Chapter 5

This was the Minister of War who was selecting dance partners, Lance?

Xiao He's head buzzed. What happened to the woman they'd agreed on? Why is it a man!

What did a grown man mean by selecting boys for his dance partners?

Not waiting for him to react, Lord Lance, who was so dazzling it was hard to look at him straight on, landed slowly on the ground. He held up a hand and said, "It's a public area, there's no need to be overly courteous."

His graceful, unhurried voice, full of magnetic texture, made it so that the people listening couldn't help their ears faintly trembling.

The surrounding elves rose one after another, but no one chose to leave. They all gazed at him with eyes full of admiration.

Cowen rose as well, but he didn't dare to raise his head. The little elf's arms, legs and wings were all trembling. He was terribly anxious.

Xiao He was afraid Cowen would faint, so he held his hand to comfort him a little.

He thought Lord Lance would leave, but he didn't expect that he would actually walk straight ahead, in Xiao He and Cowen's direction.

This wasn't good. The young Cowen was so anxious he almost couldn't stand up anymore.

In any case, Xiao He was a little older, so he stayed steady. He diligently supported the boy, and didn't let him fall to the ground.

This dazzling elf with the golden hair was like a moving light source. He lit up the place wherever he went. Xiao He wasn't that afraid of him. It was just that he'd almost been stabbed to death by the eyes of the elves around him.

Fuck, don't all glare at us, we don't know why this lord is coming over either! Don't you see that the little elf beside me is about to collapse?

It was a pity he only dared to mock them in his head, and didn't shout it out loud.

Lance was only a few dozen steps away, but because there were too many people watching, Xiao He almost thought time had come to a standstill.

It wasn't until Lance stood in front of them that Xiao He realized that not only had time stopped, the air had also thinned.

The difference in height pissed him off, the difference in looks pissed him off, and the difference in class pissed him off even more!

If you look like this, then don't come out and intimidate people, okay?!

This little citizen felt that there was a great stifling pressure on his heart. Besides envying him, he hated him until he wanted to blacken!

Xiao He was cursing silently, but Cowen's little face was already red, and he was so nervous he couldn't think clearly.

"L-lord Lance." His voice was so small it was like a mosquito buzzing. Xiao He doubted as to whether this elven lord could hear it.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Lance approached the little elf in front of him. His fair fingers reached out and hooked a wisp of soft, smooth hair. He smiled lightly and said, "What a pretty hair color, very charming."

Xiao He froze, and didn't realize he was talking to him until a good while later.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a great many eyes on him, sharp as knives.

Please don't try to kill me, Lord Lan-something!

Xiao He cleared his throat and was just about to say something when the golden-haired elf spoke. "Little fellow, have you gone to Starmist to register?"

Xiao He shook his head instinctively.

Lance didn't mind. He looked at him deeply, then moved close to his ear and said in a low voice, "Remember to register, I'll be waiting for you."

His voice was very low, and he said it right next to his ear, so the people around him probably couldn't hear what he said. But this position was too ambiguous, and it made the bunch of elves around them glare until their eyes turned red.

After dropping this sentence, Lance smiled and left.

Cowen was still standing there stupidly. Xiao He reacted with lightning speed, pulled him up by the hand, and flew away rapidly.

Be good, if they didn't run now, when would they run? Haven't you seen that those elves already have an ominous glint in their eyes?

Xiao He couldn't understand what that blond elf was making noise about, but the surrounding elves were clearly already on the verge of exploding.

Everyone said elves were gentle and graceful creatures, but even the mildest of creatures would still have a temper. Only fools wouldn't be able to see the glaring malice coming from them!

Actually, Xiao He could understand. If he was standing by the road and saw a silly boy pick up a million yuan, he'd also be jealous enough to want to grab it from him.

So...don't challenge the people's bottom line, and hurry and run away, keeping a low profile. That was the only proper way to do things.

It was a good thing Xiao He reacted quickly. The two of them flew away in a hurry, and didn't let the crowd trap them.

They rushed straight ahead, and when he saw there was no one behind them, Xiao He finally turned and went back to the treehouse in the park.

After they entered the treehouse, Xiao He was tired out, and he collapsed straight onto a chair. He picked up a piece of fruit carelessly and stuffed it into his mouth.

The piece of fruit was sweet, crisp, soft and succulent, and it was actually more refreshing than drinking a glass of water. Xiao He couldn't resist taking another one…

After eating three in a row, he recovered his strength. Only then did he notice that the little elf across from him was in a blank daze.

Following the principle that good things should be shared, Xiao He handed him a piece of fruit.

"Here, eat one and quench your thirst."

Cowen hesitated, then took the fruit but didn't eat it. He rolled it in his hand, squeezing it. "Xiao He, congratulations. Lord Lance has chosen you."

Xiao He stopped in place, then frowned and put the fruit back. He stared at Cowen. "You took that seriously? That was just a joke. Lord Lance just saw that my hair color was unusual and thought it was interesting for a moment. He'll probably have forgotten all about it by tomorrow."

When he said this, Cowen was startled in turn.

Xiao He could read the little elf's thoughts at a glance. He sighed silently and said, "This was just a chance encounter, don't take it too seriously."

It really wasn't necessary to take it seriously. Xiao He understood it clearly. Most elves had dazzling blond hair or fiery red hair, and they rarely had pure black hair like him. That Lord Lance really had unusual tastes, to only like black hair.

But none of this mattered. Xiao He had never thought of going to that whatever ball from the start, so he didn't plan to register.

Of course, there was no need to say this out loud. If he said it out loud, he was afraid it would only let the little elf have more ideas.

When Xiao He said this, Cowen seemed to finally understand. He let out a breath of relief, and his expression was much more natural. It was just that there was still a little apprehension in those clear eyes of his.

"Little He, you won't leave me behind, right?"

"I won't!" Xiao He's heart softened, and he comforted him. "We're good friends, aren't we?"

Although it seemed a bit shameless to say this, when Xiao He thought about it, there was a Little He who was there before he came, and after he finished the treatment, there would probably be a Little He to replace him. He naturally wouldn't leave Cowen behind alone.

Cowen finally relaxed at this. "Yes, we grew up together, we're the best of friends!"

"Speaking of this," Xiao He thought of something, "Lord Lance is a male elf, and we aren't female, but we can still register to be his dance partners?"

When he said this, Xiao He shivered a little. It was alright talking about danmei when it came to 2D things, but encountering it in real life was terrifying, okay?!

Who knew that when he asked this, Cowen would turn and stare at him, and say earnestly, "I told you not to look at those dirty human books anymore, now look what you've learned? You don't know how to use your wings anymore! And you're talking about something like male and female! Since when has the elf clan had vulgar classifications of the species like that?"

Vulgar? Species? And classifications?

Xiao He couldn't help his eyes widening, and a terrible thought rose up in him silently.

At the next moment, Cowen's voice entered his ears.

"We're elves, we don't have distinctions between men and women."