Chapter 26: Damage Control an a Dungeon Date

After everyone in the dungeon was taken care of Noctis went back to the Loki Familia Manor. Loki sighed as she rubbed her face "Why Noctis, why are you the center of so many things?"

Noctis scratched the back of his head "Well it's technically still a win for you right. I'm clearly worth the trouble."

Loki's face fell onto her desk "You are right."

Noctis nodded "Anyways Loki can you update my status?"

Loki nodded "Sure strip your shirt off and lay on the couch."

Noctis did as she said. Loki sighed as she began to update Noctis's status. It was eerily quiet. Noctis kept a neutral face "Something wrong Loki."

Loki handed him his level-up paper I just should not be surprised anymore.


Race: Vampire

Level 3 -> 5

STR(strength) SSS 1299-> I 10

END(endurance) SSS 1299-> I 10

AGI(agility) SSS 1299-> I 10

DEX(dexterity) SSS 1299-> I 10

MAG(magic) SSS 1299-> I 10

Magic: Magic Storage, Blood Magic, Hypnotic Eyes, Soul Search, Blood King, Dark Magic.

Storage 10/10 Max level

Description Inventory that stays frozen in time. Holds the size of a medium-sized house.

Blood Magic 10/10

Description: Can use the user's blood as well as the blood of fallen enemies or allies. While using this magic it heals the user. Using blood lust at the maximum level could cause a frenzy.

Hypnotic Eyes 5/10

Description: Is able to make a person whose strength or level is lower or equal to the user obey his every command. Depends on the person's will as well.

Soul Search 10/10 Max

Description: Can see the souls of any mortal or God, being able to see their personality as well as how they feel in the moment.

Blood King 10/10

Description: Blood magic no longer requires there to be actual blood. The user is able to create blood out of the very air for spells and combat.

Dark Magic: Magic that allows the user to control shadows and darkness itself. More effective in dark areas.

Skills: Kings Aura, Predictive Killing Intent, Swordsmanship, Unarmed Combat, Extreme Regeneration, Unending Resistance.

Kings Aura 10/10

Description: Can not be willed to do anything. Follows his own heart. Can also inflict users' own will as an attack.

Predictive Killing Intent 10/10

Description: Can have future glances of moves with Killing intent towards the user.

Swordsmanship 2/10

Description: A better understanding of the sword. Uses a sword more naturally than any other weapon. Allows for extra damage to be dealt.

Unarmed Combat 10/10

Description: Gives a higher understanding of close-quarter combat. Does increased damage with fists and kicks.

Extreme Regeneration 6/10

Description: Able to regenerate wounds faster. With blood, added regeneration happens faster. At higher levels, the possibility to regenerate limbs is also possible.

Unending Resistance 6/10

Description: Somewhat resistant to all elements. Somewhat resistant to all types of damage. Immune to disease. Somewhat resistant to all poisons.

Noctis chuckled "I'm sure no one is going to believe this."

Loki narrowed her eyes "What happened down there?"

Noctis shrugged "A lot of unnecessary details that I will not bore you with. But I was told to inform you that I am going out with Marin Kitagawa."

Loki looked like she was about to cry "Why can you not be normal?"

Loki started to pace "Fine but I need to meet with Freya about this."

Noctis tilted his head "Why is it such a big deal?"

Loki sighed "Usually there would be no problem with you dating outside the Familia however it is with our direct competitor."

Noctis rolled his eyes "Can't I just fill out some contract or something?"

Loki shook her head "We need to have a meeting. I also need to inform the guild again about your stats and level-ups. I also need Finn to inform the rest of our Familia. Oh God, what about Ais."

Noctis was confused again "What about Ais?"

Loki slumped back in her chair "You have already caught up to her. She might do something drastic to level up again."

Noctis shrugged his shoulders "Let her. How long has it been since she leveled up?"

Loki sighed "A year."

Noctis smiled "We are adventurers we are supposed to take risks as far as I am concerned. Also, could we start a war game with the Ishtar Familia?"

*A month later*

Noctis was smiling when he was walking down in the dungeon "Sorry it's been so long since I have seen you, Marin."

Marin nodded "Yeah it's been almost a month. What have you been doing?"

Noctis sighed "I had to show everyone in my Familia that my skills were good enough to be part of the lead group. I then had to be in the dungeon for a couple of weeks in the lead group so we can work on our coordination and teamwork. We only went down to floor 26 though."

Noctis took a breath and continued "They then helped Ais and Lefiya level up by fighting the floor 27 monster Rex by themselves. Apparently, those conditions met what they needed for a feat."

Noctis then looked at Marin and asked "So what did Freya say about our relationship?"

Marin shivered "She was upset both since I technically failed my task as well as she has to form some pact. She said she would need a meeting with Loki as well as us being there."

Marin continued "She is in some sense protective over me, that's why."

Noctis nodded as he cut an Infant Dragon in half "Yeah Loki was saying the same thing."

Marin smiled "So when's our first date?"

Noctis looked around "Is this not it?"

Marin tried to punch Noctis over the head but he teleported to her shadow to dodge it. Marin crossed her arms and let out a sigh "I miss it when I was a higher level than you. Why are you counting this as a date?"

Noctis tilted his head "Is this not fun?"

Marin cut off a Wyverns head with her great sword "This is fun but I wanted like a... dinner date to get to know you or something. I don't know."

Noctis shrugged "We can learn about each other while fighting. We can do dinner when we get back."

Marin tossed Noctis the crystal as he put it in his storage. They were approaching the 17th floor. Marin rolled her eyes "Fine. Do you want to fight the Goliath together?"

Noctis nodded "Sounds like fun."

Noctis and Marin made it to where the Goliath had spawned. Noctis was in his new samurai armor. It was all black with some red accents he got it from all the money he took from the dead Ishtar Familia members.

Noctis and Marin ended up in the Goliath room. It was a ginormous room with a large crystal wall on one side. Noctis and Marin were casually walking towards it.

They watched as the Goliath started to break out of the wall. It was at least thirty feet tall and towered over the duo. It screamed as it broke out and large chunks of the wall started to fly everywhere.

Marin took out her great sword she looked over to Noctis "Want to see my favorite move?"

Noctis shrugged "Sure."

Marin smiled "Watch closely I can only do it twice a day."

Marin got in a wide stance ready to launch at the Goliath a red energy started to surround her great sword as you could feel the air vibrate. Noctis was surprised it was a lot of energy and it felt like his King's Aura.

The Goliath started to get closer and closer and Marin kept building up energy. The Goliath was within twenty feet of them. Noctis kept watching hoping she had it under control.

Marin yelled out "Guillotine!!"

She then laughed at blinding speeds towards the Goliath. She aimed for the Goliath's right ankle. She made contact it sliced right through the ankle. It was almost as if there was no resistance at all. The ankle might as well have been made out of butter.

Noctis was shocked "How the fuck-"

But Noctis had to quickly move as the Goliath was about to land on top of him. Noctis proceeded to jump to the side and then up in the air as he then manipulated the Goliath's blood to make a great sword. He grabbed hold of it in the air and started to spin rapidly heading for the Goliath. He then smashed down on the Goliath as he used his momentum to slice through the Goliath's neck. Cracks formed under his feet. He then watched as it slowly started to disintegrate.

Noctis turned to see Marin heading over "That was unexpected."

Marin had a bright smile "It's one of my abilities called Guillotine. Twice a day I can cut through anything. At least so far it has not failed to work."

Noctis thought for a moment "That's definitely useful have you tried it out on the Leviathan?"

Marin shook her head "We usually just a kid that monster Rex since it's easy to do so."

Noctis shrugged maybe we should go try one time.

They then both turned to see Lefiya and Riveria running to them. Noctis frowned "What's wrong?"

Lefiya stopped in front of them and started to catch her breath for a second "The meeting is today."

Marin was confused "I thought it would not be for a while."

Noctis shrugged "It's fine. Hopefully, it goes by fast though."

A/N Give me Power Stones please hope everyone enjoys.