Duty calls

Deep in the heart of the city of ZOA, a less confrontational event was going on. A car had pulled up in a relatively quiet area of the city. And walking out of it was a dashing woman in a red gown, red heels and the final touch which was the red lipsticks. She had immediately walked straight to one of the apartment doors and after using the door bells twice, the occupant of the apartment had come answering the door and consequently letting her in.

Right now, there were now two people all alone in the apartment. Mr Dave as he liked to be referred to now, a retired detective from the city of ZOA police department and the lady who had come visiting being no one other than inspector Hayley who was once detective Dave's partner in one of the still unresolved murder case in the city.

"Wow, I must say again, you look absolutely stunning". Mr Dave said to inspector Hayley who immediately reacted by raising an eyebrow, something that Mr Dave hadn't expected would be her reaction until she said.

"Quit it with the compliments so what, this the first time you seeing a female officer in an unofficial dress?" Hayley asked Mr Dave who only laughed at this comment before saying.

"No, but this is the first time I'm seeing one who looks beautiful in an unofficial dress" and to this reply, Hayley couldn't help but gasp and give Mr Dave a friendly punch on the shoulder to which Mr Dave reacted by faking being in pain.

"Two weeks into retirement and you can't take a punch from a woman?" Hayley said while laughing and Dave did the same as well. And shortly after the laugh ended, an awkward silence presumed between the two adults who were sitting in a living room on a single couch together. They both Stole glances at each other a few times and when Mr Dave couldn't take the silence again, he decided to say ....

"Look Hayley, I'm sorry it must have felt like I was too scared and not willing to risk my life for the citizens of this city. But the truth is I d...." Mr Dave was about to say before he got interrupted by inspector Hayley who then went on to say...

"Look big guy, I can't say I understand why you did what you did. But I can tell you this, If I don't know anything about you, Atleast I do know that you're one of the strongest, smartest and toughest guys I have ever met. And I completely respect your decision to retire. You have done a lot for this city and I doubt anyone can hold a firm argument against that".

After saying this few words, the mood between the two had suddenly lifted and for a while Mr Dave could nothing but stare at inspector Hayley with a smile plastered on his face. Hayley momentarily began to blush seeing how Mr Dave was eyeing her.

"Well...?" Hayley asked Mr Dave who instantly knew what she was trying to say.

"I haven't offered you anything since you came right?" Mr Dave asked in a slightly embarrassed tone. But Hayley didn't even try to save the situation as she nodded shyly in agreement. Seeing her act this way, Mr Dave found it quite....cute. The longer time she spent out of her uniform or without the badge in sight, the more it felt like to Mr Dave that she was an entirely new person all together. But the situation on ground was still unresolved and he couldn't just bypass not offering his fine visitor anything.

"Prior to the origins agreement, the truth is I'm a terrible cook. But the situation is far from being out of control. How about we switch things up and go out instead?" Mr Dave asked. And immediately a disappointed look appeared on Hayley's face which came as a shock to Mr Dave.

"Did she really want to taste my food that bad?" He thought to himself. But in this situation, this wasn't something he could ask her as it would sound a little odd to. But after what looked like an eternity of deliberation to Mr Dave from Miss Hayley, she had finally made her decision.

"Fine, but I'm picking where we go" Hayley said and Mr Dave shrugged indicating that wasn't a problem to him. With the two parties unanimously agreeing, they both left the apartment to head to where they were they had planned.

They had chosen to take their individual cars as Miss Hayley had no intention of returning back to the apartment that day again to pick her car otherwise it would have been Mr Dave who would drive them both. But nonetheless this still worked as Miss Hayley remained at the front and Mr Dave tailed her from behind.

After driving for quite sometime, miss Hayley got bored and opted to turn on the car radio and that's when a shocking news was delivered straight to her. And just right then, a call came in and as she picked it up, it was one of the police officers who had called her to inform of her of the news she had just gotten from the car radio.

"Thrillers?...you mean Mr Bucks is dead?" Hayley said as she swerved to the side of the road to park and receive the call properly. The one just behind her Mr Dave, noticed she had parked at a place where there was no restaurant of any sort in sight. Following her lead, he parked just behind her and got out of his car.

Walking up to the driver's window, he met a Hayley whose face wasn't that of the one that was all smiles several minutes ago. And before he could ask her what had happened, she turned up the car radio's volume for Mr Dave to hear the news which they were still reporting as at that moment.

He too hearing what the radio reporter had to say only shook his head and rested his head on the roof of the car. It took a while before anyone of them spoke up again and the first to do so was Hayley.

"Listen, I'm so sorry. Maybe.." She was about to say but got cut off by Mr Dave who had a smile leak out of his face before finally saying...

"Its okay, duty calls. Maybe some other time. Thanks for coming by the way".

" Dave, I'm really sorry okay, we could do this some other time right? " Hayley asked.

"Sure" Mr Dave said still with a smile plastered on his face. But despite all the attempts, the look of disappointment also found away to surface on his face and while he probably didn't know about this, to Hayley, it was all too clear as day.

"Stay safe okay" Mr Dave said to Hayley as he bid her farewell. Hayley smiled in response and started her car moving out of the parking spot. She pulled to the main road and sped away. To others this might be her urgently trying to get to where she was being called to. But only her knew why she had sped away that fast. Mr Dave got into his car and turned in the opposite direction of where Hayley had gone through and equally drove away as well.

After a while he was seen at a restaurant where he was just about done with his meal and dropped dropped the cash on the table to leave but paused on his way out as something had caught his attention.

*"Just in, police men are currently at the famous thrillers hotel and suites are in a battle against unknown forces...." A reporters voice could be heard from the TV hung up on one side of the wall of the restaurant.

*Gun shot sounds going off in the background of the news reporter*

"No...no....no...Hayley..." Mr Dave muttered as he stormed out of the restaurant and got into his car zooming off.

