Chapter 22

Xiao He experienced death again.

But wasn't actually real.

The pain was one hundred percent realistic, but at the last moment, he woke up again.

And after he woke, it all disappeared.

Xiao He opened his eyes. At the moment, his feelings were a little confused, but his head soon cleared again.

Qin Su's voice sounded by his ear. "Your emotions fluctuated greatly, can you tell me what happened?"

"I died." Xiao He turned his head and looked at the person beside him., Fan Shen, was sleeping there safe and sound.

Xiao He let out a sigh of relief, and he calmed down.

"I killed Lance, but Lance killed me in return. My task...did I fail it?"

Qin Su knit his brows slightly, but he soon said, "You succeeded."

"What?" Xiao He bounced up abruptly. He overexerted himself and felt a strong burst of dizziness, almost falling back down.

Qin Su held him up, looked at him and said steadily, "You successfully cured one of his personalities."

Xiao He still couldn't understand. "That's not possible. I killed Lance, but I died as well. I saw Ayr, he...he…"

"He was in despair?" Qin Su looked at him without blinking.

Xiao He only remembered it slightly, and his heart filled with bitterness. "Yes. I didn't expect him to be there, I didn't think that he'd see it, I…"

The chaotic thoughts in his mind suddenly came together. Xiao He stopped speaking, and he couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

"Why would Ayr be there? He already knew about it, didn't he? He followed me there? He thought I joined Lance in betraying him?"

Outsiders see a situation more clearly.

When he was in the middle of the situation, Xiao He didn't notice the slightest difference, but once he left it, he immediately saw things clearly.

Qin Su nodded. "You couldn't have kept it from him."

Xiao He's pupils slowly focused, and he looked at Qin Su, his eyes heavy. "You predicted this long ago."

"Yes." Qin Su looked down slightly, and explained in a low voice, "Lance couldn't have concealed his plan from him. You're too important to him, so Ayr definitely paid close attention to everything you did. So the first time you contacted Lance, he probably knew."

Xiao He's voice went cold. "But back then, you recommended that I hide it from him, and suggested that I go to kill Lance alone, when that was the wrong thing to do."

If Ayr had long since known about it, then what exactly was he hiding? And for what purpose?

What's more...Xiao He suddenly thought of his conversation with Lance. If Ayr had heard all of it, then what would he have thought? What would he have believed? How much despair would he have felt?

Xiao He was a good-tempered man, but at this moment, he was angry. "Qin Su, you…"

"I'm sorry." The impeccably dressed man bowed his head and said apologetically, "For the sake of completing the mission, I deceived you, but I had no other choice. You're very important to him, but you're fated to be unable to stay with him in his mental world for all your life. So...we had to shatter this dream."

"And we're powerless. He's the only one who can wake himself up."

"He fell in love with you, and you gave your life for him. This type of hurt is unforgettable, but it isn't true despair."

Xiao He stared blankly at him, and a long while after, his lips quirked self-deprecatingly. "Is it because I liked him too?"

He died, but he hadn't betrayed him, so Ayr wouldn't really sink into hopelessness.

But...he died, and just when Ayr had obtained him, he lost him again. This type of heavy blow was enough to make him…

Qin Su had said it very clearly, and Xiao He understood.

It's only that he still felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

He cured him? Could this really be called a cure?

Qin Su comforted him softly. "Mr. Xiao, no matter what sickness it is, one always has to suffer a little before making a complete recovery. This is the process, but fortunately it's heading in the right direction."

Xiao He waved a hand, not wanting to listen to him talk on. "I want to rest for a bit."

"Come on, I'll bring you to a room."

Xiao He didn't leave. "I'll do it here, okay?"

Qin Su was a little startled, but he didn't refuse. "Alright, I'll be next door. If you need anything, you can push the call button."

"Okay," Xiao He replied.

Qin Su left, and as if he'd completely lost his strength, Xiao He collapsed into bed.

He looked the man in front of him up and down, going over his features little by little, imagining how he would look when he opened his eyes.

He and Ayr had spent only two months together, but he'd already carved those memories into his heart.

Xiao He couldn't say what this feeling in his heart was. He just wanted to look at him, to touch him, and afterwards he could feel at ease.

Fortunately, you'll forget everything.

Fortunately, you'll wake up.

For the first time, Xiao He was endlessly thankful for this.

Maybe because he was too tired, Xiao He leaned against him, and slowly fell asleep.

In his dream, he seemed to return to that unreal country, with magnificent palaces, proud elves, and that silver-haired man who was more dazzling than the sun and moon.

Xiao He's heart was full of joy, and he couldn't wait to get close to him.

But just when he was about to touch him, the scene suddenly changed.

A black hole seemed to swallow the light, a gale engulfed the palace, and the picture-perfect world instantly sank into a dismal hell.

Xiao He's eyes were full of alarm, and then he saw the endless blood.

Scarlet and stinking, it hid the sky and covered the earth.

A strong sense of suffocation attacked him, and he seemed to return to that moment.

His heart was gone, and he was about to die.

He looked up and saw Ayr.

His silver hair drifted in the wind, brilliantly red, and drops of scarlet had landed on his gorgeous clothes as well.

He was like wintersweet in the snow, indifferent, seductive, and untouchable.

He embraced him, his expression gentle, and his tone light and unhurried. "Xiao He, I'll bring you home."

Xiao He looked at him, and suddenly lost all consciousness, floating into oblivion.

He saw them.

The silver-haired elf walked through the bloodbath, gently carrying a young elf who'd already stopped breathing.

Silver and black hair tangled together, fine strands entwining. They shouldn't have been able to meld together, but at this moment, it was hard to tell them apart.

Ayr's eyes were empty without a trace of luster, but the most beautiful of smiles bloomed on his lips. He kissed Xiao He's forehead, and put that delicate heart back in. He said gently in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Xiao He's heart abruptly trembled, and he was almost engulfed by the overwhelming pain.

He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he couldn't make a sound.

Dragging his long robe, the silver-haired elf walked slowly forward, holding the boy he saw as a treasure.

And where he walked, the sky was scarlet, and all was desolation. The whole world was like a collapsing castle, quickly and irretrievably turning to dust.