All out brawl(1)

And with that simple statement, a large dark aura was released out of the demon's hands traveling and shaping up to look like a slash. This was similar to Rodney's sword slash only it was larger and caused far greater effects on its surroundings. This was the demon's aura that was being used as an offensive tool. While it traveled through the air, it drew energy towards it's self and caused some form of ripple around itself.

But it was not the only thing causing a ripple effect around the area. No, with Corey having awoken as well with dark wings attached to his back and long green hair extending to his shoulders he was also releasing some of his aura. Looking at him now, though keeping his rather amusing small frame, there was nothing to be amused about his change in appearance. Green veins pulsing and glowing all round his abdomen, hands and going up to his neck straight all the way to his forehead where a single large vein continued to glow green.

He looked quite frightening coupled with the mix of green and black colour his eyes now reflected. And just like the rest, he was floating in the air a little bit above the ground. But he certainly wasn't the only one to have quite the disturbing appearance to himself. Johan had also received a similar notification like the rest of them other than Rodney. And just like the rest of them, he had began to transform.

His brown hair started to fall off unlike the rest of them that would extend when they transformed. And now he was completely bald. But something else began to happen to him other than his hair that had now fallen off. His body, it was like his entire skin was cracking open by the second. And at the rate it was happening, one would think he was going to probably fall and shatter at any moment.

But that never happened Instead, the cracks continued on until his entire body looked like a cracked desert ground. And the ground beneath his feet began to slowly shift and before long, little moulds of earth rose from the ground and began to float in front of him then they all joined up and flew hitting him with immense speed. But they had caused no harm to him as the next minute, they had all taken different positions around his body and somewhat cemented themselves with him taking the shape of the part they got attached to.

Looking at him now, his body was now coated with earth in certain places. His arms which now had long extended earth gloves. His legs having similar things as it looked like they had formed some kind of boots. And his bare chest which now had some kind of earth gear attached all around it. And the peculiar thing about these places was that as they took the shape of each distinct part of his body, they would change colours from their former brown colour to black. And they had all smoothened out making it look like the work of a professional craftsman. But not everywhere was evenly smoothened. His fists area had rough spots to it. Particularly the knuckles area which had round pointy edges on each fist that numbered to five.

Now with his transformation complete, there were still two more people left on the ground that hadn't gotten up just yet. But that was just for the moment as the next instant, Eiko's eyes had shut open with blood running from his mouth. It was clear that amongst every body else, he had suffered maximum damage. Not just from the demon, but the stab from earlier hadn't done him much good going up against such a fearsome foe.

And now the remains of his shirt began to expand until it ripped apart and his dark wings were revealed. But just below where the wings were attached to his back, the stab wound was slowly starting to come together and heal up. But just like the rest starting from Corey, he had suffered the demons gruesome antics as his chest was also impaled by the demon's claws. It had also healed up but at that point, two dark lines appeared separately and they each travelled from there and went all the way to his face passing his chicks separately and eventually each one joined up with one of his eyes which turned dark immediately.

And on his chest now, the two lines joined up and turned into a whorl . And immediately, the aura from him bust forth as well. As he stood floating with his wings flapping slowly, the twigs and all sorts of vegetation and regular objects found within a certain distance from him all began to float in the air. And his dark hair elongated to his shoulders as well. And looking at his body even as he was floating, one would notice the slight twitch in his hands and jaw. But just like the rest, he hadn't done anything yet.

The final one to finally receive the same notification as the rest was Blaze and her awakening was quite explosive as the moment her eyes had shut open, her legs and arms combusted into flames and unfortunately like the rest, her clothes immediately ripped to give way for her wings but that was easily fixed as some how the flames had formed some kind of cover for her. And the wounds on her had also healed up quite well not leaving a single scratch visible. Now her already long dark hair that would usually flow down and bounced around beautifully had also turned bright red and looked to be made of fire. Floating above the ground, she particularly looked even more beautiful than before with her yellow lit up eyes that burned like flames.

Now while all of these was going on, Rodney had thrown out his hands and a black curved shadow travelled and met with the demon's aura that was coming towards them. And the moment the two made contact, Rodney's shadow grabbed onto the demons aura and engulfed it whole while some how redirecting the attack to hit a tree that was cleanly sliced off. And after this had happened, the shadow flew back and joined up with Rodney's shadow body.

"Impossible.." The demon muttered as it stared at the attack completely deviate from its course.

"Will you negotiate now?" Rodney said with a cold deep voice.

"At the demophyte stage he is able to stop my attack?. Granted that attack wasn't all I've got but...No, this might be too much for even me. Considering that other nuisance would soon be here, I can sense his energy fast approaching. The wielder of darkness and his sins with him, it might prove to be just too much. I'd have to..." The demon thought within himself.

"Ahrhh raaaa!!.... I ...pledge my...." The demon was about to say when an attack in form of air shaped like an arrow with the tip thicker and wider came flying towards him. And with just a moment's notice, he had turned into ashes and appeared somewhere else making the air attack travel past his initial position until it finally dispersed.

And floating in front of where the attack had originated from was none other than Mia with a pissed expression and wind blowing around her.

"You, weeping widow...what do you seek from me!!!" The demon lashed out with red glowing eyes. But the demon had gotten no response as all that happened in the next minute was Mia seen flying towards the demon at high speed with a clenched fist that was drawn backwards.

But midway towards the demon was another figure that was floating in the air with sparks coming from his hands. This was Erwin and he also didn't look all too happy as sparks left his hands and with one swing of his hand, he sent out a lightning bolt. One bigger than any one he had ever produced before. And this came hauling towards one figure alone, Mia.