in 5 months now."

Noctis smiled "Hopefully I'm level 4 by then. How deep do they usually go."

Loki scratched the back of her head "Well apparently the dungeon has changed recently. So the next expedition might not be as low as usual. Most likely just to floor 28 where the safe zone is."

Noctis nodded "That's interesting. Haven't Finn and then been down to floor 50."

Loki nodded "Yes but again with the new monsters and changes to the dungeon I want them to be careful."

Noctis sighed "Well anyways any luck on getting Hephaestus to make me some Great Swords?"

Loki shook "Not yet but don't worry I will get my sister to break."

Noctis questioned "Sister?"

Loki smiled "Hephaestus and I go way back we were pretty much inseparable early on. So don't worry she will crack."

Noctis shrugged "If you say so. By the way tomorrow I'm going down to floor 16."

Loki waved him off "That's fine just be careful."

Noctis smiled "Don't worry I'm just going to have fun."


A/N If we break 100 power stones I will release an extra chapter today. If we break 125 then I will release another. Please comment on what you think of the story so far. Also hope you all enjoy.