Elemental abilities are abilities created by A.I to help in the effective construction of mechs and other areas to aid science.
They are divided into....Air channelling.....liquid manipulation....sound wavers.....and electric channeling respectively.
After the world was handed over to A.I near its full destruction,the earth was effectively divided into proportions to help its steady growth....
City a,b,c,d....x.
All cities are further proportioned into two regions each,with each of them having Royal commanders appointed,to control stability.
Under normal circumstances,schools are built by regions leaders of which one of their offspring must attend as a show of their utmost support to equality among people.
Death card...also know as stats Card
Elite blank
Elites silver
Elite silver 2
Golden elite
Elite platinum
Diamond 1
Diamond 2
The elementalist code-Kill with honor....
A person can become a royal even without being born by one if he is in the top 200,000