MOUDI and the summon

It is been two years since I woke up in this world, since then I discovered that this place is still in the middle century , they don't have gun powder or other technologies , the king of wars here are steel.

The world is divided in two continents similar in size, the continent where I live is further divided in four countries and one empire. To balance the power in the continent the four countries made an alliance to resist the ambitious emperor salamon the third of the SALAMON empire.

The four country are named according to the elements : wind , fire , earth and water.

I belong to the declined HAKI family of the earth country. My family was once upon time one of the leading family in the military , it began its decline when my grandpa died because of old age leaving his only child, my father to take care of the family.

My father named ADI did not like fighting and military strategy, he preferred to emerge himself in politics where he did not rise in ranks and died when he was still a mere fourth ranked official.

His only son named MOUDI was a good son , he studied military art from his grandfather and economics and politics from books, he tried his best to resist time and gain foothold to stop the declining of the family. Unfortunately ADI died one day from heart attack when he was working in his office leaving his devastated wife who took her own life fearing the life of a noble widow and the responsibilities that come with it. It was at this time that MOUDI fell in depression and begun drinking until he decided to follow his mother steps and took his own life, and this is where I came , me a normal boy from twenty one century from earth.

All my life all I wanted was to live a peaceful and calm life , to spend the day free of pressure and responsibilities and watch the sun and moon change day after day.

So I thought to myself that I won the lottery, no direct relative and no work plus a small fortune all for myself , it was a miracle.

So I spend the following two years after my arrival to study the environment and maintain my current situation.

I learned all about the factions and their goals , the royal family and the ambitions of the king. It was easy to know about such things when I took advantage of the compassion the old generation have for me because of my grandfather, I have to say I was always a good actor , and when I told them it was to protect myself and run away from the politics current in the capital , they all gave me some clues.

I was living the best of my life doing nothing and passing my time in total relaxation, until one day I was summoned to the palace by the king.

The earth country king is named ALEXANDER, this year he is 35 years old, in his generation the country persevered its good relationship with the other three country , especially with the skirmish wars that the empire continues to create so that it can put some pressure on the countries.

All he care usually is searching for new talents so he can strengthen his country and achieve his family long ambitions of being the head of the alliance who is in the hand of king Edward of the fire country.

In my eyes they are a bunch of fools , I mean if you want to have ambitions what about the one of defeating the empire and unite the kingdom, that is why I don't see in this life of mine hoe the situation of the continent will change.

Coming back to the summon , it took me by surprise, what is his goal in seeing me a poor orphaned child with no power and drive in the capital.

Next day in the morning I was taken to the palace by the escorts ,and when I say escorts they are only 2 young man who I pay them a little salary only to maintain my image in this controversial time.

When I was presented to enter the center of the palace where all the officials meetings are done , I met the king for the first time , he was a middle age man with a kind smile , blonde hair and resolute kind of halo surrounding him.

I quickly greeted him : " this servant greet his king the sun of the earth country and the glory of the four country alliance , may you stay shining above our head for all eternity."

When I finished my greeting I was welcomed buy a wring atmosphere in the room , I could hear my grandpa friend who is the vice minister of the economic department say :" fuck me" , I quickly thought back to see if I said anything wrong , maybe my greeting was not a qualified one , yeah this must be it , in this kind of century all king thoughts that they were above humans , yeah this is it , so I added : " my king , you do not know how much my heart was waiting for the moment to see your splendor image and engraved in my soul to cherish it for generation to come , you are the messiah of this century, the savior of the people , the justice sword of the wrong and " it was then I was stopped by a voice :

" can you fucking stop , this is the first time I see such a shameless greeting, you fucking put us all in shame , where a young man like yourself learned such words."

When I looked at the man I recognized him as prime minister ALDO.

"" HAHAHHA , young MOUDI this is the first time I was greeted in such way , I have to be honest it felt so good even though it was shameless, hahahhaha. "

" my king it was my heart that was talking and not my tongue, this is evidence that I'm my mind you are put above anything else "

" hahahahahh , good good , it will be he'll of fun if all this old man's have heart like you,, hahaha .

It is okay you don't have to say so much pleasantries, all I wanted today was to ask you something.

When I look at your family current situation I feel regret and have to say that time do not give mercy to any one , your grandfather was a good and loyal man , and your father was such also , it was a pity that he have normal talent and because of that I could not promote him.

All I wanted to ask you was that if you feel lonely by yourself, such a Yong man with no direct relative and no wife have to be living I difficulty, if you have ambitions and maybe you like someone from some family and have difficulty such as ahem, ahem LARA the daughter of the minister of military who used to be your childhood friend , I will grant you an exemption today and give her hand to you."