Chapter 31: The Expedition 4

The rest got ready to fight the Runebear. Noctis quickly said, "It can deflect magic with its claws so focus on using your skills and physical attacks."

Finn nodded "Let's take it slow and try to draw out some abilities it might have."

Tione and Bete then started to run at it from opposite sides to see how it would react. Instead of waiting for the attack, the Runebear decided to launch its own attack. Lashing out and extending its claws violently.

It got up on its hind legs and came down on them. Tione and Bete backed off a couple feet. Noctis started to run in as the other two did not realize the Runebear was about to make an extra lunge at them when it had all fours on the ground.

As it was about to slash at Tione Noctis reflected the attack with his blood fang sword. He then jumped back as they all regrouped.

Noctis turned to Finn "I think we should just finish this. We are wasting too much time when we should be focusing on getting deeper in the dungeon."

He then continued "It's clear you need at least a group of level 4s to deal with it. If it even is a monster, Rex."

Finn nodded "Fine we will all attack it and you use your magic for the killing blow."

Noctis smiled and started to make a giant spear again. However this time Ais, Bete, Finn, and Tione were fighting it and getting it weaker and weaker. The Runebear seemed to be able to take a lot of hits as it was getting weaker but very slowly.

Noctis kept focusing his magic waiting for any easy opening. This opening appeared when Ais used her Rapier in multiple succession causing the Runebear to stumble back. While it was wobbly Noctis launched another spear straight through the center of the Runebear with it being off balance. The Runebear was not able to deflect the attack and was killed instantly as Noctis's spear hit the magic core.

Right, when it was over Tiona had just come back. Tiona was breathing a little harder than normal "Did I... miss it….. already."

Noctis smiled and patted her head "Yeah you should have been faster."

This caused Tiona to start pouring but you could see a small blush on her face. Noctis walked over to Ais "Thanks for the opening Ais it made it easier."

Ais just nodded without saying a word. Finn then said, "Tiona I hate to ask but can you run back and let them know we can start moving again."

Tiona gave Finn a blank stare for a moment she then narrowed her eyes "You got it cap."

They then watched as Tiona started to run back. Noctis then turned towards Bete and Tione. "So why were you two not ready to dodge that one attack?"

Before either of them could say anything Noctis decided to answer it for them "It's because Bete you were overconfident. The Tione did not even think it could do more than what it already did."

Bete growled back "So sorry. I should not have to care about weakling monsters. We should have just killed it right away anyways."

Tione did not comment. Finn walked over "He is right you know. Even if it is weaker than us it is still an unknown and we need to be ready for it. It would have been harder if there were only one or two of us."

Noctis turned towards Finn "So what's the plan now?"

Finn sighed "We quickly go through floors 25 to 27. The Monster Rex Amphisbaena can freely travel between the floors so we need to go through varying passageways. We then rest at the 28th floor safe zone for a couple of days."

Noctis scratched his neck "I did not know the Monster Rex Amphisbaena moved between the floors."

Finn nodded "It mostly stays on the 27th floor but if there is a big enough commotion it will react and move to the necessary floor."

Bete grimaced "It's annoying to fight the Monster Rex and it takes a while to fight because of the water. With Noctis and Riverias Magic, it will probably be faster now. Maybe we should test it out while the rest of the group takes a break on the 28th floor safe zone."

Finn and Noctis both have Bete a weird look. Bete furrowed his brows "What?"

Noctis shook his head "I'm just shocked."

Finn nodded "I'm surprised as well."

Noctis looked him up and down "How did you come up with a good idea like that?"

Bete threw a punch at Noctis but he simply dodged it. Bete turned around "I plan stuff to you know."

Noctis smiled "Sure sure. Let's just get going once Tiona comes back."

Half a day later

Noctis was helping set up camp on the 28th floor again. Tsubaki stood next to him "So you guys think there is another Monster Rex on the 24th floor before the water area?"

Noctis nodded "It was guarding the exit. It seems like some new monsters are roaming around. We did not see any new ones on floors 25 to 27 though."

Finn walked over "After resting tonight Noctis we will fight the Monster Rex Amphisbaena tomorrow. While everyone else here rests. Should not take too long. Then we rest here for two more days."

Notics nodded "Hey Finn I've been meaning to ask. Where has Gareth been?"

Finn had an annoyed look on his face "We needed him to stay on the surface. We have a certain member coming back. We did not know what day she would come back but it's best to have someone stronger than her around to keep her in check."

Noctis turned and saw Tsubaki slightly frightened "She is back already. There go my peaceful days."

Noctis was confused "Who is it?"

Back on the surface

Gareth and Loki were talking in the conference room at Twilight Manor. Gareth sighed "So when is she due to come back?"

Loki was looking at a letter "Some time today. Hopefully training her powers outside the city helped. If it helped with her personality even better."

Gareth look tired "Just thinking about what happened last time makes me want to take a nap."

Loki nodded "But she is extremely useful and her magic is unique."

The door opened to the conference room "Oh sorry I hate to interrupt when you two are talking about me."

Back in the Dungeon

Noctis, Ais, Tione, Tiona, Bete, Finn, Riveria, and Lefiya were making their way back to the 27th floor.

Finn started to say the plan as they were making their way up "Noctis and Riveria will charge their most powerful magic attacks to open up the fight. Before however Tiona and Tione will use their swift swim skills to draw the Monster Rex Amphisbaena towards the beach outside its den. Once they are out of range Noctis and Riveria will fire their magic. Lefiya will support everyone with her magic as we all go in close an attack. Noctis I will give you free reign whether you want to move in close or if you want to keep attacking with magic with Riveria in the back. Bete will be in the middle of the group that way he can protect Riveria and Lefiya as well."

Noctis nodded "Let's just make this fast I want to go down deeper."

Bete nodded "It's time to go hunting."

A/N Give me all the Power Stones