Xiao He saw him, and he saw Xiao He as well.

In the sea of flowers, he stood among lavender Japanese roses, and saw the young man sitting before his sketchpad at a glance.

Soft black hair, a fair neck, and a back that, though slightly thin, was unswervingly straight. Just seeing his figure from behind made his heart pound.

When he was just about to approach him, the black-haired young man turned around.

Soft, curved eyebrows, round, bright and dewy eyes, a delicate nose and pale lips that were so beautiful it made him want to taste them.

Graceful and clean, making it so he couldn't help wanting to walk a bit closer.

And just when this thought flashed through his mind, the young man called out his name.

"Ayr…" His voice was melodious, with a sweet-sounding tone, like flowing water trickling slowly down. It was clean and clear, yet it contained countless emotions within.

It was affectionate and touching. He couldn't help but feel that the young man was seducing him.

This man was a complete stranger, and yet he could affect him so easily. Ayr had never come across this phenomenon before, but now that he had, he didn't reject it at all.

"Do you know me?" Ayr stepped forwards and walked closer to him.

When he walked closer and saw him more clearly, Ayr not only lacked the slightest desire to keep away, but the pounding of his heart also strengthened.

The black-haired young man had stayed in the garden so long that he'd absorbed the scent of flowers, light and fragrant. Combined with his pale lips, it made him unable to resist thinking of fine fruit at the height of summer, sweet and juicy. He couldn't help but want to lean down and have a taste.

Ayr wasn't someone who liked to exercise his patience. He was born with a good face, and he never had any scruples. Now that he met someone he liked, he didn't hesitate.

As his words landed, before Xiao He could come back to himself, he'd already walked closer, bent his head and lightly touched his lips.

Xiao He's heart was filled with shock, so he was absent-minded. It was only when he felt a warmth on his lips that he abruptly realized what had happened.

His eyes widened and he quickly drew back, but his visitor adeptly hooked him by the waist and turned this touch, so light it was like a dragonfly touching water, into something deeper and hotter.

Xiao He's eyes darkened, and he was just about to bite him fiercely when the other man seemed to notice his intentions, and quickly freed himself, ending this ambiguous kiss.

"Don't get angry." Ayr smiled, and his features were so exquisite the Japanese roses paled beside him. "I'm just saying hello to you."

Who'd say hello with a French kiss! Are you taking advantage of someone who's never seen the world?!

Xiao He felt irritated, but he wasn't in the mood to argue with him.

He'd come back to his senses and cleared his head, but he was more confused than before.

Who was this man?

He'd been far away just now, and Xiao He had something on his mind, and he saw him indistinctly, so he'd really thought Ayr had come.

But now that he was close and he saw him clearly, Xiao He easily found the differences between them.

First of all, the color of his hair was different. Ayr's was pure silver, while the hair before his eyes was dazzling platinum. It was close to silver, but it had a little gold in it as well.

Then there was his character and bearing.

Ayr was always steady and calm, and he was even a little excessively reserved, but the man in front of him could kiss a stranger without the slightest hesitation, and even talk glibly about it. The difference in character was too great.

But...Xiao He couldn't make up his mind.

After all, their features were similar, so similar he couldn't tell them apart.

On top of that...he was also called Ayr.

They had the same features and the same name. Could there be such a coincidence?

Especially since this was Fan Shen's mental world.

That's right...Xiao He suddenly realized the truth.

This was Fan Shen's mental world. Fan Shen was the only main personality here, but there were countless numbers of his mental fragments.

Just like Ayr and Lance.

So...was it it Fan Shen and Ayr here?

But which one was the main personality in the end?

His heart chilled, and Xiao He was suddenly afraid.

If Fan Shen wasn't the main personality, and it was the Ayr in front of him, then what would he do?

Exactly what should he do to cure him?

"What are you thinking about?" Ayr looked down at him.

Xiao He abruptly came back to himself. He gathered his thoughts, looked up at him and asked, "Can I take the liberty of asking you a question?"

Ayr looked at him. "What do you want to know? I can tell you everything."

Xiao He hesitated for a moment, then asked tactfully, "The owner here seems to be Chinese, what about you?"

Fan Shen was mixed-race, and his mother had a European face, so Xiao He asked him something like this.

Ayr didn't hide anything. "His wife is my older sister, is that enough of an explanation?"

He was actually Fan Shen's uncle? Xiao He's eyes had a flash of understanding, but worry soon followed it.

"Have you seen...Fan Shen before?"

When Xiao He asked him something like this, Ayr raised an eyebrow. "You're a friend of his?"

Xiao He nodded.

Ayr smiled and said, "I've heard he looks a lot like me. Is that true?"

Xiao He's heart settled slightly, and he said softly, "Your features have similarities, but it's easy to tell that you're two different people."

Ayr's eyes flashed, and then he said, "I haven't seen him, but we should be meeting very soon."

Xiao He's heart suddenly tensed, and he said quickly, "Can you avoid meeting him?"


Xiao He lowered his head. He couldn't tell him the reason.

He was sure that Fan Shen still didn't know that Ayr existed.

After all, his drawings had spilled all over the floor that day. Fan Shen had seen them clearly, and he believed he liked Ayr. If he knew his own uncle was called Ayr, he definitely wouldn't let him wander around the mansion.

Xiao He didn't want to let Fan Shen see Ayr.

Because he knew very well that if the two men met, something terrible would definitely happen.

The current situation was already bad enough. He really didn't want it to get any worse.

He definitely couldn't hide it forever, but at least give him a little time.

Xiao He clenched his fist and suddenly settled his mind.

He couldn't hide anymore, and he couldn't escape anymore. He had to pull himself together!

He firmly believed Little Fan was Fan Shen's main personality. He trusted his own intuition.

What's more, if they had to talk about similarities, Fan Shen and Ayr were really too alike, while this Ayr before his eyes was only similar to the real Ayr in appearance.

Xiao He took a deep breath. If Fan Shen had to have these kinds of thoughts toward him, then he'd just cater to him. In any case, it was already like this, and further resistance was useless. He should try to appease him, trust him, and use gentler methods to deal with him.

If he hadn't seen this Ayr, he might not have come to a firm resolution so quickly.

But he couldn't wait any longer. He had to set Fan Shen's mind at rest before he found out about Ayr.

If he didn't, the consequences would be unthinkable.

But...what should he say to Ayr right now?

Xiao He wrinkled his brows, but soon, Ayr spoke on his own. "I can avoid meeting him, but can you agree to a request of mine?"

Xiao He looked up, and pleasant surprise flashed through his eyes. "What?"

Ayr smiled, and his gaze was so passionate it almost burst into flames. "Keep me company…" He stretched out the final syllable a little.

Xiao He's face paled.

"For a chat." The corner of his mouth curved wickedly.

Xiao He's heart, which had risen into his throat, suddenly fell back into place. His palms were sweating slightly.

"Chat...about what?"

Ayr didn't make things too difficult for him. "Anything, but you have to let me see you every day."

Xiao He frowned, instinctively noticing the subtleties within his words.

He really wasn't a narcissistic person, but after having so many experiences with Fan Shen's personalities, he completely acknowledged what Qin Su had said.

"In this mental world, many people will be interested in you."

At first, Xiao He had thought that this interest could take many forms, such as friendship, or familial affection…but after Fan Shen started having a relationship with him, he'd lost all his illusions.

So he could read the words between the lines.

But Ayr didn't force him.

"Don't worry, an hour a day is fine. It won't be too much of a change for you. You just need to come here to paint from life like usual, and it'll be fine."

Xiao He didn't make a sound.

Ayr continued speaking softly. "If you really don't want to chat with me, it's no matter. You can draw, and I'll watch from the side. I definitely won't bother you, okay?"

Xiao He hesitated for a moment. "Why...would you do something like this?"

Ayr smiled faintly. "Why won't you let me see Fan Shen?"

Xiao He couldn't reply, so he couldn't demand an answer.

But to tell the truth, he felt a little tempted.

Fan Shen was very busy during the day, so he rarely came to the mansion in the first place, and Xiao He came to the garden to paint from life every day. If it only lasted an hour, and he didn't talk to him, then nothing should happen, right?

But if it were true that nothing would happen, then what was the purpose of Ayr's request?

Xiao He couldn't make up his mind.

But Fan Shen didn't give him any more time to hesitate. "If you don't agree, then I'll go see Fan Shen right now, okay?"

Xiao He's heart jumped. "Don't!"

Ayr looked at him with a smile.

Xiao He wrinkled his eyebrows, and finally gave his answer. "Alright, I agree."

The smile in Ayr's eyes deepened, and his delight came through in his words. "Then I'll be waiting for you."

After he parted with Ayr, Xiao He didn't stay in the garden, and returned to his room early instead.

He'd come to a firm resolution, and he wasn't as confused as before.

Actually, this didn't amount to much if he faced it calmly. Before, he'd been in constant pain over the change in Fan Shen, trapped in the pit of their father-son relationship.

He couldn't move past it, so he'd continued to suffer.

But today, because of Ayr's appearance, he forced himself to get over it.

If he no longer dwelled on the time of his childhood, and simply regarded Fan Shen as a man, then he liked him.

Since it was like this, why did he have to be all tangled up over it?

What need was there to suffer, and make Fan Shen suffer, too?

In any case, this was a mental world, and in any case, Ayr and Fan Shen were the same person.

Why did he need to persist in clinging to a blood relationship that had never existed?

He'd always keep the little Fan Shen in his memory.

Xiao He accepted the situation and moved on, and his mood eased a great deal as well.

He actually wasn't too much of a sensitive person. If it wasn't for receiving too great of an upset, he wouldn't go so far as to spend every day in a daze.

Placating Fan Shen wasn't a hard thing for Xiao He.

All he needed to do was be himself.

It had been like this when he was in the land of the elves, and it was even simpler now.

Xiao He quietly calculated that the first thing he had to do was resolve the matter that was weighing on Fan Shen's mind.

He liked him, so he couldn't let Fan Shen doubt it any longer.

And there were plenty of opportunities to shed light on his feelings.

Fan Shen was busy during the day, but he'd definitely come back at night to keep him company.

He'd keep him company in bed, but after coming round, Xiao He didn't particularly reject that anymore.

Fan Shen kissed him, and Xiao He kissed him back a little clumsily. This was already enough to make the man lying on top of him have his eyes light up like stars.

"Xiao He, who am I?" Tinged with lust, Fan Shen's voice turned low and rough.

Xiao He had never responded to him before, but this time, he opened his mouth and said lowly, "Fan Shen."

Fan Shen suddenly entered him deeply, and the stimulation was so great that Xiao He groaned.

Fan Shen bit Xiao He's earlobe all of a sudden, and tried his best to suppress the tremor in his voice. "Say it again, who am I?"

"Little Fan…" Under the constant thrusts, Xiao He felt dizzy. "Light...lighter."