
Back at the cave shortly after Blair and Erwin went chasing after the twins, Corey had also woken up. And just like the others, he was just as surprised. And like Erwin had felt, he also thought he should have been dead. He did remember the circumstances that led to such conviction. And the memory was one he wasn't sure he could forget anytime soon.

"Urgh, this isn't what they said heaven was like..."...A Corey said. And shortly after looking at the hard cave ground and how poor of an accommodation the place served, he came to the conclusion..." Yup, this is definitely hell...I'm in hell..".

Looking around once more he could see some of his friends laying down seemingly asleep. And he was quick to notice the absence of two particular people being Blair and Erwin. He remembered they were sort of the first the first two to be taken by the demon they all fought again. And now noticing how they were absent sent cold shivers through his spine as a thought crossed his mind.

"They...they are..dead??!" Corey said with lack of conviction even though he thought he himself should have been dead. But seeing how he had some how still made it, made it extremely hard to digest the possibility that they didn't. Clutching his head tightly as tears began to run down his face, he began to reminiscence all the good times they had together. Blair's funny attitude and Erwin's toughness and straight up anger. He thought about how Erwin in some way reminded him of his dad as he'd always want to protect the group. And these thoughts led to a chain of endless thoughts that were at the verge of spiraling out of control before he was distracted out of it.

"Hey, small guy...why are you crying?" A voice with a touch on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts. And when he raised his head up he could see the tall Johan towering over him. Apparently Johan had made it to the other's front without him even noticing as he was too engrossed in what he perceived to be the reality of things to even take note of his environment. And amidst sobs he opened his mouth to let Johan know of what he had discovered.

"I think..." He paused mid sentence.



[Congratulations, you are now at level 10]

*Profile unlocked*

Name: Corey Jake

Race: Demon

Class: Demophyte

Energy points : 100/100

Health : 100/100


Strength: 8

Agility : 5

Durability : 8

Stamina : 7

[Congratulations, you have survived your first encounter with a demon]

[Reward: 5 free stat points]

[Congratulations, quest completed]

[Quest: Reach level 10]

[Quest status: completed]

[Reward: New skill unlocked]

Skill : Allure

[Description: when still is activated, user can force target to do his bidding. Eye contact must be maintained. Skill's effect depends on user's charm and target's state of mind]

[Charm : 1 ]

"You think what Corey?" Johan standing in front of Corey asked. He watched as the other had paused mid sentence with his mouth left wide open.

"Unbelievable..." Corey muttered..

"What is it man?" Johan asked clearly now irritated as he felt left in the dark. But all he got was a small framed boy with green hair just sitting on a rock and shaking his head all while not even looking at him.

"Corey what is it dude?!!" Johan asked again but with a little more intensity in his voice. By now the tears flowing down from Corey's eyes had stopped and instead he just sat with a look of confusion plastered on his face.

"De...demon?" Corey said yet again. At this point Johan was more than irritated as each sentence that left the other's mouth would only throw him from one track to the other. He was simply not able to make anything out of what Corey was doing and saying.

"Corey you better...."..

"What now?" Johan ended up saying..



[Congratulations, you are now at level 10]

*Profile unlocked*

Name: Johan Kane

Race: Demon

Class: Demophyte

Energy points : 100/100

Health : 100/100


Strength: 10

Agility : 9

Durability : 5

Stamina : 6

[Congratulations, you have survived your first encounter with a demon]

[Reward: 5 free stat points]

[Congratulations, quest completed]

[Quest: Reach level 10]

[Quest status: completed]

[Reward: New skill unlocked]

Skill : Allure

[Description: when still is activated, user can force target to do his bidding. Eye contact must be maintained. Skill's effect depends on user's charm and target's state of mind]

[Charm : 1 ]

"Demon??" Johan said staring at the window opened for only him to see.


[Quest to grow stronger]

[Daily quest now available]

•Lift a weight of 50 kilograms.

• Do 100 push ups.

• Run 500 metres.

[Reward: ??? ]

[Penalty: Pain]

"Err..Corey..." Johan called out.

"Yeah.. I see it too" Corey responded almost instantly. What had appeared now had never happened before which was why they were left in shock. A notification saying they had some specific quest that needed to be carried out. The quest looked like one that an amateur boxer would get up early to do. But that wasn't the part that was outrageous to them. It was the penalty for failing to do the quest.

"Pain?" Johan said and almost wanted to chuckle. But he wasn't given the chance as a voice interrupted him.

"If I were you I wouldn't do that. The darn system gives rewards, what makes you think that it can't give out punishments?" And this was none other than Eiko who had his eyes fixed in the air not even looking at the people he was talking to.