
Blair and Blaze were on the attack once again against the general though they had taken quite the beating, they weren't going to stay down. The two of them flowed well like a well oiled machine but against an opponent of the caliber the general was, even their unrivalled teamwork wouldn't cut it.

Blair stabbed his weapon to the ground and an ice trail shot towards the general and climbed up to his knees. Then switching the attack up a bit, he shot two ice balls at the general simultaneously and they smashed into him but looked to have zero effect on him but that was only a distraction as the main attack came in form of Blaze who spun her body and swung her fire sword at the general aiming for his neck.

But the general had other plans as he broke off from the ice that had frozen his legs and delivered a punch that completely debilitated her.

He wasn't done with her as he swung his sword down at her vulnerable body laying on the ground. This attack would have connected but Blair had managed to raise an ice trail that blocked the attack but not for long as it had only slowed it down.

The sword had completely destroyed the ice but it had done it's intended job of slowing down the attack an buying Blaze time to move out of the way.

At this point they had no idea of what to do again but the same can't be said for the general as his sights were now focused on Blair.

He ran towards the latter and with each step he took Blair felt the closer his death was to him.

He knew there was nothing he could do to this person as he had basically exhausted all his tricks. Truthfully, the fact that he was still alive was something he should be proud of. Going up against the generals who were next to the leaders in terms of strength and still standing was a lot to commend but all that was about to change as the man approached Blair with a glowing fist.

Blair was all too familiar with this attack already as it had been the main thing that had caused him and Blaze problems other than the generals brute strength and impressive speed. The least he could do was block it but then an idea came to him and instead of putting his all into blocking the attack, he instead took a different route.

Raising an ice wall, he began to shoot ice balls after ice balls out of it at the man with the intention of slowing him down as he knew his attacks were too weak to hurt the man but notwithstanding, the man wasn't even slowed down a bit as the more attacks that smashed his body, the closer Blair could feel he was getting and unfortunately, the general had reached the ice wall and with his shoulder like a wrecking ball, he bursted through the ice with so much force that he had tackled Blair as well blasting him to the ground.

Blair could have sworn it felt like a tank hitting him but he wasn't going to get any rest as the man grabbed Blair by the neck and lifted him up.

Blair not knowing what to do held on to the mans wrist and began to freeze it. Ice ran from the man's wrist all the way to the shoulder and was approaching the mans neck when the man with one hand still holding Blair, used his second hand and smashed Blair's face with his forearm that was frozen. But he wasn't done, he retracted the hand and did the same thing again and again and finally the ice gave away and broke off his hand. Blair's face right now was a bloody mess but surprisingly he was still conscious enough to see a particular female come from behind with a yellow flame lit hand. This was Blaze and as she ran up to the general, she leaped to the air with her flame lit hand folded in a fist and her intention was quite obvious.

But the general would make her pay as he turned at the last moment and with his one leg swatted her with a kick down to the ground from mid air. Her arm which he had hit from the air almost detaching it from its socket was throbbing in more pain than she could have ever imagined. Blair still being choked by the general's brute strength couldn't really do much as the last attempt to fight back proved futile. With Blair still held up, the general made his way to Blaze who was trying her best to crawl away from him.

Meanwhile Erwin had thought his weapon would be the turning point of the whole fight didn't know the general he was fighting with had something to say about that. The general had blitzed him the moment he saw what was in his hand. He never even got the chance to test it out but that wasn't important now as what was important to Erwin was keeping a safe distance from the man as any time he got close, Erwin would feel pain in places he never thought he could.

"He is unstoppable!" Erwin said as he struggled yet to avoid the man's onslaught. The fight between them at the moment was now more of a cat and mouse chase down. Erwin was avoiding the Man's punches by the hair on his skin. But what worried him the most was whether the man would eventually tire out as he had been relentlessly on the assault.

"DISCHARGE!" Erwin yelled out as the man had almost gotten him. He released an all around wave of lightning that surprisingly slowed the man down. But this was only a temporary fix as the moment the attack had dissipated, the man was as good as new, something Erwin had to learn the hard way.

"I can't do it again. If he gets close now, them I'm done" Erwin thought to himself as he tried his best to avoid the man. This was basically preventing the inevitable as sooner than later, the man was going to catch up and Erwin's strategy was going to come back to bite him given that the General wasn't exactly the happiest man chasing Erwin around.

Meanwhile the fight with Yang and Damien had gotten to a pivotal point. Both men so far looked unhurt.

Yang looking like he was just casually passing by had the least sign on his face that this was a fight he really cared about. But looking at Damien's face, one could tell he was beginning to wear out but with all the anger and animosity fueling him at the moment, giving up was the last thing he would think of.

"You feel you can just walk into this faction and take my spot?. Master Tofu has always favoured you and pushed my opinions aside like I was a nobody. The all wise Yang always having a solution and saving the day.Your good "deeds" have consequentially made mine look like they mean nothing! "! Damien said as he pointed his fingers at Yang with anger and pure hatred in his tone.

"I never knew your jealousy could take you this far...." yang replied bluntly as he opened up his fan.

"I'll make this day your last!!" Damien shouted as he charged in with tree vines shooting out from the ground at Yang.

"You just had to wish for death and I'll make you beg for it when I'm done with you but I won't give it to you" Yang said.

The tip of his fan began to glow white vigorously before he let out a blinding pure CHI slash at the incoming vines which not only split them in two, they had completely been desiccated.

"You didn't think I was going to go easy on you did you?.." Damien questioned with a smirk.

He began to let out his aura and as it descended on the legion members, their already weak bodies began to tremble as they felt the aggressive and overpowering aura of a master ranked.

"Oh Damien, you flatter your...." Yang was about to say before he suddenly came to a halt then closed his eyes and as he opened them, his pupils were no where to be seen as his eyes turned white. "He is coming...I can't take him on without going all out and destroying the whole faction....I'll have to finish this right now" he muffled under his breath.

His long purple hair began to rise high above his head as he released his threatening aura which shone purple and totally overwhelmed Damien's.

If Damien's was overpowering then Yang's was more menacing and threatening.

"What is Rodney's old friend doing?" Eiko and Corey thought to themselves as even they who were far off could feel the strong aura taking over the place. But just then, they all received a notification that didn't quite make any sense to them.

[Detecting foreign energy around host]

[Scanning energy]




"What's this now.." Rodney was dumbstruck by the message. This was one of the times he wished he had a manual for the system. Needless to say, there was no such thing as that but something else could serve as that manual and he was forgetting to call on the voice for answers but it wasn't like the voice was ever polite enough to stay quiet until spoken to.

"This energy, I don't know what to make of it. I think you should get as far as you can now!!!" Gypson said to Rodney. Things weren't making sense to Rodney at this point again. This was the second time in a day where Gypson had advised him to run from something. And he had learnt over the short time the foreign voice had become a tenant in his head that he hadn't exactly told any lies.

"Are you going to ask me how?. If you had checked the notification from earlier then maybe you wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place". Gypson said.

" demon!!!!" Rodney said as he opened his system interface and looked through the piled up notification he had.

Meanwhile back where the battle was happening, Damien couldn't help but feel he might have made a grave mistake as he watched the person he thought he knew change into what he couldn't describe right in front of him.

"Yo..You...Your not a master ranked" Damien replied with a shaking tone....

..."I never said I was" Yang replied bluntly and in the next second he was gone.


What could be compared to a banshee scream was heard and the source was from Damien as he looked like a beaten up beggar as he had multiple rips on his clothes and his equipment had no single scratch but he seemed to be coughing out pools of blood right now and what was most noticeable about him was his missing left arm which was on the floor next to him and a purple blur suddenly passed by him and heading straight for the generals.

In almost an instant they had all been knocked out cold with no visible wounds but pools of blood seemed to have left their mouths before passing out as they had stains of blood on their clothes.

The legion all had their jaws dropped as Yang appeared in front of them, the aura around him had gone back to normal as well as his pupils.

"They are coming..we have to leave now" he said and it only hit deaf ears as the legions were still in shock of what just happened. They had just seen the three people that had beaten them up so badly and close to killing them just get pummeled right in front of them. That wasn't even their concern, the main issue was they hadn't even seen anything happen other than Yang appearing in front of them.

The threatening forces sent to apprehend them had been taken care of with next to no effort by Yang.

"I said now"! This time he seemed to have gotten their attention as they all turned to stare at him but not without stealing a glance or two at the knocked out men.

"We're not going to make it in time because most of us are really exhausted and badly Injured....scratch that..all of us" Blair said.

"I think I can help with that....Master Yang do you mind pointing out the direction of the exit?" Rodney said. They all wondered what he had planned but in this situation, any help gotten would be needed. Yang most of all wondered what the other had in mind but with no time on their side, he decided to just give Rodney a chance to do what he had planned and pointed to the right.

"Okay everyone grab a hold of each other" Rodney said. By now seeing that the fighting was mostly over, Corey had returned with Eiko. And Erwin carried Mia while Blair and Johan held on to his shoulders. This arrangement eventually lead them into forming a circle of some sort.


And immediately a large shadow rose behind them and sucked them up.
