Chapter 9

Sweet? Very sweet?

Xiao He blinked and flushed from embarrassment. What should he do? He felt like the elven king was taking liberties with him! But...he was a man, and Ayr was a man as well, so his tastes shouldn't be so... Wait, there weren't any women in this world.

Was this so-called dance partner really not a euphemism for hooking up?!

Xiao He, who realized this all of a sudden, felt this was so exciting it was a little hard for him to breathe!

Such a great beauty was hooking up with him. Xiao He really wanted to shout towards the sky, springtime has come for virgin men…

Uh...this didn't seem completely right. No matter how beautiful, he was still a man. How could the two of them hook up?

He didn't even know how to do that with a woman, and now he'd suddenly advanced to being with a man. Wasn't this leap a little big?

Alright, it wasn't just big, it was practically far enough to cross the universe, fucking hell!

Xiao He calmed down, calmed down, and then calmed down some more, and finally regained his equilibrium.

He had to gracefully decline. He knew what batting for the other team meant, but if you wanted him to get on home base and start batting all of a sudden, he really couldn't accept it.

It was a pity he didn't really have a chance to say that.

Because Ayr had already taken the lead and changed the subject. "When you went to Starmist Castle, was it because you wanted to attend the Brilliance Ball?"

He cut off the words on the tip of Xiao He's tongue. He could only nod and say, "That's right."

"Is it your first time attending?"

Xiao He continued nodding obediently. "First time."

Ayr smiled and changed to a different line of questioning. "Which do you like best out of the four seasons?"

Xiao He stared at him blankly and couldn't quite react, but shortly after, he thought of springtime in his hometown, rarely seen but lovely as an oil painting. He replied without the slightest hesitation, "Spring."

The smile in Ayr's eyes deepened. Xiao He met his gaze, and felt like his eyes were mistier and gentler than the spring rain he loved. He fell into them with a glance, and was almost lost within.

Xiao He spent the journey happily.

He had been ill at ease at first, and then he was still a little nervous, but after he started chatting with Ayr he soon relaxed.

It was Ayr who started the conversation, but afterwards, it was Xiao He who was talking endlessly.

The short trip ended, but Xiao He still wanted to continue.

Ayr was pretty great. He had a beautiful face, a beautiful voice and a beautiful personality too. What's more, he was learned on many subjects, had a unique view on them, and was very considerate.

Xiao He had stayed at home for half his life, and he'd never met someone so great before. After a single round of conversation, he truly took Ayr as a friend.

He was dazzled before when he went to Starmist Castle, but when he arrived at Ayr's palace, Xiao He was unusually serene.

That wasn't to say that this palace was ordinary. In fact, it was absolutely the pride of the elves, a marvel of architecture, so spectacular anyone would stare and stop to linger.

But Xiao He didn't have the mind to appreciate it. It was because of the man next to him, who'd already attracted all the glory to himself, making it hard for Xiao He to care about his surroundings.

Ayr accompanied him the whole way, considerately taking him to a room on the top floor. He then softly spoke a little longer, and finally told him, "I still have something to take care of, you should rest first."

Xiao He nodded his head repeatedly. "No problem. There's no need to worry, I'll take good care of myself!"

He wasn't afraid of him now, and felt a little embarrassed instead. It seemed he'd delayed him for a long time.

Ayr smiled slightly. His eyes looked like they were filled with morning dew. "Wait for me to come back."

Xiao He's heart leaped because of his voice, but he soon replied, "Alright."

Ayr left. It took a long time for Xiao He to calm down again. After he wasn't keyed up anymore, he was in the mood to look around.

Starmist Castle had a blue color scheme, while Ayr's palace had a color scheme of divine silver and white. It was dazzling silver and pure white, and it wasn't plain at all.

This bedroom was very spacious, and it was decorated in baroque style. Even with the simplest color scheme of only two colors, silver and white, it was the apex of nobility and magnificence.

Xiao He didn't understand much interior design. He just knew that whoever designed this place had good taste. It was much more elegant than all the places he'd seen before, just like its owner.

When he thought of Ayr, Xiao He's mood improved.

Anyone would admire someone who had a beautiful face and a beautiful nature.

His mood improved, and he felt a bit livelier than before. After looking around, he was drawn to the soft cloud-like bed. He fluttered his wings and flew up, then swooped down and dove into it.

After that...he felt incredible.

So soft, so soft, so smooth, so comfortable!

If he could truly experience how clouds felt to the touch, it definitely had to feel like this!

Xiao He was so delighted that he rolled around and around the bed, and after he'd rolled over most of it, he rested his chin in his hands, holding up his head of soft black hair and thinking deeply.

It was really amazing here, it was practically like a dream!

Wait...Xiao He woke up with a start, and his heart felt cold.

Fuck, this really was a dream!

How could he be stupid enough to forget such an important thing?

What did he come here to do? He came to cure an illness! Don't forget the basics because a beauty enchanted you, Xiao He!

Fortunately he still had time, he had to hurry and figure out what move to make…

It was just that his brain hadn't come up with a feasible plan yet when the door opened, and an unusually pretty fragile-winged elf walked in.

Xiao He's immunity towards beauty had now increased a great deal, but faced with the elf in front of him, he couldn't resist taking a few more glances. He was different from Lance's handsomeness, and different from Ayr's untouchability. He was lovably beautiful, delicately beautiful, beautiful as a girl…

Once he thought of girls, Xiao He got a little embarrassed. He coughed twice...he hadn't had a girlfriend yet!

Man, what was he thinking? There weren't any real women here!

With just this sentence, Xiao He returned to reality.

"Young Master Xiao He, please go take a bath first."

Another bath... Alright, Xiao He thought, it was getting late, and it seemed he could indeed wash up and go to sleep.

So he happily followed the lovely elf out of the room.

This time it wasn't a magic bath, but a real, huge, super-gorgeous bathroom.

Xiao He wrapped himself in a towel and entered, swallowing in amazement.

It was very roomy here, and there were silver curtains fluttering. Above, the roof was transparent to the sky, and below, the floor was bright white jade. The source of water in here was like the sacred water in fairytales, that only fairies could use.

It was as crystal clear as moonlight, as brightly colored as a rainbow, and had the luster of a dream, making the entire space seem unreal.

What Xiao He found even more astonishing was that he was the only one here. He could use such a splendid bathroom as he pleased.

He coughed twice. Why did he get the feeling that he was a rough man about to sully this flower-like girl?

Forget it, Xiao He soothed himself, in any case it was a dream, so he should take advantage of dreaming to have a good time!

He quickly got into the water, and soon discovered a new, strange aspect.

The water was mild and gentle. He stepped in, and its luster rippled. As if it had vitality, it changed into the likeness of a rainbow.

How exquisite!

Xiao He gasped in sincere admiration. At that moment, his playfulness arose. He reached out and touched it again, and the water rippled and formed new patterns.

There were some he could recognize, and others he had never seen before. But no matter what kind they were, they were all made unusually gorgeous by the water's dream-like luster.

Xiao He started doggy paddling in the water. His swimming style was mediocre, but he was no landlubber either!

How could he have a good time in such a wonderful place without swimming a bit?

Just as he was starting to have fun, Xiao He suddenly felt a burning gaze on him.

There was someone here?!

He turned around in a rush, but almost slipped and fell down.

But immediately after, a fair arm held him up by the waist. Ayr looked at him, his azure eyes filled with endless radiance. "Careful, don't slip."