Chapter 2

They were seriously rich and impressive!

Xiao He, who was only an ordinary citizen, immediately saw stars.

Even if he didn't satisfy the requirements, he could still take home 100,000 RMB, and if he did satisfy them, he could earn 30 million!

Xiao He had lived for this long, but he had never before been invigorated like today. For no reason, he had actually stumbled across something that you wouldn't imagine even in dreams.

No matter how he thought about it, he felt it was too inconceivable.

Looking at the pink Grandpa Maos in front of him, how could he not be moved?

Of course he was moved!

But he still had some brains.

He'd just said it was unusual, and it was so unusual that there was clearly something fishy about it.

And they didn't mention what the job was, as was this gang's style. Xiao He couldn't help but think more deeply about it.

He understood his own importance, and he simply wasn't some kind of awesome protagonist. He absolutely wasn't worth 30 million yuan.

But they were willing to spend so much money to hire him, showing that this matter was unique, and it was probably only him who could do it.

Not only that, but it probably had a given degree of difficulty and danger as well, or they wouldn't need to take out so much money.

Let's take it… He might really be able to make a fortune, and he wouldn't have to worry about food or clothes for the rest of his life. He'd be able to hold a soft loli in his left arm and a cute girl in his right arm, living as a forever otaku with peace of mind.

But the risk was that he might encounter unknown dangers.

Let's not take it… Xiao He silently put up his middle finger in his head.

This man in the nice suit spoke so sweetly it was better than singing, but did he really take Xiao He for a fool? He invited him over by kidnapping him, would he really let him go back so easily?

Of course, they might really let him go now, but when they couldn't find any suitable candidates, they'd absolutely invite him over again.

When that time came, the man facing him might not be so sweet anymore.

Since this was important enough to spend thirty million on, Xiao He believed it wasn't a little thing they could give up easily on.

If he waited until they were willing to get him by hook or by crook, what would he stand up to them with?

If Xiao He was a bachelor, he wouldn't be afraid of being beaten to death, but he had a father, a mother and a younger sister with a bright future. He had plenty of things to worry about, so how could he not be afraid?

So...he had no choice at all.

If he was serious about this, he should take advantage of the period where they were still being polite to him and learn about the key points of this affair.

Xiao He focused and looked over the information seriously.

They said it was information, but there weren't many words to it. There was only one thin piece of paper in the folder, with about a thousand words on it. With Xiao He's rapid reading skills, he finished in a few minutes.

He turned these things around in his head, and after a while he looked up, slapped the table and said, "Alright, I'll take this job!"

As soon as he said this, the man smiled sincerely and said, "Thank you very much."

Xiao He smiled. "You're not lying to me, right? It's really as simple as you've said it is on here?" As he spoke he waved the folder in his hand.

The man in the suit said, "It's very simple for you, but it's extremely important to us, so please take it seriously!" As he spoke he actually bowed.

How could Xiao He have been treated like this before? He jumped off the sofa at once and helped him up, saying, "Since I've accepted it, I'll definitely work hard and do it well. I've just got some questions I want to make sure of."

"Please ask them."

Xiao He thought about it and said, "How can I enter his mental world?"

"Please rest assured about this, we've already set up a telepathic machine. As long as you're ready, we can immediately convey you in mentally."

Xiao He felt this was a little bit fantastical, but after he thought about it, they were already able to create virtual space, so he guessed there was progress on the more advanced mental exploration equipment as well.

After muttering to himself for a bit, Xiao He asked, "Then how will I know when I've successfully cured him?"

Actually, this job was so simple he could summarize it in a few sentences.

The man in the suit before him was named Qin Su. His superior Fan Shen was unconscious because of an illness. This illness wasn't physical, but mental. They didn't know what caused it, but Fan Shen was so amazing that his mind split into an unknown number of personalities, until his body was unable to bear it, and he sank into a long slumber.

Xiao He's task was very simple. He just had to enter Fan Shen's mental world using the equipment they prepared, find him, help him and cure him. On the day Fan Shen woke up, Xiao He would complete his task.

Xiao He had asked the most important question, but Qin Su couldn't answer it. "Truth be told, until today, there's never been someone with a degree of compatibility over 95%, so there's never been anyone who's entered the young master's mental world before. So it's unknown what you'll encounter in the end, what will happen and what you'll solve."

Xiao He froze. "Then...what if I can't get out?"

"Don't worry about that. The equipment has a perception system. If you want to leave, you only need to mentally operate it, and you can easily wake up."

So it was like this, it was actually pretty user-friendly… Xiao He seriously asked a few more questions, and Qin Su answered them one by one.

After half an hour of questions went by, Xiao He basically knew what was going on, and he wasn't so worried about this job anymore.

Qin Su saw that his expression had eased, and added, "There's just one thing that I'd like you to please pay attention to."

Xiao He asked with all his attention, "What?"

"Never have too much affection for him."

Xiao He stared at him blankly, then he abruptly smiled and said, "I understand. Don't worry, this is just a job, I'm clear about that."

He didn't overthink it, and only thought that Qin Su was reminding him that they differed too much in status, and couldn't be friends.

Qin Su saw that he didn't understand, but didn't say anything more. He got up and said, "Come on, I'll take you to the treatment room."

Xiao He followed him and said, "Are we starting the treatment now?"

"Do you still have something to do?" Qin Su didn't look back, and just said, "Your younger sister won't return until three days later, and your parents believe you're in the capital. The one hundred thousand has already been deposited into your bank account under your father's name…"

Xiao He stiffened slightly, and he laughed in derision and said, "You guys really have high efficiency."

He said that lightly, but he felt cold at heart. This fucker was making a show of force! I just knew you weren't as kind as you seemed on the surface!

But he didn't mind that much. In any case, he'd already taken this job, so he could only look ahead.

He already had a hundred thousand. Even if he took a fall here today, it wouldn't be too much of a loss.

With his resolution in place, Xiao He followed Qin Su into the treatment room.

He'd thought the room would be gorgeous enough to dazzle him blind, but he didn't expect it would be simple enough to have nothing left in it but white.

A white ceiling, white walls and a white bed…

Under Qin Su's guidance, Xiao He changed his clothes before going in.

Walking forward, Xiao He was a little curious about how his employer looked, but when he actually saw him, he almost forgot to breathe, and could only exclaim in admiration at the Creator's miraculousness.

This was really a face that almost couldn't be described in words—as pure as white jade, and as radiant as starlight. His ink-black hair set off his gorgeous features, and even though his eyes were tightly closed, his inky eyelashes were like fluttering butterflies, making Xiao He sink into a soft and beautiful reverie.

Xiao He walked closer, and the astonishment in his heart rose sharply.

The man laid there, deeply asleep. He was ill, but even so, he was still perfect enough to outshine the sun and moon.