Weeping widow

Bat like ears, legs that looked like a horse's, large hands with claws like that of a tiger and two tails hanging behind each figure. And then the exclamation point, large wings hanging behind their backs with fur patches on their faces. This was what Rodney and the legions were looking at that had them shocked them to the bone.

"Guys, I think I know what's happening now" Eiko spoke out favouring his back as the pain from the stab was still present. The others turned to hear what he would say but before he could, someone else had something to say about it.

"No need, I know what you are going to say. And I have figured it out too. Either this is a dream or we've all go kuku...that's right, we've gone bananas. Practically INSANE!" Blair said with a face palm.

"No Blair, not that. Although that sounds quite plausible....never mind"...Eiko paused for a few minutes as he thought about how ridiculous he sounded trying to make a joke and going off track from the main point at hand. " This all makes sense...well kinda... The boy we saw earlier and the strange beast later on, that's his power" Eiko said.

"So you mean he transforms into beasts?" Erwin asked.

"Yeah, but from what we are witnessing, it's more than just any mere transformation. He is able to take parts of several different beasts and make it into one. Plus we've seen him copy the exact features of these monkey things.He is a shifter, It's incredible" Rodney said as he stared at the two figures who were facing off with the ape like creatures.

"Okay, we've got how he had been able to do all these creepy things, how do you explain that one" Blaze said pointing to an exact replica of one of the strange mixed figures standing far off from them. This was confusing because to start with, they had only seen one boy rise up from the horde of beasts. So seeing two more now was giving them quite the hard time understanding it.

"You think that's weird?. What is he doing in the middle of a beast turf war in the first place?" Blair asked again and immediately they all faced palmed themselves. To them all, it was crystal clear.

"The boy must have been mistaken as a beast probably while in his beast form and attacked by these weird monkeys that happen to own this territory" Johan explained as he had caught up to the gist.

"Okay now that that's settled, anyone wanna explain her?" Again, Blaze drew their attention back to Mia who stood firm on the ground now with constant flow of a black substance that came out of her eyes and wouldn't go past the tip of her nose. The substance seemingly was flowing but would stop there and wouldn't dropping to the ground.

"I don't know, but she sure doesn't look happy" Erwin stated as once again Mia began to rise from the ground that she was on and slowly lifting into the air. And the harsh wind, it was returning and this time it was a lot fiercer. As she lifted from the ground, she had her sights set on one direction alone, the forest in front of them which was now trembling as more and more monkey beasts flocked into the area. If things were bad before, now it was a disaster. And the next minute, the system pop up came up again.


*Warning!!* *Warning!!* *Warning!!"

[Abort quest!!!]

[Abort quest!!!]

And this kept on coming over and over again like an alarm in the faces of the legions.

But then in front of their eyes they watched as something odd began to occur. The enormous amount of monkey beasts soon started to burst into ashes and fly towards a particular direction. This continued as the monkey beasts sporadically disintegrated into ashes and flew up joining up and forming a whirl of dark cloud around the area.

And not long after, these ashes came flooding into a single spot on the ground. It poured down at single spot for a while until it seized and when that happened, a figure was now visible to all that could see. Now when looking around the area that was densely packed with the large group of monkey beasts, only a few things stood now.

The two mixed beast figures standing at one end, Rodney and some members of the legions who stood at another end, Mia who was seemingly just floating in the air with some kind of whirl wind around her and finally the strange figure that had just emerged straight out of the ashes.

Standing in their front now was something very undesirable to say the least. This was the same demon that had met with Yang from earlier on and now it stood face to face with the legions. And even those that hadn't trained in CHI to enhance their senses couldn't deny the feeling they were getting at this minute as the demon stared holes through them all.

They could barely describe what they were looking at now as standing in front of them was what looked like a starved human. Well human looking for the most part but what caused the drastic separation between this two categories of beings was the fact that right now, the figure Rodney and everyone present was staring at was no human. It stood taller than all of them there with horns protruding out of its forehead and a pair of tails sticking out of its rear end, something the legions were being seemingly introduced to as it was the same in the case of the mixed beast figures who had two tails as well.

But the bizarreness wasn't going to stop there as it had a hole in its chest that glew bright red. And black looking liquid one similar to Mia's only this poured out of it's chest constantly but didn't seem like a problem to it at all.

"I can't take the creepiness anymore. What the hell is happening Eiko!?" Corey asked while anxiously looking at Eiko and begging for answers. But when he saw the one he looked up to for answers remain silent, he turned to the other person he knew had been getting the hang of the happenings around.

"Rodney?" He pushed on to say seemingly begging for some one to provide an answer as right now his senses were tingling and they all screamed "Bad omen". But still he got no response. He couldn't have possibly gotten an answer from people who were just as confused as he was.

" Err Gypson...?? " Rodney called out in his mind. Ever since the strange things had begun to happen, he had gotten the idea of asking for help from a particular someone who was staying in his head rent free. But thinking back to how shallow he thought this someone was, he wasn't particularly excited about asking again. And he did see the entire situation as a way to develop himself and become a proper leader like they all looked at him to be. And he also felt it was somewhat cheating to have someone in his head who would find solutions to his problems while he passed off as being the one who had solved it.

But right now his back was against the wall and this was the time he had to swallow his pride and accept all backlash that would come from whatever actions he would take. This wasn't pleasing to him in anyway but he was ready to do it.

"The lives of everyone here is on the line and I'm here being a total grumpy kid. I can't let my ego get the best of me here, not now. So if its a little help, why not?" He used this to console himself in his mind.

"Well, how may i be of help to you?" Gypson asked. And this question infuriated Rodney the more as he knew the other could hear his thoughts but not only that, he could also see whatever he saw. So the question as to how he could be of help wasn't exactly the best choice of words to use. But it didn't look like the other was bothered about how Rodney felt. And Rodney in particular wasn't going to entertain the voice in his head.

"Kindly tell me what has happened to Mia" Rodney asked.

"Oh you mean the weeping widow?. She's currently in her demon form" Gypson answered and then went silent.

"Weeping what now?. How?.. What caused it?" Rodney questioned.

"I think it has to do with that demon. I'd advice you to be careful" Gypson said.

"How!!..?.. how has it's presence caused her to be this way?....And demon form?, Are they possessed by demons too?!!" Rodney fired a barrage of questions.

"Well, she was in a vulnerable state when her demon sensed that demon's presence. So take this as some defensive measure" Gypson paused before continuing " Regarding if they are possessed by demons, I can't say for certain if they all are but this one is and she's a ..." Gypson was about to say when Rodney's attention shifted as a sharp breeze blew past him and the next thing they saw was a flying Mia charging towards the demon that had appeared from ashes.

"Guys,you don't think she can she take on that beast alone, right?" Blair asked.

"That's no beast Blair, that's a demon" Rodney mumbled this words...