Xiao He had been in a terrible mood for the last two days, so terrible it couldn't get any worse.

Ever since that day, his master never gave him any lessons, and he never even appeared before him.

Xiao He knew what he was doing. He must be keeping his wife company and giving her a tour of the mountain, being all lovey-dovey.

According to reason, he shouldn't be unhappy. After all, this behavior was only natural. His master had been separated from his wife for a while for some reason, and now she was finally back, so naturally he should spend every day with her.

But no matter how much he understood, it couldn't prevent him from being in a bad mood.

Xiao He was depressed. Luo Fei had nothing to do, so he came over to keep Xiao He company, and he brought some new toys to liven up the mood.

Xiao He was grateful for his kindness, but once he thought of how he still wasn't going to be able to see his master today, he went back to being in a terrible mood.

Luo Fei thought it over and said, "How about we go down the mountain for a walk?"

Xiao He's eyes lit up. "We can go down the mountain?"

Xiao He had lived with too much difficulty before, cultivating and carrying out missions every day. He had never gone down the mountain for a walk before… At this moment, he couldn't help getting very interested.

When Luo Fei saw that that Xiao He had gotten his energy back, he couldn't help his heart softening, and he thought back to what his second senior disciple Rui Xin had said yesterday.

"Luo Fei, have you been to the demon world before? Shall I take you to see the world?"

At the time, Luo Fei had been caught up with keeping Xiao He company, so he wasn't in the mood to go. He refused without the slightest hesitation, but now he regretted it a little.

Once they went down the mountain they would reach the mortal world, and there wasn't much that was fun to do there. If he could bring Xiao He to the demon world to play, he'd probably be a lot happier.

Before Xiao He could open his mouth, Luo Fei said, "Have you been to the demon world? My senior Rui Xin said…"

"I haven't been, I haven't been!" Xiao He got stirred up. He tugged on Luo Fei's hand and said with excitement, "Brother Luo Fei, take me there. I want to go to the demon world for a look, I heard it's very interesting there!"

Luo Fei couldn't hold him back, so he crinkled his eyes and agreed. "Okay, I'll go back and prepare a bit, and I'll take you there tomorrow."

Xiao He nodded his head continuously. His mood, which had been terrible for a few days in a row, finally improved a little.

At night, his master returned, but he still had Mistress Hong Shuang at his side.

Thinking of how he was going to go to the demon world for a day trip tomorrow, Xiao He was in a pretty good mood, so he wasn't as unfriendly as he had been for the last few days.

Hong Shuang had always treated him warmly. "Little He, I'll go down to the kitchen at night and make you something delicious to eat."

If it were before, Xiao He would've made an uninterested noise in response, but today, the smile hadn't left the depths of his eyes, and he couldn't help saying, "Okay."

Hong Shuang was a little startled at his agreeableness, but her face soon broke into a smile, though she shot a glance at Yun Qing out of the corner of her eye.

Yun Qing's expression didn't change, and he didn't show the slightest emotion, but Hong Shuang keenly observed his pure white robe trembling slightly.

Hong Shuang had a smile in her eyes. She led Xiao He into the room.

Cultivators didn't eat ordinary things, but there were different kinds of spiritual foods. Hong Shuang's skills weren't bad, and she made a few dishes that weren't only good-looking but delicious as well. Xiao He ate freely and comfortably.

It was just that Yun Qing didn't speak much tonight, but he was usually quiet, so it couldn't be called surprising.

And after Xiao He got over what was weighing on his mind, he and Hong Shuang unexpectedly got along pretty well. They talked and laughed, eating their meal very happily.

The next day, Luo Fei came to pick Xiao He up after getting out of class. Full of joy and expectations, Xiao He put on a small knapsack, ready to go out and have fun.

Ever since he had found a master, he was no longer a little kid who had nobody taking care of him. And his master was the sect leader, so wealth was a mere worldly possession, and Xiao He could spend it as he pleased.

Xiao He's purse was bulging now, and he wasn't afraid of going out to play.

It wasn't just the two of them going on this trip. They were in a party of five.

There was Luo Fei's second senior disciple Rui Xin, as well as another two senior disciples. Xiao He and Luo Fei were acquainted with all of them and they had a pretty good relationship, and they often went out to hang out together.

They were all pretty curious about Xiao He, and when they saw him, they couldn't help taking a few extra looks.

Xiao He wasn't timid, and he greeted them in an easy manner. "Senior disciples, hello. I'm Xiao He."

Rui Xin and the others were all open-hearted people, and seeing him behave so sincerely, they all liked him. So they greeted him one after the other, and they even gave him a gift since they were meeting for the first time.

After that, they went down the mountain and crossed the boundary.

The human world was developing rapidly these days, and the boundary between the two worlds grew thinner every day. The country had long since created a neutral district for intercommunication and trade.

What Rui Xin and the others called going to the demon world was really just going to this intercommunication district.

There was an agreement binding the people here, so whether they were humans or demons, they all had to interact peacefully. They weren't allowed to slaughter each other, so it was very safe.

And the humans who could come here were mostly cultivators like Rui Xin and the others. They were all personal disciples under the Grandcloud Sect. Their cultivation base wasn't low and they were quite experienced, so they weren't afraid of the usual dangers.

Xiao He followed the senior disciples, looking around everywhere, his eyes almost dazzled.

As a young boy who'd never gone down the mountain before, he didn't even understand the human world much, let alone the demon world.

He'd seen quite a few demonic beasts in the Forest of Secrets before, but demonic beasts weren't demons. Demons had intelligence and desire, so they could take on human form.

And of the demons who could take on human form, most of them were unusually good-looking, or flamboyant, or glamorous, or amorous…

In short, it was enough to make anyone watching fascinated, enchanted and intoxicated by them.

Xiao He's master was too good looking, so he was immune. He only appreciated the demons, and didn't go so far as to be bewitched.

Rui Xin and the others had all gone through great adventures, so they were perfectly composed. But they had a mind to let their little junior disciples see the world, so as they walked, their path bent a little.

"Little junior disciples, don't say we don't love you. Coming to the demon world, if we don't go to Floralscent House once, we'll have come in vain!"

Xiao He didn't understand at all, so he asked curiously, "Floralscent House? Is that place full of flower demons?"

Luo Fei, after all, was someone who'd grown up in the human world, so as soon as he heard Rui Xin's words, his heart gave a thump, and he was just about to open his mouth.

Rui Xin laughed and said, "Xiao He, you sure understand! It really is full of flower demons! It's full of pretty flower demons!"

Luo Fei couldn't watch anymore. "Second senior disciple, Little He's still young, let's not go there…"

Rui Xin didn't agree. "He's already fourteen, how is he still young? I remember that years ago, my eldest senior disciple brought me there when I was just twelve, and it was no big deal."

Luo Fei frowned. "Senior, this isn't such a good idea."

Rui Xin laughed at him. "I couldn't tell you were still an old pedant! Alright, don't worry, I was just playing with you. The flower demons at Floralscent House are too much for you to take at your current level. I'm taking you there to taste some wine. Floralscent House's flower demons are famous, but their monkey demons are even more famous. Those monkeys are all experts at brewing wine, and their Millenium Monkey Wine not only tastes wonderful but can also clear the veins and refine the body. It's a very good tonic, and drinking a little will be great for you!"

Luo Fei finally relaxed at this.

Xiao He had never come into contact with matters between men and women, but he suddenly thought of the dream he'd had, that dream where his master kissed him. He couldn't help but feel unbearably anxious, so he grew a great deal quieter.

With Rui Xin and the others leading the way, they soon entered Floralscent House.

The five men sat down, and before long, a few little monkeys hopped in, carrying jugs of fine wine.

Xiao He had never drunk wine before, so he was quite curious at the moment.

The monkeys poured wine for them. The crystal-clear wine trickled out, the rich fragrance instantly filling the entire space. The scent was wonderful beyond their imagination.

Xiao He and Luo Fei were both a little amazed.

Rui Xin smiled wickedly and said, "Take it easy, it smells wonderful, but it's got a fierce kick to it when you taste it!"

Xiao He had already picked up his cup. The scent tempted him until his mouth and tongue felt parched, so he tipped back his head and drank it.

Luo Fei said hastily, "Slow-slow down a little."

Unfortunately, it was already too late. The strong wine went down his throat, and he'd never even gone drinking before. To his surprise, Xiao He choked until he coughed continuously, and he couldn't stop.

Helpless, Luo Fei hit him on the back while saying, "That's wine, how could you just drink it like that?"

Rui Xin and the other senior disciples were already laughing themselves to pieces. "Little junior disciple, you're pretty fierce too, hahaha!"

Xiao He felt bitter but couldn't say it, as all he could do was cough.

How could it smell so nice but taste so bad! What kind of trick was this!

He'd been burned once, so after that, Xiao He refused to touch it again even if he was beaten to death. No matter how Rui Xin talked on, he absolutely wouldn't drink another sip.

Luo Fei, on the other hand, soon got used to the taste of wine. He'd drunk it before, so the more he drank the more he liked it.

The four senior disciples soon got plastered. Xiao He felt a little bored, so he couldn't resist thinking of slipping away to play.

He whispered to his seniors that he was going to relieve himself.

Rui Xin carelessly pointed the way for him and let him out.

Xiao He slipped away. He looked around and felt that this Floralscent House had a gorgeous and extravagant style. It was beautiful and fragrant no matter where he looked. It was really a different world compared to Bluephoenix Peak.

He walked around, and suddenly heard a low, unhurried, seductive voice.

Startled, Xiao He inexplicably moved closer stealthily. Once he looked, he flushed.

In a vast sea of alluring red flowers, a man and a woman twined together in the nude, moving nonstop.

That woman seemed to be enjoying it greatly, her fair legs hooked firmly around the man's waist. She called out mellowly and pleasantly, captivating the heart and soul.

Xiao He didn't dare to look any longer. He ran out in a rush, but his heart was still pounding.

It turned out men and women did something like that together…

He thought uncontrollably, but then his thoughts suddenly changed direction.

He thought of his master and his wife.

Did his master do something like that with his wife as well?


Just thinking about it, Xiao He's face paled until it was like paper, and his heart felt as if molten lead had been poured into it, so heavy he couldn't breathe.

They must have. They were husband and wife, doing that was a matter of course.

Especially since his master loved his wife so much.

But...why did he feel such a sense of loss?

His good mood disappeared without a trace at this moment. Xiao He suddenly really wanted to return, wanted to return to his master's side.

But once he thought of his master's wife, he didn't want to return at all, and he was even afraid to.

He wasn't in the mood to stroll around anymore. Xiao He returned to their private room.

Rui Xin was drinking happily with the others. When he saw Xiao He come in, he couldn't resist smiling and saying, "Little junior disciple, drink a little. Don't be afraid of the bitterness at the beginning; this thing called wine gets more appetizing the more you taste it, and the more you drink, the more you love drinking it. Once you're finished drinking, you'll forget all your unhappiness, and only bliss will be left."

The last sentence moved Xiao He. "Really?"

Rui Xin slapped himself on the chest and guaranteed it. "Of course, how could I lie to you?"

Xiao He gritted his teeth, picked up a cup of wine and diligently downed it.

He thought it would set his throat aflame, but miraculously enough, it wasn't so painful this time.

The strong wine went into his belly and instantly rushed throughout his body, making him feel like he was floating.

Luo Fei walked over and looked at him with a frown. "Don't drink so fast, I'll teach you."

Xiao He was self-taught. After downing three cups in a row, he laughed and said, "Brother Luo Fei, this wine is indeed delicious!"

He drank until he felt warm and comfortable. Drinking made him feel that all of his worries had melted into thin air, and they were completely unnecessary!

Who cared what his master was doing with his wife!

Who cared if they were being lovey-dovey!

Who cared if his master didn't want him anymore!

It didn't matter! It was fine!

After drinking a little and getting high, all his worries turned to nothing!

Xiao He crinkled his eyes, raised his cup and said boldly, "Senior! Let's drink!"

Rui Xin was fond of wine, but he was a lightweight. He'd already gotten dizzy by now. "Drink! Drink! Little junior, you're pretty great!"

There was really no need to listen to what drunkards said. In any case, once they sobered up, they forgot all of it.

It wasn't until the moon was halfway up the sky that Rui Xin and the others returned to Bluephoenix Peak.

Luo Fei had an unusually high capacity for wine, while Rui Xin and the others were so drunk they couldn't tell left from right. It was Luo Fei who sent them all home one by one.

At last, Luo Fei brought Xiao He to Bluephoenix Palace.

Xiao He saw that they'd returned to the mountain, and once he thought of his master and his wife, he sank back into a rotten mood and actually started to go drunkenly wild. "Brother Luo Fei, Brother Luo Fei, I don't want to go back, don't wanna go back! Let's go drink some more, let's drink a little, okay?"

The boy's voice was as soft as his body, and his big, dewy eyes were hazy and more bewitching than usual from the wine. Luo Fei looked at him, and he couldn't help but feel a powerful desire.

"Xiao He, I'll take you next time, okay? The night's getting late, and you should go back."

Xiao He really didn't want to go back. He simply hugged Luo Fei and mumbled, "Not going back, don't wanna go back."

Luo Fei felt a little helpless, but his arms uncontrollably encircled Xiao He's waist, pulling them a little closer together.

The night was hazy, the moon was enchanting, and the boy in his arms was so soft he seemed like a delicate feather that kept sweeping across the tip of his heart.

If this were the past, Luo Fei definitely wouldn't do this, but at the moment, he'd drunk wine as well, and he couldn't resist anymore. He bent his head slightly, almost touching Xiao He's pink lips.

But just at this moment, a chilly, indifferent voice sounded. "Give him to me."

Luo Fei abruptly came back to himself. He saw the white figure standing not far away, and when he realized who it was, he suddenly let go of Xiao He and said respectfully, "My respects, Sect Leader."

Yun Qing walked over slowly and took hold of Xiao He with great care.

"You should go back."

Luo Fei agreed and withdrew with a bow.

Xiao He hadn't realized someone different was holding him, and he was still muttering quietly, "Don't wanna go back, don't wanna go back, let's keep drinking, Brother Luo Fei…"

His soft call made Yun Qing's usually serene eyes fluctuate.

He couldn't help tightening his arms around the boy, and the scene from just now flashed through his mind.

After Xiao He went out, he'd waited for him until now. He'd waited until moonlight was shining from above before Xiao He finally came back.

But what he waited for was only the scene of the two boys standing together in an embrace, and Xiao He's words of unwillingness to return.

Everyone said that a boy's affection was as shallow as water.

It was only at this moment that he truly realized this.